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Community for Christ

First United Methodist Church

Russellville, AL 35653

Newsletter January 20, 2015

Join Us Tomorrow Night!!

The Bible From Scratch
The New Testament for Beginners covers an Introduction to Testaments, Books of Law, Prophets,
and Writings, Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Revelation. The goal of this study is to help you become
comfortable reading and studying your Bible as well as being able to enter into conversations with
others about the Bible. Teacher is Bo Lloyd.

Life Lessons on Colossians by Max Lucado

12 week Study and the book will cost $10.00. Contact Pat Seal if you have any questions.

Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl

Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeust. This is a DVD study focusing in
forging a deeper connection with God. The study will challenge us to step outside of our busy
lives, put aside the business, and focus on building a "moment-by-moment" deeply intimate relationship with God. This 6 week class will be led by Scarlette Studdard.

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Buddy Perdue will be leading this 10 week class.

Confident Christians' Club

Elementary age children will be led by Ashley Flippo. Learn about Gods promises and give us
tools we need to be young confident and fearless in the mission field called life.

Little Delights
Judy Guyton will be with the preschoolers. Each child will learn how special they are and how
much they are loved! Bible stories and crafts!!

January 25th

Country Fried Steak and Gravy

8:30 am

Mashed Potatoes

Kurt & Shannon Rogers

English Peas

10:45 am

Keith & Julie Thomas


February 1st

Cherry Crunch/Cookies

8:30 am

Tea & Lemonade

Watts & Connie Cole

10:45 am

Buzzy & Emily McKinney

Pictorial Directory
Are you interested? We need to know! The last few years we have
Worked from a directory that did not have photos.
Please email and let us know your opinion.
1. Yes! I want a pictorial directory
2. No! I can barely get my family together for supperjust update what
we have!

Sunday Night ,
January 25th @ 6:00 pm

Choir Practice
Each Sunday

Ali Sakas

4:45 pm

Will be our

Join Us!!

guest speaker!

Sunday, January 25th @ 8:00 am

$5.00 for the best breakfast in town!

United Methodist Women will meet in the Parlor immediately following

breakfast. All women are invited!

The current Ministry Center financial campaign ends January 31. If you have not fulfilled your pledge, please consider doing so.

Saturday, February 7th

8:00 am
Breakfast will be served!
The following people need to attend this meeting.

Bo Lloyd

Judy Guyton

Randy Cooper

Clinton Busler

Kathy Archer

Billy Sturdivant

Tyler Wood

Pat Seal

Joyce Strickland

Seth Godsey

Rocky Stone

Bobby Stanford

Scarlette Studdard

Marcus Staehling

Martha DeArman

Jason Hartsell

Gene Matthews

Lynda Mayfield

Joe Gallagher

Brad Reeves

Noel Blevins

Sarah Beall

Louise Hester

Susan Godsey

Ben Guyton

Gayle McAlister

Peanut Butter
For our childrens backpacks
These items can be left by the back entrance.
You are invited
To a baby shower for

Abbigayle & Carson Blanton

Sunday, February 1st
2:003:30 pm
First United Methodist Church
Ministry Center

Make plans for soup and the game on Sunday, February 1st
Bring your favorite soup and sandwiches and a dessert!!

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