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OpenStage 15 Train the Trainer Training Notes

Siemens Enterprise Communications Limited

Siemens Enterprise Communications Limited


Toll fraud and Hacking is a multi-dollar business in the USA, which has now arrived in the
Hackers use various methods to access a PABX, which may be done for many reasons, but
primarily for obtaining free calls. This inevitably results in very large telephone bills for the
hacked company.
What is Hacking?
When telephone system hacking began, it was achieved by people who used PCs to break
into the voice mail system. Hackers used mailboxes to spread Information, conduct drug
sales, post stolen credit numbers or simply to record nasty greetings for callers. Now
however hackers use telephone systems to obtain outgoing trunks, they then sell this
access to a community of people for dialling expensive international calls. If the incoming
trunks are Freephone numbers the fraudsters enjoy the benefit of completely free calls, with
the hacked company paying the bill for both ends of the call.

Why has Hacking Now Become a Problem in the UK?

Hacking has become a serious problem in the UK for the following reasons.
The sophistication of telephone systems now available to companies in the UK.
OFTEL now allows many features on PABXs such as PSTN trunk to PSTN trunk

transfer to be used.
Wide use of Maintenance modems on telephone systems.
Sophisticated Voice Mail Systems.
Widespread use of the Internet which is used for posting Hacking information.
Widespread use of modems in the UK which has resulted in cheap and user friendly
modems being available on the market.
The huge demand for free international calls as overseas nations develop their
telephone networks and business requirements.
Customers either ignoring or not being aware of the hacking problem thereby leaving
their telephone systems open to fraud.
The widespread use of the Freephone numbers 0500 and 0800.
Direct Inward System Access (DISA).
By far the greatest current problem in the UK for PABX owners is toll fraud, a
service that has millions of potential "customers".

What Can Be Done To Prevent The PABX From Being Hacked?

Hacker activity may not be completely avoidable but steps can be made to reduce the risks.
The principle aim of telephone security is to deter hackers from taking control of a
customers telephone system. Fraudsters after free calls will move on to other PABXs if it
takes too long to break into a system.

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Hackers with a personal or political grudge against a company will spend a considerable
amount of time in hacking the targeted telephone system, in order to achieve their required
objective. This may be:

To obtain free calls

Crash the Telephone System

Leave abusive messages on the Voice Mail System.

So the chief objective must be to reduce the risks that expose a telephone system to being
successfully hacked.

Risk Factors
The principle factors that attract a hacker to a telephone system are:

Freephone numbers connected to the telephone system

Modem Access to the Telephone System
Voice Mail Systems
Systems with a large amount of trunks/DDI trunks
Direct Inward System Access (DISA)

Once the hacker as ascertained that the targeted telephone system has one or more of the
features listed above and there are inadequate counter security measures on the telephone
system it will be seized by the hacker. Once seized the systems are reconfigured for
fraudulent use. Systems are often not used immediately as the fraudster has to inform their
"Customers" of the "toll free access number".

Hacking Counter Measures

The primary method of preventing fraudulent access to the telephone system is for the
customer to educate their staff with regard to telephone security.
Implementing all, or at least some, of the following simple steps can reduce the susceptibility
of a system to being hacked.
Customer Level Measures

Use random numbers for PINs, which should utilise the maximum number of permissible
Ensure system passwords and codes are not left as default, particularly system
administration passwords.
Cancel passwords and security codes of departing employees.
Change passwords and security codes as often as possible.
Do not divulge passwords/codes over the phone.

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Trunk Access
Educate everyone about not connecting anyone they do not know to an outgoing trunk.
Ensure effective call barring has been carried out barring the following numbers may
reduce the possibility of the system being used for fraudulent calls.
Note: No call barring plan should be limited to the codes listed below.

(CIS- former USSR)

(International Operator)

The customer should consider call allow rather than call bar on their system. They

should also bar access to countries that they do not require telephone access to.
Do not allow Voice Mail Systems to have trunk access.

System Information
Guard information on the Telephone system:

Network service providers authorisation codes should be kept in a secure location.

Do not write authorisation codes in notebooks.
Keep all System Manuals in a secure location and do not write information that may be
useful to hackers in these manuals. Cabinets used to store system manuals must be
kept locked.
Customers and engineers should dispose of sensitive information securely and not leave
information useful to hackers in waste bins.

Equipment Room Access

Access to the telephone system should be restricted as much as possible. Customers should
ask for identification before allowing access to the telephone system. Engineers should
record all site visit details in the site logbook.

Monitoring The Telephone System

Fraudulent calls and Hacking attempts can be detected if the Call logging Information is
reviewed on a daily basis. Immediate correct action should be taken and the Network
Service Provider should be informed as soon as possible.

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Engineering Level Measures

Engineers must be security conscious at all times when dealing with a customer's PABX.
Change the default passwords/Passcodes to new codes when an installation is

completed, particularly the engineering Passcodes.

Destroy any customer code that has been written down before leaving site.
Configure systems in accordance with the equipment security guidance information.
DO NOT enable features on the telephone system that allows Dial Through

. Unless the customer requests this feature.

Disable any feature on the system which allows or facilitates Dial Through

applications, unless specifically requested otherwise by the customer.

Advise and configure any PIN digits used by the customer to be the maximum number

of permitted digits. These PIN numbers must not include the customers STD number
or be related to extension numbers.
Hackers are adept at finding the numbers of maintenance modems. If a maintenance

modem is used, the allocated extension number should be different for each site.
Maintenance modems should ideally be configured as dial back modems so that they

ring back to the service centre. Under no circumstances should the customer be told
the passcode for the maintenance modem.
Keep all documentation up to date, accurate and secure. If a telephone system has

been successfully hacked and the perpetrator is found and prosecuted, documents
such as site visit log books and configuration manual may be required as evidence in
DO NOT leave the customer with spare configured Mail box numbers and only

configure the minimum amount of spare extension numbers. Ideally there should be
no spare extension numbers.
Educate the customer to ask for security pass from engineers requesting access to the

switch room. Make sure that the customer is aware of who should be allowed entry to
the equipment room and what their security passes would look like.
The combined effect of carrying out these countermeasures will reduce the likelihood
of a telephone system being hacked.

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Table of Contents

TELEPHONE SYSTEMS SECURITY GUIDANCE NOTES........................................ 1

Table of Contents...................................................................................................... 5

The OpenStage 15............................................................................................ 7


The Audio Keys............................................................................................... 8


Mailbox and Menu Keys .................................................................................. 8


Navigation Keys .............................................................................................. 8

1.4 Key Module......................................................................................................... 9


Making Calls Basic Functions.................................................................... 10


Making a Call Off-Hook ................................................................................. 10


Making a Call On-Hook ................................................................................. 10


Answering Calls ............................................................................................. 11


Answering a Call with the Handset................................................................ 11


Answering a Call with the Speaker................................................................ 11


Ending the Call .............................................................................................. 11


Rejecting a Call ............................................................................................. 12


Deflecting a Call ............................................................................................ 12


Holding a Call ................................................................................................. 13

Hold Ringback Timer..................................................................................... 13
Transferring Calls ........................................................................................... 14


Transfer a Call Unannounced ....................................................................... 14


Transfer a Call Announced ........................................................................... 14


Transfer a Call Announced No Answer ...................................................... 14


Aborting a Consultation Call.......................................................................... 14


Call Alternating (Toggle)................................................................................ 15

Cancelling Call Alternating ............................................................................ 15


Conference...................................................................................................... 16


Call Waiting (second call).............................................................................. 17


Accepting 2nd call .......................................................................................... 17


Rejecting 2nd Call........................................................................................... 17


Callback .......................................................................................................... 18
Placing a Callback request............................................................................ 18
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Reacting on a Callback ................................................................................. 18




Accepting a Callback............................................................................... 18


Rejecting a Callback................................................................................ 18


Deflecting a Callback .............................................................................. 18

Call Lists ......................................................................................................... 19


View missed Calls ...................................................................................... 19


Return a Missed Call.................................................................................. 19


Call Forwarding .............................................................................................. 20


Programming Call Forward destinations .................................................... 20


Allocating a Destination Number to a Call Forward Type............................ 21


Define Duration for No Reply Forwarding............................................... 21


Activate All Call Forwarding...................................................................... 21


Deactivate call forward ............................................................................... 22


Programming Function Keys ........................................................................ 23

12.1 Programming a Speed Dial Key ..................................................................... 23


Handset configuration ................................................................................... 24


Language Settings...................................................................................... 24


Display contrast.......................................................................................... 24


Date and time............................................................................................. 24


Daylight saving time ................................................................................... 25


Setting the daylight saving or standard time .............................................. 25


Time display format.................................................................................... 25


Date display format .................................................................................... 25


Audio Settings ............................................................................................... 26


Handset volume ......................................................................................... 26


Ringer melody ............................................................................................ 26

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1. The OpenStage 15

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1.1 The Audio Keys

1.2 Mailbox and Menu Keys

1.3 Navigation Keys

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1.4 Key Module

The key module provides an additional 18 individual programmable keys. Together with the
Shift function, it is possible to use 34 extra keys for speed dials or feature keys
This Key module requires a separate power supply unit.

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2. Making Calls Basic Functions

You are able to make calls either off-hook or on-hook using the Speaker Key.

2.1 Making a Call Off-Hook

Lift handset,
enter number (remembering any access code eg. 9 for an outside line)


Lift Handset
on last number Redial



2.2 Making a Call On-Hook

Press the Speaker Key

Enter the number to dial on the keypad

Lift handset
on last number Redial


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3. Answering Calls
When you receive a call to your handset you will be able to distinguish if the call is an
External call or an Internal call by the ring tone.
An External call will give a double ring tone at your handset; an Internal call will give a single
ring tone at your handset.
Callers information will also appear on the graphics display.

3.1 Answering a Call with the Handset

Lift handset.
Raise or lower the volume if necessary
Replace the handset to end the call

3.2 Answering a Call with the Speaker

Press the Speaker Key

Speaker mode is now active.
Raise or lower the volume if necessary

appears on the screen

to confirm
The speaker mode is now active. Raise or lower the volume if necessary


3.3 Ending the Call

Press speaker key



to select

from Menu

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3.4 Rejecting a Call

An incoming call can be refused, from within the pop-up menu:


to move through menu

and confirm with the
The caller hears the busy tone.
If the callers number is identified, it will be stored in the Missed Calls list so that they
can be called back at a later date.

3.5 Deflecting a Call

An incoming call can be deflected to an alternative destination providing Call Deflection is
activated within the menu:


and confirm with the
If the deflect destination number is programmed the call will be deflected

If a destination telephone number has not been programmed, you will be asked in a
pop-up menu to enter a destination telephone number;
Enter destination number and confirm with
The call will be deflected to this number.

to move through menu


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4. Holding a Call
You can place a current call on hold providing the Hold function has been activated.

Whilst on a call use

Confirm with

to select

To reconnect press


from menu.

4.1 Hold Ringback Timer

This function can be activated to remind you that a call is still being held. You can set the
reminder period between 3 to 15 minutes.

Press the
to User and Select
Arrow down
If necessary enter password and
Select Configuration and
Select Connected calls and
Select Hold Rem. Delay and
Enter a value between 3 and 15 and
Select Save & Exit and

NB: Hold cannot be used with a consultation hold or after a second call has been answered.

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5. Transferring Calls
You are able to transfer calls Announced and Un-Announced providing the options Call
Transfer and Hangup while Ringing are allowed. If you transfer a call Un-Announced
to an extension and the call is not answered it will return back to the originating telephone
after a pre-set time. If the extension has a Forward set, the call will follow the forwarding.

5.1 Transfer a Call Unannounced

Whilst active on a call;
Arrow down
to Blind Transfer in the menu and confirm with
Key in the required number
Confirm with
Replace the handset
(after transferring the call successfully, the display returns to the idle mode)

5.2 Transfer a Call Announced

Whilst active on a call;

Confirm with
on Consult (Caller is now on hold)
Key in the required number, confirm with
On answering, announce the call and if the 2nd party accepts the call,
Replace handset down

Arrow down

to Complete Transfer in the menu and confirm with


If the 2 party does not accept the call, select Disc & Return in menu and confirm.
You are reconnected with the 1st party.

5.3 Transfer a Call Announced No Answer

Disconnect & return is displayed in menu
Confirm with
You are reconnected with the 1st party.

5.4 Aborting a Consultation Call

Disconnect & return is displayed in menu
Confirm with
The consultation call will be terminated and connection to the 1st party will be re-established.
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6. Call Alternating (Toggle)

The call alternating feature enables the user to toggle between two calls (internal/external or
Network calls) when conducting a Consultation call.
The above calls can be either made or received by the user.

With one call established, Confirm with

on Consult in menu
Establish second call
on Alternate in menu.
Confirm with
Use repeatedly to switch between the two parties.
To connect the two calls together, select Complete Transfer in menu and confirm
or replace handset.

6.1 Cancelling Call Alternating

Whilst connected to the party you wish to disconnect from,
Arrow down
to Disc & Return in menu and confirm with
(You are reconnected with the remaining party)

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7. Conference
A three party conference can be established as a local conference. Whilst conducting a
consultation call:
Arrow down

to Conference and confirm with

You are connected to both parties.

To disconnect one party:

Arrow down
to the connection that you wish to disconnect
on Disconnect

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8. Call Waiting (second call)

You can accept a second incoming call whilst already using the telephone. The caller hears
the ringing tone whilst you hear a call waiting signal. This call can be ignored or accepted.

8.1 Accepting 2nd call

In the display

Select Accept by pressing

You are immediately connected to the 2nd party and the 1st party is on hold
Select Disconnect & Return to disconnect the 2nd party and return to 1st caller

Select Alternate to go between the two calls


8.2 Rejecting 2nd Call

In the display menu, Arrow down and choose from the following options:


The caller number is added to the missed call list.

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9. Callback
A callback request can be set if the required party is busy or does not reply.

9.1 Placing a Callback request

Dial the number required.

If the other party is busy or does not reply.
The screen will show Callback. Select and confirm with
When the required number becomes free (on busy) or the extension is next used (on
no reply) your phone will ring to advise you.

NB: The Callback feature has to be activated by the administrator.

9.2 Reacting on a Callback

When the required number becomes free (on busy) or the extension is next used (on no
reply) your telephone will ring and the display will show the caller information along with the
Callback icon.
The pop-up menu opens:

9.2.1 Accepting a Callback

is displayed in the screen confirm to accept the

call by pressing

9.2.2 Rejecting a Callback

Arrow down to
and confirm with
The Callback request will be deleted and the caller hears a busy tone. The telephone
number and further information of the caller are saved in the Call List for Missed

9.2.3 Deflecting a Callback

Arrow down to
and confirm with
Enter the number you wish to deflect the callback to and confirm.

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10. Call Lists

Calls received while you are absent are indicated by a message on the idle display. The
key will also be lit.
The Call Lists logs all dialled, received, missed and forwarded calls in chronological order.
Any calls not showing CLI will be logged as UnKnown
Each lists holds up to 30 entries. Multiple calls from the same number are only listed once.

10.1 View missed Calls


Press the

Arrow down and select

Arrow down to view any missed calls.

10.2 Return a Missed Call

Select the required entry from the missed call list

Arrow down and Select


The number is now being

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11. Call Forwarding

This feature enables a user to forward their calls to another destination if unavailable.
There are four types of Call Forwarding which can be programmed in the Forward menu;
All Calls
On no reply
On busy
Locked Phone
Due to its immediate effect, the All Calls type of forwarding has a higher priority than the no
reply or busy types.
If Forwarding All Calls is activated, the forwarding icon
your telephone is in the idle mode)

is shown on the display (when

Any forwarded calls will be listed in the Forwarded tab of the Call Log

11.1 Programming Call Forward destinations

You can store up to five destination telephone numbers for Call Forwarding. These
destinations can be allocated to the several forwarding settings.

Select User from Menu and confirm.
Enter password if prompted
Arrow down to Configuration and confirm with
Arrow down to Incoming Calls and confirm with
Arrow down to Forwarding and confirm with
Select Settings
Arrow down to Destination and confirm with
Arrow down to Edit Favourites and confirm with
Arrow down to Destination 1 and confirm with
Enter the telephone number and confirm with
Arrow down to Save & Exit and select

NB: You can also save the Destination via any of the Destination Number options for each
particular Call Forwarding mode.

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11.2 Allocating a Destination Number to a Call Forward Type

Select User from Menu and confirm.
Arrow down to Configuration and confirm with
Arrow down to Incoming Calls and confirm with
Arrow down to Forwarding and confirm with
Select Settings
Arrow down to Destination for desired Call Forwarding type and confirm with
Select required Destination Number from list
Arrow down to Save & Exit and select

11.3 Define Duration for No Reply Forwarding

You can define how often the telephone rings before the No Reply forwarding is activated.

Select User from Menu and confirm with
Arrow down to Configuration and confirm with
Arrow down to Incoming Calls and confirm with
Arrow down to Forwarding and confirm with
Select Settings
Arrow down to Duration and confirm with
Enter the amount of seconds required and confirm with
Arrow down to Save & Exit and select

11.4 Activate All Call Forwarding

To activate the All calls forwarding function you can have a pre-programmed key allocated
to your phones key layout.
Alternatively you go activate through the
Menu Key, providing a forwarding destination
has been programmed for any of the different types of forwardings.

Select User from Menu and confirm.
Enter password if prompted
Arrow down to Configuration and confirm with
Arrow down to Incoming Calls and confirm with
Arrow down to Forwarding and confirm with
Select Settings
Arrow down to Forwarding Type and confirm with
Toggle to ON using the arrow keys and confirm with
Arrow down to Save & Exit and select

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11.5 Deactivate call forward

Select User from Menu and confirm.
Enter password if prompted
Arrow down to Configuration and confirm with
Arrow down to Incoming Calls and confirm with
Arrow down to Forwarding and confirm with
Select Settings
Arrow down to Forwarding Type and confirm with
Toggle to OFF using the arrow keys and confirm with
Arrow down to Save & Exit and select

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12. Programming Function Keys

Press and hold the programmable key you want to program until the input field opens.
The key illuminates continuously.

and press
on Normal to program the first level
Arrow down
Or Shifted to program the second level
Arrow down
and press
on Selected Dialling (or any other type of function
required) from the list
on Save & Exit twice

12.1 Programming a Speed Dial Key

Press and hold the programmable key you want to program until the input field opens.
The key illuminates continuously.

Arrow down
& press
on Settings under Normal or Shifted
Arrow down
to Mode & press
until it changes to numerical
Enter the required destination number and select
Arrow down and select Save & Exit twice

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13. Handset configuration

13.1 Language Settings

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Locality? and confirm
Arrow down to Language? and confirm
Arrow down to Language required and confirm
Arrow down to Save and Exit and select OK twice

13.2 Display contrast

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Phone and confirm
Select Display and confirm
Arrow down to Contrast and confirm
Set the contrast with
and confirm
Arrow down to Save and Exit and select twice

13.3 Date and time

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Date and time and confirm
Select Time or Date and confirm
Enter and confirm the time or date
Select Save and Exit twice

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13.4 Daylight saving time

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Date and time and confirm
Arrow down to Daylight saving and confirm
Select Yes and confirm
Select Save and Exit twice

13.5 Setting the daylight saving or standard time

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Date and time and confirm
Arrow down to Difference (mins) and confirm
Enter the difference in minutes and confirm
Select Save and Exit twice

13.6 Time display format

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Locality and confirm
Arrow down to Time format and confirm
Select 24 hour and confirm
Arrow down to Save and Exit and select twice

13.7 Date display format

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Locality and confirm
Arrow down to Date format and confirm
Select dd/mm/yy and confirm
Arrow down to Save and Exit and select twice
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14. Audio Settings

14.1 Handset volume

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Audio and confirm
Arrow down to Volumes and confirm
Arrow down to Handset and confirm
to set volume and confirm
Select Save and Exit twice

14.2 Ringer melody

Press the
Select User and confirm
Enter password and confirm if necessary
Arrow down to Audio and confirm
Arrow down to Settings and confirm
Arrow down to Ringer melody and confirm
Choose option required 1 8 and confirm
Select Save and Exit twice

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Please make use of this page for any Notes you may have

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All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is the property of Siemens Enterprise
Communications Limited and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No
part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written
permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction and use
extend to all media in which the information may be embodied.
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