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Case Study


Mr. joe

There are many kinds of dis abilities that an infant or
child under 3 through 21-years old may have. Every year,
millions of children with dis abilities receive special services
designed to meet their unique needs. For infants and toddlers
with disabilities birth through two and their families, special
services and provided through an early invitation system.
So this case study will help and give us an idea about
Infant and toddlers disabilities the different areas involved in
this topic, and the different disability categories. This also help us
to answer these following question
1. What are those disability categories?
2. What are the reason why infants and toddlers
experience such disabilities?
3. Who eligible for the services for those who
experience these disabilities?

Under the IDEA (individual with disabilities education acts)
- States are responsible for meeting the special needs
of eligible children with disabilities.
- To find out if a child is eligible for services, he or she
must receive a full individual initial evaluation.



They are defined as children from birth through

age two who need early invention as services,
because they experience developmental delays.

As measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and

procedures in one or more if the following areas;
* Cognitive Development
* Physical Development (which includes vision and
* Communication Development
* Social or emotional Development
* Have a diagnosed physical or mental condition
that has a high
probability of resulting in
developmental delay

Defined by the state and must be measured by
appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures.

Different disability categories under which 3 through 21year-olds maybe eligible for services. For a child to be
eligible for services, the disability must affect the childs
educational procedures.


A developmental disability significantly affecting

verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction
generally evident before age three, that adversely affect
educational performance.

Deaf blindness

Concomitant (Simultaneous) hearing and visual

impairments the combination of which causes severe
communication and other developmental and educational
needs that they cannot be accommodated in special
education program solely. Children with deafness or children
with blindness.

Emotional disturbance

A condition exhibiting one or more emotional

characteristics over a long period of time and to marked
degree that adversely affects a child educational

Hearing Impairment

An impairment in hearing, whether permanent or

fluctuating, that adversely affects a childs educational
performance but is not included under the definition of

Mental Retardation

Significant sub average general intellectual

functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive
behavior and manifested during the development period that
adversely affect child education performance.

Orthopedic impairment

A serve impairment that adversely affect childs

educational performance.

Specific learning disability

A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological

processes involved in the understanding or in using
language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an
imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or
to do mathematical calculation.

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