Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

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Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering

Course Outline
ELEE 2250U
Introductory Electronics
Winter 2015
Course Description:
Conduction in semiconductors; single-time constant networks; operational amplifiers; diodes; non-linear circuit
applications; bipolar junction and field-effect transistors; transistor amplifiers; small and large signal models; amplifier
frequency response and analysis; multi-stage amplifiers; filters and oscillators; digital logic, integrated and memory

Major Topics:
Graduate Attributes:
The graduate attributes developed and required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Boards Accreditation
Criteria and Procedures are listed below, with those covered in the course to some degree (introduced, developed,
applied). More details about the accreditation of engineering programs and graduate attributes can be found



Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015


Covered in this Course

Knowledge base

Problem analysis



Use of engineering tools

Individual and team work

Communication skills


Impact of engineering on society and the environment

Ethics and equity

Economics and project management

Life-long learning

Course Content Breakdown










Course Outcomes:
At the successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and understanding of basic
semiconductor devices, and their role in the design and analysis of discrete/integrated circuits, and be able to analyze,
design and evaluate practical circuits, such as rectifiers and amplifiers.





Office Hours:

Dr. Namdar Saniei

ENG 1022


Teaching Assistants

TA Name:


Emad Abdelrahman

Required Course Text and Other Materials:



Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

Microelectronic Circuits, 6th Edition, Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Reference Books and Information Sources:

Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, P. R. Gray, P. J. Hurst, S.H. Lewis and R. G. Meyer, 5th Edition,
Wiley, 2009.
Fundamentals of Microelectronics, B. Razavi,John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008

Course Organization and Delivery Mode:

Three lecture hours (in two 1.5 hour lectures), two hours of tutorial per week, and three laboratory hours every other
week (5 labs in total) for one semester.

Scheduled Regular Class Meeting Times:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:10-9:30 and 2:10-3:30

Final Grade Breakdown:



Laboratory (5 lab sessions)

Midterm Exam
Final Exam




Midterm Date:

Midterm Location:

Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 02:10 to 03:30

Lecture room or TBA

Regular homework will be assigned to the class (5-7 sets) in the form of practice problems, readings, etc. The problems
assigned will reflect the type of questions to be seen on the quizzes, midterm and final tests. The problems will be



Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

solved in the subsequent tutorial session. Students are expected to complete and submit the homework, on time.
Failure in submitting a decent home work on time will result in a mark deduction.
Also, 5-7 Quizzes will be administered in the lecture period, some of which could be surprise quizzes. These quizzes are
similar to what is assigned as the homework or reviewed in the lectures.

Laboratories, Prelab Reports, Notes and Reports

Lab Description:
1. 5 lab experiments

Prelab Reports, Notes and Reports:

Laboratory instructions are posted in the ELEE2250U Lab Folder in PDF format, on BlackBoard.
Students have 5 experiments to complete and become familiar with a number of elementary circuits. The laboratory
evaluation will consist of three parts: Prelab Report; Conduct in the lab; Final Laboratory Report.
The students are expected to read and to be familiar with the Engineering Laboratory Policies And Safety Protocols
Reference Manual and to abide by all safety rules and policies of UOIT, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
and this course, including but not limited to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
and Applied Science Safety Manual.

The tutorials will be used to interactively demonstrate detailed solutions to electronic design problems by the TA in
front of the class.
The Tutorial material will follow the lecture material of the week in which it falls.

Computer Experience:
MultiSim software will be used as the main software tool for circuit simulation. The software will be used to learn
computer based circuit analysis and can be used by the students to verify design examples and problems.

Other Course Information:

Note1: In case of legitimate absence in the midterm exam, official certificates (e.g. medical) must be sent directly from
the Doctors office or Hospital within 5 days by mail or preferably by fax to the Academic Advisor of FEAS (fax: 905-7213370, attn: Academic Advisor), and the weight of the test will be shifted to the final exam. Thus there will be no



Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

Deferred midterm, in this course.

Note2: In case of absence from the final exam, university rules and regulations will apply.

Medical Certificates and Deferred Exams:

Medical certificates MUST be sent DIRECTLY from the Doctor's Office or Hospital within five (5) days by mail or
preferably by fax to the Academic Advisor of FEAS (Fax: 905.721.3370, Attn: Academic Advising Team).
The approved deferrals will be either written or oral at the discretion of the instructor.
Should the medical certificate proven to be invalid due to any kind of action by the student, such student's behaviour
will be considered as a major misconduct and respective disciplinary actions will be commenced.
Failure to comply with the above will result in an mark of 0 for the exam.

Students with disabilities may request to be considered for formal academic accommodation in accordance with the
Ontario Human Rights Code. Students seeking accommodation must make their requests through the Centre for
Students with Disabilities in a timely manner, and provide relevant and recent documentation to verify the effect of
their disability and to allow the University to determine appropriate accommodations.
Accommodation decisions will be made in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Accommodations will be
consistent with and supportive of the essential requirements of courses and programs, and provided in a way that
respects the dignity of students with disabilities and encourages integration and equality of opportunity. Reasonable
academic accommodation may require instructors to exercise creativity and flexibility in responding to the needs of
students with disabilities while maintaining academic integrity.

Academic Integrity and Conduct:

Students and faculty at UOIT share an important responsibility to maintain the integrity of the teaching and learning
relationship. This relationship is characterized by honesty, fairness and mutual respect for the aim and principles of
the pursuit of education. Academic misconduct impedes the activities of the university community and is punishable
by appropriate disciplinary action.
Students are expected to be familiar with UOIT's regulations on Academic Conduct (Section 5.15 of the Academic
Calendar) which sets out the kinds of actions that constitute academic misconduct, including plagiarism, copying or
allowing one's own work to copied, use of unauthorized aids in examinations and tests, submitting work prepared in
collaboration with another student when such collaboration has not been authorized, and other academic offences.
The regulations also describe the procedures for dealing with allegations, and the sanctions for any finding of
academic misconduct, which can range from a written reprimand to permanent expulsion from the university. A lack



Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

of familiarity with UOIT's regulations on academic conduct does not constitute a defense against its application.
Further information about academic misconduct can be found in the Academic Integrity link on your laptop.

UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism. Students
agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for textual similarity review by
Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in's restricted access
database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents for five academic years. The instructor may
require students to submit their assignments electronically to or the instructor may submit questionable
text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to UOIT's use of the service are described on the website.
Students who do not wish to have their work submitted to must provide with their assignment at the
time of submission to the instructor a signed Assignment Cover sheet:
Further information about Turnitin can be found on the Academic Integrity link on your laptop.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Information Act:

The following is an important notice regarding the process for submitting course assignments, quizzes and other
evaluative material in your courses.
As you may know, UOIT is governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Information Act (FIPPA). In
addition to providing a mechanism for requesting records held by the university, this legislation also requires that
UOIT not disclose the personal information of its students without their consent.
FIPPAs definition of personal information includes, among other things, documents that contain both your name
and your Banner ID. For example, this could include graded test papers or assignments. To ensure that your rights to
privacy are protected, UOIT encourages you to use only your Banner ID on assignments or test papers being submitted
for grading. This policy is intended to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of your information where graded papers are
returned to groups of students at the same time. If you still wish to write both your name and your Banner ID on your
tests and assignments, please be advised that UOIT will interpret this as an implied consent to the disclosure of your
personal information in the normal course of returning graded materials to students.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to the new policy or the issue of implied consent addressed above,
please contact the UOIT privacy office.

Detailed Course Content:



Course Outline - ELEE 2250U - Winter 2015 - Winter 2015

Background review and Course introduction

Ideal Operational Amplifiers (Chapter 2)
Ideal Diodes and simple diode applications (Chapter 4)
Semiconductor structure of diodes (Chapter 3)
Diodes DC mode of operation (Chapter 4)
Diodes non-linear behaviour (AC small-signal mode) (Chapter 4)
Diodes as a Rectifier (Chapter 4)
Diodes as a voltage regulator (Zener diode) (Chapter 4)
Diodes application as a Clamper or Clipper (Chapter 4)
Different types of diodes (Chapter 4)
Semiconductor structure of BJT transistors (Chapter 6)
BJT DC mode of operation and device model (Chapter 6)
Different (discrete and IC) methods of DC biasing (Chapter 6)
BJT AC mode of operation and small-signal model (Chapter 6)
Different configurations of BJT amplifiers (Chapter 6)
MOSFET transistor semiconductor structure (Chapter 5)
DC and AC modes of MOSFET operation (Chapter 5)
MOSFET amplifier configurations (Chapter 5)
Filters and Oscillators (Chapters 16&17)
Digital Logic and Memory Circuits (Chapters 14&15)
Approved by Dr. Qusay Mahmoud (on behalf of the Department's Curriculum Committee) on December 15, 2014 - 08:30


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