ISO CD 29991 v.3 2012-05

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CD Version 3 April 20 2012,

with amendments made at the 5th meeting of
ISOTC232 WG 2 2012-12-06&07 in Berlin,
and editorial changes made by the editing
committee (definitions and annexes)
incorporating changes made at the meeting of
WG 2 2012-04-18,19 and additions made by the
editing team (introduction & scope)
cleaned and renumbered (see version with main
changes tracked for detailed changes from v.2)

Bold text (calibri font) denotes requirements

specific to 29991-1 as before, now amended; Arial
text (normal font) is copied from 29990 and often

Language learning services

outside formal education

The objective of this Standard is to specify requirements of language learning services. This
International Standard uses the term services rather than training in order to encourage a
focus on the learner and the results of the process, and to emphasize the full range of
options available for language learning.
ISO 29991-1 is intended to set minimum requirements for language learning services. The
aims of the standard are (a) to improve transparency and enhance the credibility of the
language learning services market; (b) to protect consumers by preventing prejudicial
practices, and (c) to improve the quality of language learning for all interested parties.
Such a standard is necessary because, while in many countries the quality control of
language learning services is well established, the standards applied vary greatly, and in
many other countries there is no meaningful regulation.
ISO 29991-1 incorporates the broad interdisciplinary expertise of various organisations
involved in standardisation - quality assurance, educational technology, program
assessment, second language acquisition and applied linguistics, at both national and
international levels.

Language learning services outside formal education

This International Standard specifies requirements for language learning services provided
outside formal education. These include any language learning services that are addressed
to language learners themselves as well as to any interested parties who are acquiring the
services for the benefit of learners. The key features of any such service are that the goals
of learning are defined and evaluated, and that it involves interaction with and feedback to
the learner. The instruction may be delivered face-to-face, be mediated by technology, or be
a blend of both.
Entities interested in using this standard will include language learning service providers of
all kinds, as well as associations or consortia of language learning service providers.
In cases where the language learning services are provided by an organization that delivers
products (goods and services) or other learning services in addition to language learning
services, this International Standard only applies to language learning services.
This standard is not aimed at schools, colleges and universities providing language learning
as part of a formal educational system but may be useful to them as a tool for reflection and

NOTE: Language learning services may be provided across jurisdictional boundaries. This International
Standard does not include information related to registration, permits or other legislative requirements of
different jurisdictions.
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2 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
2.1 associate
<learning services> entity or person not employed by the language learning service provider, but
working under its auspices to provide language learning services
NOTE An associate is not a staff member of the language learning service provider.
EXAMPLE Organizations or independent contractors, such as teachers, instructional designers, evaluators, project
managers, or career counsellors.

2.2 award
<learning services> designation given by a language learning service provider to a learner, in order
to indicate a level of performance or attainment, or the completion of a learning programme
2.3 business plan
plan of action designed to achieve business goals
2.4 competency
<learning services> knowledge, understanding, skill or attitude that is observable or measurable, or
both observable and measurable, which is applied and mastered in a given work situation and in
professional development or in personal development, or in both professional and personal
development [see 15.5.13]
2.5 continuous professional development
intentional enhancement of professional knowledge or of professional competency that takes place
several times a year.
2.6 curriculum
<learning services> plan of study prepared by the language learning service provider which
describes the aims, content, learning outcomes, teaching and learning methods, assessment
processes, etc., relating to a learning service
2.7 evaluation of learning
normative approach to analysing the learning process, or learning outcomes measured against the
learning goals
2.8 facilitator
learning services person who works with learners to assist them with learning
NOTE A facilitator is also often referred to as a teacher, a trainer, a coach, a tutor or a mentor.

2.9 interested party

learning services individual, group or organization with a direct or indirect interest in the learning
service, including its management and outcomes, or the processes involved, or both

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2.10 key process

<learning services> process essential to the language learning service and the management of it
2.11 learner
person engaged in learning
2.12 learning
acquiring knowledge, behaviour, skills, values, preferences or understanding
2.13 language learning service
processes or sequence of activities designed to enable language learning
2.14 language learning service provider LLSP
organization of any size or an individual providing language learning services outside formal
education, including any associates involved in the provision of the language learning service
2.15 non-formal education
learning services organized educational activity outside established recognized formal systems of
elementary, secondary or higher education
EXAMPLE Vocational training; life-long learning; in-company training (either outsourced or in-house).

2.16 quality policy

overall intentions and direction of an organization related to quality as formally expressed by top
NOTE 1 Generally the quality policy is consistent with the overall policy of the organization and provides a framework for
the setting of quality objectives.
NOTE 2 Quality management principles presented in ISO 9000:2005 can form a basis for the establishment of a quality

[ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.2.4]

2.17 sponsor
<learning services> organization or individual that acquires language learning services on behalf of
learners, provides financial or other support for them, and/or that has a vested interest in the
outcome of the learning
NOTE This includes corporations, government agencies, relatives, etc.

2.18 transfer of learning

application of what has been learned during the learning service to other situations
Authentic language resource
resource written or produced by native speakers for native speakers for purposes of real
communication and not created for language learning purposes.
Blended Learning
combination of face-to-face learning with e-learning or off-line learning [modified from ISO/IEC
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legally enforceable agreement to supply goods, execute work or provide services [ISO 67072:1993,3.4.8]
curriculum [provisional - to be finalized at next meeting]
Plan for learning, including its goals and outcomes, the approach and method to be used, detailed
plans or syllabuses for individual courses, the means of assessment etc
learning facilitated by information and communications technology [ISO 24751-1, 2008, 2.18]
language competence [provisional - to be finalized at next meeting]
knowledge and abilities needed to interpret and produce meaningful oral and/or written language
which is linguistically, pragmatically and socially appropriate to the situation in which it is used.
learning environment [provisional - to be finalized at next meeting]
the classrooms, multimedia rooms and other spaces used for language learning, and the furniture
and equipment that they contain.
off-line learning [provisional - to be finalized at next meeting]
learning that does not require connection to an IT system
list of the topics, books, etc. that students should study in a particular subject at an educational
teacher: [provisional - to be finalized at next meeting]
a person whose job is teaching whether in a school or professional training environment.
SYNONYMS: trainer, instructor

Language learning services

3. Determining language learning needs

3.1.1 General
3.1. The learners and sponsors needs shall be assessed by designated personnel in order to orient
the learning effectively.
3.2. Where relevant and available, national or international frameworks for progression within language
learning shall be referred to when assessing the learners and sponsors needs.
Note: see Annex 1 (informative) for examples of national and international frameworks

3.3. The needs analysis shall include

a. the assessment and analysis of the learners language learning needs, including:

the desired language skills (e.g., reading, writing, listening, speaking), the desired level of

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competence in the language and the time frame, i.e. the goal of the language learning

the purposes for which and contexts in which the learner needs to use language outside
the course (for example, socially, in the domain of work or study, etc.);

b. assessment of the learners existing level of competence in the language being taught using a
procedure, such as an internal test, third party test, or self-assessment
c. reference to the LLSPs definition of language competence levels (see 3.4 below)
d. assessment of other aspects of the learners background which may bear on the learners language
learning needs (e.g., age, first language, educational background, professional background,
language learning history)
3.4. Information shall be provided showing the equivalence of LLSPs definitions of language competence
levels with a widely known national or international scale, and indicate how these competence levels
relate to the goals of instruction.
NOTE See Annex A for examples of scales of proficiency for language learners
Before providing the learning service,:
3.5. in terms of a qualification analysis, Information that is obtained about learners' relevant
education and training history and prior learning, including language qualifications and credentials
awarded to them, shall be obtained and used with the legitimate consent of the learners;
3.6. The specific aims, wishes, goals and requirements of sponsors commissioning the language
learning service shall be determined;
3.7. Where relevant and feasible, learners shall be provided with the support they need in
understanding their own language learning needs and goals;
3.8. Any needs relating to language, culture, literacy, or other special needs relating to disability
shall also be identified [e.g. see web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG)];
3.9. Where relevant and feasible, learners and/or sponsors should be consulted to determine how
they expect the language skills, competencies and awareness developed as a result of the language
learning service to transfer to the learners' work-related tasks and responsibilities, and about what
the sponsor will consider to be indicators of success;
3.10 an agreement is reached and recorded with the sponsor on the learning service to be provided.
An agreement shall be reached between the LLSP and the learner and/or sponsor on the findings of the
needs analysis, and on the kind of language learning services that would best meet their needs.
3.11. Learners and/or sponsors shall be informed of the available learning services that correspond to
their needs in areas such as outcomes, scheduling, teacher selection, class size, curriculum, methodology,
and cost.
3.12 Teachers shall be fully informed about the results of the needs analyses relating to the learners placed
in their courses.

4. Language learning content and processes Design of the language learning services
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a) the language learning content and the language learning processes take into account the
needs of any interested party;
4.1.The language learning methods, materials and mode of learning used shall be sufficient to meet
the agreed goals, appropriate to the needs and background of the learners, and accurate in terms of
4.2. The content and processes of language learning used shall take into account agreed learning
4.2. The scope, specific aims and planned outcomes of the language learning service selected to
meet the needs of learners and sponsors, as well as the learning methods to be used, shall be
clearly specified and communicated to them;
3.2.2 Specification of means of supporting and monitoring the transfer of learning
The LLSP shall consider relevant interested parties when determining and planning the ways in
which language learning will be facilitated and supported, so as to ensure that the transfer of
learning is assessed, monitored, evaluated and documented appropriately.
4.3. A curriculum and means of evaluation that reflect and are appropriate to the aims and language
learning outcomes shall be developed and agreed;
4.4.The methods of learning selected, including any autonomous components shall:
a. respond to the aims and requirements of the curriculum;
b. be appropriate for the learners;
b. take into account the various needs of individual learners, and, where appropriate, the
learners as a group.
4.5.The roles and responsibilities of the interested parties, including the LLSP, the learners and their
sponsors shall be clearly specified, as regards the delivery of the language learning services, and
the monitoring and evaluation of learning.
4.6. Curriculum design and development shall be carried out by staff or associates who are
experienced and/or trained in the design and development of curricula for language learning
4.7. In the design of specific courses, the following shall be taken into account:
I. the age and background of the learners
II. the language learning needs and language learning goals of the sponsors and learners
III. whether the learners are multilingual or monolingual
IV. the characteristics of the target language and where necessary the characteristics of the
learners first language
V. the intensity and duration of the course, and the way in which it is delivered (e.g.,
classroom learning, blended learning, etc.)
VI. best practice and latest research in language learning and teaching;
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4.8. The learners and their sponsors shall be informed what principles and methods of language
learning and teaching are applied in delivering the language learning service (see 5 - Information
and orientation);
4.9. The learning goals, curriculum documents shall be made available to learners and their
sponsors prior to and during the language learning;
4.10. The teachers employed by the LLSP shall implement the specified principles and methods in
their teaching;
4.11. The curriculum and instructional materials shall be reviewed, internally or otherwise, at least
annually, and if necessary, updated.

5. Teachers
5.1 Teachers involved in the language learning service shall:
be experienced and have qualification/training in teaching a foreign language that is
recognized within the country where the LLSP offers its services; or:
be experienced with a tertiary degree combined with a recognized qualification to teach the
target language awarded in another country; or:
be novices without experience or without the qualifications/training specified above. Novice
teachers shall have necessary language teaching capabilities and shall undergo training, and
shall work under the supervision of experienced language teachers with
NOTE: Recognition may be given by a governmental authority, an industry-created self-regulatory
body, an accredited university or college, or by a majority of the LLSPs in the country providing
courses in the language in question.
5.2. All teachers, including novice teachers, shall have the necessary competence in the target
language to undertake the language teaching and related duties assigned to them.
NOTE See Annex B (informative) for a sample competency grid
5.3 Teachers shall participate in continuous professional development covering at least the
pedagogic principles, best practices and current research in language teaching
methodology and language learning relevant to the curriculum,
cultural and intercultural competencies relevant to the target language and teaching
learning and teaching aids and resources relevant to the curriculum, including
instructional and informational technologies,
evaluation procedures for language learning,
maintenance and enhancement of target language skills.
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5.4 The continuous professional development plans shall take into account the
results of the evaluation of the learning service (see section 12) and teachers own
views about their continuous professional development needs.
5.5. Arrangements shall be made to ensure that qualified substitutes are available in the case of
teacher absence, and that such substitutes are guided as to the focus and content of the lesson(s)
they will teach.

6. Availability and accessibility of language learning resources

6.1. All resources as defined in the curriculum shall be made available to the teachers before
the start of the course to the learners as required;
6.2. Language learning resources that are compatible with the teaching approach and the course
objectives shall be selected and/or developed by the LLSP, as required;
6.3. The LLSP shall The resources shall be available in sufficient quantity, or learners and/or their
sponsors shall be guided in the purchase of those that are needed;
6.4. The LLSP shall The learning materials shall be up-to-date, authentic, or adapted to the needs
of the learners, and compatible with the language teaching methodology being used;
6.5. The LLSP shall The social & cultural needs and background of the learners shall be considered
when selecting, designing and using instructional materials;
6.6. In addition to instructional materials, the LLSP shall access or guidance shall be provided
concerning other relevant language learning resources such as, but not limited to, dictionaries,
reference tools, and computer- assisted language learning resources;
6.7. LLSPs shall Teachers and learners shall be informed, by the LLSP, of relevant rules about the
photocopying and use of printed and digital material;
NOTE: Many countries have strict rules about copyright and the reproduction and use of printed
and digital materials and/or arrangements for licensing the controlled use of such materials by
LLSPs. These rules may apply to materials developed by the LLSP based on already published works.

6.8. Sources of learning materials used or developed shall be properly indicated;

6.9. the LLSP shall Teaching aids and equipment that correspond to the requirements of the type
of language learning service and the approach and methodology being used shall be made
available, and kept in good order.
NOTE : Teaching aids and equipment may include equipment such as audio, video, projection devices,
information technology equipment, teaching tools such as flip charts, flash cards, models, puppets,
whiteboards, etc.

7. The language learning environment

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In cases where the LLSP is responsible for providing or selecting the learning environment,
the LLSP shall ensure that it is conducive to learning. If the LLSP does not have control over
the learning environment, the LLSP shall specify minimum requirements for it.
NOTE 1 The learning environment includes facilities, equipment, learning materials, etc. [ADD TO DEFINITIONS]
NOTE 2 See also 4.8 on the allocation of resources when considering learning environment, because the two
aspects are closely related.

7.1. The Language learning environment shall:

a) comfortably accommodate the number of learners in the groups using the learning
environments, as well as their teachers
b) be laid out in such a way as to facilitate interactive language learning, taking into account the
age group and needs of the learners concerned;
c) be well lit and clean;
d) be heated or cooled if necessary, and well ventilated;
e) be protected or insulated from noise interference;
7.2. The necessary safety facilities and equipment shall be put in place and maintained, and
potential safety hazards in the learning environment, shall be minimised. Procedures for dealing
with emergencies and security issues shall be made known to teachers, other staff and learners.
3.3.4 The LLSP shall document and implement policies and procedures concerning environmental
protection, energy conservation and the sustainable use of resources.
EXAMPLES: photocopying, recycling, heating, power and lighting.
3.10 Monitoring the delivery of the language learning services
During the course feedback shall be requested from language learners on the methods and
resources used, as well as their effectiveness in achieving the agreed language learning
NOTE For feedback from other interested parties, see 4.10.

3.5.1 Evaluation goals and scope

The LLSP shall:
a) describe general and specific evaluation goals and the assumed scope of the evaluation;
b) ensure that all evaluation methods and means employed by the LLSP, including their
schedule and rationale, are recorded;
c) ensure that the evaluation procedures are planned, selected and conducted in order to
meet the intended objectives, and that they can be implemented in such a way as to
provide value to the various interested parties;
d) ensure the evaluation is conducted legally and ethically;
e) ensure the information collected for LLSP evaluations is:
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1. focused and sufficiently comprehensive to enable evaluation questions to be fully

answered and the needs of learners to be properly addressed;
2. systematically and accurately analysed;
3. valid, reliable and meaningful.
The LLSP shall take reasonable steps to reduce bias in evaluations.
8. Evaluation of language learning
8.1 Prior to the beginning of the course, an assessment shall be made of the learners existing level
of competence in the language being taught (see also section 3.3 b above under needs)
8.2. The progress of learners participating in the language learning service shall be assessed during
the course and their achievement shall be measured at the end of the course.
8.3. Learners and/or their sponsors shall be informed of the results of evaluations, for example, by
means of reports and/or certificates.
a) Ensure that access to results of LLSP evaluation of the learner is given only to those
with established legitimate consent to view the information, and that these results are
in a format that facilitates the transportability of the evaluation;
8.4 Individual Learners with difficulties, and those who require specific assistance with
learning, shall be referred to experts in the relevant field.

9. Evaluation of the language learning service

9.1. Regular evaluation shall be carried out in order to determine whether the language
learning service is meeting the needs of the learners and their sponsors and whether they
are satisfied with the service.
9.2. Such evaluation shall include:
observation of teaching and learning for quality assurance and professional
reviewing the results of evaluation of the language learning programme;
reviewing summaries of learners and sponsors feedback on the quality of the language
learning services, and their suggestions.
9.3. The results of such evaluations shall be taken into account in improvements and changes to
the language learning service, such as in the curriculum, course programmes, the methodology
used, continuous professional development, etc.

10. External communication, including marketing, distribution of information, promotion

and advertising
10.1. To enable learners and/or their sponsors to make an informed decision before enrolment
and the delivery of the language learning service, at least the following information related to the
service shall be provided:
dates, location, exact duration and timetable,
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course objectives,
admission requirements, if any, and target language levels,
the pedagogical approach and systems used for evaluation purposes, with an explanation in
terms which are understood by the LLSPs clients,
maximum group size, age-range of students,
enrolment fees and other costs,
cancellation and withdrawal arrangements,
any policy for enabling learners to audit or observe courses before enrolment,
means and procedures used for obtaining feedback about learners and their sponsors
satisfaction, and for handling their requests, suggestions and complaints,
the general profile of the teachers.
10.2. The information shall be distributed via relevant channels of communication, which may
include the Internet, telephone, mail, e-mail etc.
10.3. The information shall be accurate, consistent, continuously updated, and where necessary,
provided both in print and digital versions.
10.4. All descriptions and images in information and publicity, including any digital and internetbased versions, shall give a realistic and current view of the learning services and facilities offered.
NOTE: For informative reference, see EN 14804:2005 clause 3.2.
10.5. Designated staff or associates shall be available to provide enrolment consultation and
11. Information and orientation for learners and their sponsors
11.1. Commencing with, or prior to, delivery of the language learning service, learners and
their sponsors shall be informed of and agree to the following:

the purpose(s), format and content of the language learning services being

provided, including the instruments and criteria to be used for evaluation, and the
nature of the award or report to be issued upon completion;

the language learners' commitments and responsibilities;


the LLSP's commitments and responsibilities to the learner and sponsor;


the procedures to be used in case of learner or sponsor dissatisfaction, or

disagreement between them and the LLSP;


support for language learning, such as library access access to self-directed

computer-assisted language learning, hotline, counselling services, , mentoring,


methods and schedule for assessment of learning;

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any prerequisites, technical or otherwise, such as a required level of language

proficiency skills, qualifications and professional experience.


the cost of tuition fees, examination fees, the purchase of learning materials,

and any other charges.

11.2. The learners and their sponsors understanding of the above information shall be
checked prior to the working out of any contract or agreement.
12. The Language Learning Services contract
12.1. A contract or agreement shall be entered into between the LLSP and the learner and/or
12.2. The terms and conditions of the contract or agreement shall be available in writing, shall be
expressed in simple, clear, easy-to-follow language, and shall include an explanation of key terms.
If pre-made contracts are used, these shall be clearly and legibly filled out.
12.3. The contract shall specify:
the title, level and aims of the language learning course(s),
the course duration,
the location of the classrooms,
the exact number of hours of instruction and how these are divided between different modes
of learning (e.g., classroom learning , blended learning, tutorials, one-to-one instructions etc.),
expected number of hours for autonomous learning or independent study,
the complete cost including required textbooks and/or examination entry fees,
required software license and technology equipment,
any cancellation policy and dispute resolution procedures.

13. Billing and invoicing

13.1. Invoices and bills for language learning services shall be clear and contain all the details
necessary to enable learners and/or their sponsors to understand precisely what is being paid for
and what period of time is covered by the invoice.
13.2. The fees invoiced shall correspond to language learning services deliverable in a period of no
more than 12 months.
13.3. More than one method of payment shall be available. Methods of payment may include, for
example, cash, debit or credit card, and electronic bank transfers.

ISO 29990:2010

Management of the learning service provider

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4.1 General management requirements

A commitment to this International Standard shall be demonstrated at the highest level of leadership
within the LSP.
The LSP shall establish and document a management system and ensure that it is understood,
implemented, maintained and reviewed. The LSP shall designate a member of the management
team to be responsible for the management system.
The LSP's application of, and compliance with, the requirements of this International Standard shall
be documented. These documents shall be accessible to all relevant personnel. Procedures shall be
established to ensure the transparency, accuracy, relevance, circulation and security of the
The LSP shall establish procedures for retaining records for a period consistent with its contractual
and legal obligations (e.g. see ISO 15489). Access to these records shall be consistent with the
confidentiality arrangements established by the LSP.

4.2 Strategy and business management

In implementing this International Standard, the LSP shall draw up and document a business plan in
accordance with generally accepted business planning practices. The business plan shall include a
strategy and business objectives, as well as a description of management structures, key processes
and the LSP's quality policy.
Annex A outlines the usual content of a business plan.

4.2.1 Environmental protection

ISO 29990:2010

4.3 Management review

The LSP shall establish procedures to review its management system at planned intervals, in order
to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, including the stated policies and
objectives related to the fulfilment of this International Standard. These reviews shall be conducted
at intervals appropriate to the context.
Annex B outlines the type of information that is generally included in the input to the management
4.4 Preventive actions and corrective actions
The LSP shall establish procedures for identifying and managing nonconformities in the
management system,
e.g. the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The LSP shall also, where necessary, take actions to
eliminate the causes of nonconformities, in order to prevent recurrence. Preventive actions shall be
sufficient to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities. Corrective actions shall be
appropriate to the impact of the problems encountered.
Annex C outlines the type of preventive actions and corrective actions that are generally taken.
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4.5 Financial management and risk management

The LSP shall have in place and shall document the following in order to ensure its business
a) an appropriate financial management system;
b) a system for identifying, assessing and managing risk.
4.6 Human resources management
4.6.1 Competencies of the LSP's staff and associates
The LSP shall ensure that any staff and associates have the core competencies needed to carry out
the processes outlined in Clause 3 and this clause within their job descriptions, and that these
competencies are maintained.
The LSP should provide job descriptions that refer to the core competencies required, which shall be
reviewed at appropriate intervals.
NOTE Annex D provides further information to illustrate some of the core competencies referred to in this International

4.6.2 Evaluation of LLSP competencies, performance management, and professional

development [see 13 above]
This sub-clause addresses the requirements with respect to measuring the degree to which
members of staff or associates of the LLSP have the competencies required to effectively carry out
the activities with which they are charged, and managing the performance of staff and associates.
The LLSP shall ensure that:

the competencies of each member of staff or associate providing learning services under its
auspices are assessed or reviewed in relation to their job description, and that the
assessments or reviews are documented;
systems are developed and implemented for managing, appraising and providing feedback
on the competence and performance of staff;

NOTE This can be done by various means, including regular observation of teaching and training sessions, and feedback
to instructors on these observations.


feedback is obtained from staff and associates on their motivation and job satisfaction;


staff and associates undertake continuous professional development, and the impact of this
is evaluated and documented;


the evaluation procedures that are chosen or developed and implemented provide valid and
reliable information about the competencies of the team providing learning services;


all aspects of these processes are consistent with relevant legislation and with the basic
principles of fairness and human rights, and they are regularly reviewed.

ISO 29990:2010

4.7 Communication management (internal/external)

The LSP shall, where appropriate, implement procedures to inform and consult with staff and
associates on issues which may have a direct impact on them, and shall facilitate two-way

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The LSP should provide opportunities for communication amongst staff and associates.
a) 4.7.1 [moved to 8 above]
ISO 29990:2010

4.8 Allocation of resources

The LSP shall ensure that the necessary staff and associates and learning resources are selected
and deployed, taking into account any specific needs, and that the learning resources are
NOTE See also 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.
EXAMPLE Personnel; learning materials; equipment, including information technology infrastructure [for special needs,
e.g. see web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG)]; working and learning environments; equipment for learning
services provided away from the LSP's premises; catalogues of educational technologies and of special needs; career
counselling services.

4.9 Internal audits

The LSP shall establish procedures for internal audits, in order to verify that it complies with this
Standard and that the management system is being effectively implemented and maintained. An
audit programme shall be planned which takes into account the relative importance of the processes
and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits. This audit programme shall cover
all of the processes over, at most, a period of 36 months.

The LSP shall ensure that:

a) internal audits are conducted by suitably qualified persons with knowledge of auditing and the
requirements of this International Standard;
b) auditors do not audit their own work;
c) the staff responsible for each area audited are informed of the outcome of the audit;
d) any opportunities for improvement are identified; and
e) eany actions resulting from internal audits are taken in a timely and appropriate manner.

4.10 Feedback from interested parties

The LSP shall have in place and shall utilize systems for gathering feedback from interested parties
on the learning services provided, and for analysing, responding to and, where appropriate, acting
upon it.
The LSP shall have in place a system for handling complaints and appeals, and shall make this
known to its interested parties.

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[Annexes revised by editing committee]

Annex A (informative)

Examples of Scales of Language Proficiency for Learners

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
(CEFR): ( ) the CEFR is a guideline used to
describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe and, increasingly, in other
countries. It describes in a comprehensive manner:

the competences necessary for communication

the related knowledge and skills and


the situations and domains of communication.

The CEFR defines levels of attainment in different aspects of its descriptive scheme with
illustrative descriptors scale. The illustrative descriptor scales, plus other descriptors related to
the CEFR, are available in a data bank of descriptors

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL): ACTFL defining content standards
of what students should know and be able to do. An executive summary of ACTFL Standards for
Foreign Language Learning can be found at
Proficiency Guidelines for Speaking and Preliminary Proficiency Guidelines for Writing are
available on the website at
and respectively.

Interagency Language Roundtable (IRL)( ): descriptions of proficiency

levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 characterize spoken-language use. Each higher level implies control of the
previous levels' functions and accuracy. The designation 0+, 1+, 2+, etc. will be assigned when
proficiency substantially exceeds one skill level and does not fully meet the criteria for the next
level. The "plus-level" descriptions, therefore, are subsidiary to the "base-level" descriptions.

These descriptions can be found at

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Australias Adult Migrant Education Services (AMES) uses the International Second Language
Proficiency Rating (ISLPR) which provide rating from 0 (no English) to 5 (natural speaker) for each
of the four language skills areas, which are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. An outline
description can be found at

Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) is a guideline
document for teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages. Designed for learners of Chinese as
a foreign language, the scales provide a five-band all-round description of their ability to use their
knowledge and skills of the Chinese language for communication. It is an important basis on which
the language proficiency of learners of Chinese can be measured. The Scales can serve as a
reference standard for drawing up a syllabus of teaching Chinese for speakers of other languages,
for compiling Chinese textbooks, and for assessing the language proficiency of learners of Chinese.
Source: The Office of Chinese Language Council International, 2008. Chinese Language Proficiency
Scales for Speakers of Other Languages. (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press).

Annex B (informative)
Competencies needed by Language Teachers

A Profiling Grid for Language Teachers prepared and made available by EAQUALS (Evaluation and
Accreditation of Quality in Language Services) is a working document that aims to summarise the
competencies needed by teachers of additional languages. It provides an example of how such
competencies can be specified for both experienced and less experienced teachers of language.
The descriptors cover six levels of proficiency from trainee teacher to very competent teacher, and
for each level briefly describe the following:
a) proficiency in and awareness of the target language
b) professional qualifications in language teaching, supervised teaching practice, and experience
in the field of language teaching
c) key competences: planning, classroom methodology, interaction management and
monitoring, and assessment
d) additional competences, for example in ICT and in professional development.

The current public draft of the Profiling Grid can be found at

Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, or TCSOL Standards for short,
provides an overall framework for the knowledge, abilities and skills required of teachers of
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Chinese to speakers of other languages. It serves as the basis for the education, training,
assessment, and accreditation of teachers of Chinese. TCSOL Standards include five modules,
which are: Language Abilities and Skills, Culture and Communication, Second Language Acquisition
and Learning Strategies, Teaching Methodology and Professionalism. It draws on the most recent
research insights in the fields of second language acquisition and teaching English to speakers of
other languages, as well as the experience teachers have accumulated in teaching Chinese as a
second or foreign language in various international contexts.
Source: The Office of Chinese Language Council International. 2007. Standards for Teachers of
Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press).

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