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"Chalicotheres, a Horse Gorilla Mixture?





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Chalicotheres: A
Horse-Gorilla Mixture?
The chalicotheres were horse-like creatures (i.e. perissodactyls); however, unlike horses, they walked on their
knuckles as gorillas do. Also, unlike horses, but like apes,
the front limbs of the chalicotheres were significantly longer
than their hind limbs. Interestingly, they started walking on
their knuckles about the same time that the first apes appear
in the fossil record. Yet chalicotheres and apes were
apparently not related, because their recognized ancestors,
the first perissodactyls and primates, arrived 30 million
years earlier, about 55 million years ago.[1] One must
consider the probability that knuckle walking evolved twice,
and that it just happened to evolve at the same time in two
unrelated lineages, which also just happened to have long
front limbs. The probabilities of this happening by natural
means are rather small.
Therefore, we may postulate a more paranormal
explanation, which involves the copying and pasting of
genetic material from the apes into the chalicotheres.
In addition to walking on their knuckles, the
chalicotheres had claws on their feet instead of hooves or
toes. This was unparalleled among the perissodactyls, and
may suggest the chalicotheres shared DNA with carnivores
or some other animal with claws. Perhaps they did not
evolve by natural selection at all, but rather by paranormal
selection, from angels or aliens that manipulated their DNA.


[1] Haines, Tim; Chambers, Paul. The Complete Guide to

Prehistoric Life. 2006, Firefly Books, Buffalo, NY, p 177

The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by

many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty
Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the
universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity. The
angels caused evolution to occur from species to species.
There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the Christian God is
just one among them. Satan the Devil writes scripture, and
thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1. Archaeology and
modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeed
corrupted. Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric


"Chalicotheres, a Horse Gorilla Mixture?"

prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal the

dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the ancient
Christian writings.

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Your Comments Here

Science vindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often

happens too fast for Darwins theory. Gaps in the fossil
record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts
together with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals that
intelligent life probably evolved long before us. The fossil
record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and
transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse
lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species. Evidently,
aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the
worlds religions.
This is not fiction. All these facts are thoroughly
documented in the links above.

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"Chalicotheres, a Horse Gorilla Mixture?"

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"Chalicotheres, a Horse Gorilla Mixture?"

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