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"'Almighty God' Is a Mistranslation"




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"Almighty God" Is a
The Genesis creation story was added to the Bible by
heretics who wrote the Priestly text. But if this is true, then
why did God allow lies and falsehood to creep into his Bible?
If one assumes that the God of the Bible is all powerful and
all wise, then how could God allow the Bible to become
polluted? The question is flawed because the assumption is
flawed. God is not all powerful.
Certainly the God of Genesis 1 is all powerful, for this
God created everything, and had the power to ensure that
everything was good. But that God is the God of the Priestly
The God of the earlier parts of the Hebrew Bible is
different. Below are quotes from the earlier, more authentic
parts of the Bible, such as the Yahwist and Elohist sources,
Judges, and Samuel:
Yahweh was with Judah; and he possessed the
mountains, but he was not capable of driving out the
inhabitants of the valley, because they had iron
After God tested Abraham, God said, "Now I know that
you fear God."[2] (Beforehand, God was not sure if he
When God saw he could not beat Jacob in a wrestling
match, God said, "You have struggled with God and
man and have prevailed."[3]

Yahweh regretted making humans on the earth.[4]

least not yet

(God said) I greatly regret that I have set Saul up as


Above: The Primordial Bull-God El, the

Father of the gods in ancient pre-Jewish
Hebrew religion. He is "God the Father" in

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Moses convinced God not to destroy Israel in the desert, and

afterward Amos again convinced God not to destroy Israel.
[6] Hence, God can be swayed by human arguments.
Indeed, the entire corpus of archaic Hebrew literature is
entirely incompatible with any notion that God controls
everything, knows everything, or is impermeable. This
cannot be explained away with theological constructs,
hermeneutics, or exegesis, for the earliest sources of the Bible

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"'Almighty God' Is a Mistranslation"

are clear and consistent on this point.

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Likewise, the earliest gospel, Mark, takes for granted that

Jesus Christ is not all powerful, as is clear from the quotes
Jesus could not do a mighty work there, except for
laying his hands on a few sick people and healing them.

Ancient Christians believed the progenitor of

this universe was an imperfect god who
messed it all up. Their stories are
metaphorically similar to the scientific
understanding of the Big Bang.

Therefore, the God of the Bible is not Almighty God. Rather,

God is a space alien with limited powers.
But what about the places in the Bible where God is called
the Almighty? The phrase "Almighty God" appears often
in the English Bibles. Based on this, the monotheists assert
that the God of the Bible is all powerful. However, this is
wrong because it fails to understand the meaning of the
Hebrew word El Shaddai, which is erroneously translated
"Almighty God" in the English Bibles. El is Hebrew for
God; however, shaddai does not mean "Almighty." Rather,
it means "wilderness," since the Akkadian shadu and
Hebrew sadeh are cognates that mean wilderness.[8]
Akkadian was the eastern branch of the Semitic lingual
group, and thus closely related to the Hebrew language. The
Hebrew words sadeh and saddai both appear dozens of times
in the Bible and they both mean "wilderness," that is, the
desert. We can see that saddai is related to shaddai in the
Biblical book of Judges, because the Hebrews of the northern
hill country could not pronounce the "sh" sound,[9] and so
this means that saddai is a homonym of shaddai.
Furthermore, this makes sense of Moses' statement to
Pharaoh, "Let us go celebrate a festival in the wilderness for
our God Yahweh,"[10] and of many other Biblical passages
that link the God of Israel to the wilderness.[11]
Thus, El Shaddai means "God of the Wilderness," not
"Almighty God." The God of Israel is not Almighty God.
Rather, he is a god of the dry desert wilderness.
Click here to read more about how the ancient scriptures
prove that the God of the Prophets was not all powerful.

The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by

many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty
Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the
universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity.
The angels caused evolution to occur from species to
species. There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the
Christian God is just one among them. Satan the Devil
writes scripture, and thus the Bible was polluted with
Genesis 1. Archaeology and modern scholarship
demonstrate that Genesis is indeed corrupted.
Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric


"'Almighty God' Is a Mistranslation"

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prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal

the dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the
ancient Christian writings.
Sciencevindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often
happens too fast for Darwins theory. Gaps in the fossil
record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts
together with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals that
intelligent life probably evolved long before us. The fossil
record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and
transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse
lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species. Evidently,
aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the
worlds religions.
This is not fiction. All these facts are thoroughly documented
in the links above.

[1] Judges 1:19

[2] Genesis 22:12
[3] Genesis 32:24-30
[4] Genesis 6:6
[5] 1st Samuel 15:11
[6] Exodus 32:14, Amos 7:1-6
[7] Mark 6:5
[8] Heiser, Michael S. Email communication, Jan 2005
[9] Judges 12:6
[10] Exodus 5:1, 7:16
[11] Judges 5:4-5, Deuteronomy 33:2, Psalm 68:17, Habakkuk 3:3


"'Almighty God' Is a Mistranslation"

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