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From the Files of Mr. Michael John M.

EDUC 402/403 D



Excavation in the Indus Valley in the 1920s revealed the existence of an ancient
civilization which flourished between 3000 and 2000 BC at Mohenjo-Daro and
Harrapa, now in Pakistan. The ancient Indus Valley people probably worshipped a
Mother Goddess and a male deity, the forerunner of Shiva in later Hinduism. When
tribes speaking an Aryan language settled in northwest India in about 1500 BC, the
Indus cities were probably in decline. The new settlers probably adopted some
religious ideas from the earlier inhabitants and incorporated them into rituals.

The Aryan- speakers worshipped spirits of nature. What is known of their religion
comes from the hymns of the Rig-Veda, composed in stages from around 1500 BC,
which praise the spirits controlling natural forces. The Vedic deities were mostly
male and the Mother goddess concept may have been taken from the Indus Valley
people. Among the Vedic deities: Indra, Mitra and Varuna were important, along
with the Adityas, Rudra, and Prajapati. In time the first three gods were forgotten
but the others gave rise to the Trimurti of modern Hinduism. Prajapati became
Brahma, Rudra became Shiva, and one of the Adityas became Vishnu. These gods
came to be represented as a single image.

The Upanishads are the earliest books of Hindu Philosophy, and were begun over
2,700 years ago. During the next 2000 years, important compositions like the
ancient law books, the epics Ramayana and the Mahabarata, and the Puranas firmly
established the Hindu tradition in India. Each of these texts was compiled over
hundred of years.


1. Nyaya- deals with logic

2. Vaisheshika- concerns the nature of the world

3. Samkhya- examines the origin and evolution of the universe

4. Yoga- is a set of mental and physical exercises designed to free the body so
that the soul can unite with Brahman

5. Purva-mimansa- interprets the Vedas

6. Vedanta- interprets the Vedas


Hindu Educational System

From the Files of Mr. Michael John M. Victoria
EDUC 402/403 D

1. Literature of the Brahmans. Vedas is the oldest Hindu scriptures and the
oldest sacred writings of any major religion. Veda means knowledge. Vedas
are as follows:

a. Rig Veda- Veda of Psalms and Verses

b. Yajur Veda- Veda of sacred Formulas

c. Sama Veda- Veda of Chants

d. Atharva Veda- Veda of Charms

e. The Angas- volume of Hindu scientific and philosophical knowledge

f. The Code of Manu- a compilation of ethics, customs, and traditions.

Hindu Educational System

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