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(A Central University)
Suryamaninagar 799130, Tripura West, INDIA

NO. F.TU/IQAC/01/2010


The First meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), constituted vide notification
no. F.TU/REG/IQAC/01/2010, dt.24.11.2010, was held on 3rd January, 2011 at Council Hall
of Tripura University.
Members Present:

Prof. Arunoday Saha, Vice Chancellor

Prof. Biswanath Dinda
Prof. Barin Kumar De
Prof. Ramesh. Chandra Srivastava
Mrs. Sobha Debbarma
Prof. Anjan Mukherjee
Mr. Mon Mohan Reang
Prof. Satyadev Poddar
Prof. Pralay Kanti Halder
Dr A.K. Gupta, IFS, Addl PCCF
Prof. Sangram Sinha

- Chairman
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member Secretary

At the outset, the Chairman welcomed the members of the newly constituted body of IQAC
with special thanks to the external member Dr. A. K. Gupta, Addl. Principal Chief
Conservator of Forest, Govt. of Tripura. Initiating the discussion the Vice Chancellor
explained the importance of IQAC and urged upon the members to promote measures for
Institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and to develop a quality system to
improve the academic and administrative performances of Tripura University.
The Member-Secretary then gave a brief overview of the functioning of IQAC and explained
the modalities to be followed to monitor quality enhancement for the forthcoming NAAC
reaccreditation. Dr. A. K. Gupta suggested that the lapses present during the previous NAAC
accreditation are to be rectified first and then further improvement of quality in all aspects is
to be ensured before NAAC visit. He also put emphasis to identify the grey areas of the
University to achieve the Pursuit of Excellence. Prof. P. K. Halder, Prof. B. K. De,
Prof. S. Poddar, Prof. A. Mukherjee, Prof. R. C. Srivastava and other members participated in

the discussion. Thereafter the detailed aspects of monitoring mechanism were discussed at
length and the following decisions have been taken:
1. IQAC will function as per UGC Benchmark and IQAC meetings are to be conducted
once in each quarter.
2. A new window is to be opened in the name of IQAC on Website of Tripura
University and the minutes of the first meeting are to be posted in this window.
3. For triggering quality culture, Goals and Functions of the IQAC are to be circulated
to the Stakeholders.
4. IQAC is entrusted with mandatory annual assessment of teachers for the period July
June. Relevant Circular is to be issued during March/April every year.
5. A pro-forma for collecting academic information is to be created by the Cell.
6. IQAC will assess annual information received from teachers and suggest remedial
measures to be adopted for removing gaps and weaknesses, such as tutorials,
remedial courses, workshops etc.
7. IQAC will interact with the Deans of the faculties regarding assessment of the
individual teacher and the Deans, in turn, will co-ordinate the matter in the
departments under his/her faculty.
8. The collected information and subsequent assessment are to be properly maintained
by IQAC in its own database.
9. Director, CDC is requested to collect information about the monitoring mechanism of
IQAC in the Colleges affiliated to Tripura University.
10. The Annual assessment report shall be placed before the Academic Council for
ratification and thereafter, to be forwarded to UGC/MHRD.
11. IQAC is also entrusted to assist in the development of the API criteria based PBAS
pro-forma separately developed by UGC. Accordingly, a committee has been
constituted with the following members ( nominated by Honble Vice Chancellor):

Prof. B. K. Agarwala, Pro-Vice Chancellor

Prof. R. C. Srivastava
Prof. P. K. Halder
Prof. B.K. De
Prof. A Mukherjee
Prof. S. Poddar
Prof. S. Sinha

- Chairman
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member.
- Member Secretary

12. IQAC shall be provided space and supporting staff (2 computer Assistants for data
entry and typing) so that it can function smoothly.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks from the Chair.

Prof. S. Sinha
Director & Member Secretary
IQAC, Tripura University

Prof. A. Saha
IQAC, Tripura University

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