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gain insight using occultic ritual.

Ability to gain insight into a question or situation using an occultic, standardized process
or ritual. Sub-power of Magic. Magical variation to Extrasensory Perception.


Also Called

Fortune Telling
Omen Reading


User can employ divination, a method of reading the future, the present and the past and/or
provide help to a problem at hand by using an occultic, standardized process or ritual.
Divination can be achieved by communicating with the supernatural (i.e. gods, demons,
spirits, nymphs) or just by reading certain patterns.



See also: Methods of divination

Acultomancy - form of divination in which the user uses needles for divination.
Agalmatomancy - form of divination by the means of statues or teraphim for
Aichmomancy - form of divination by using sharp objects for divination.
Astromancy - form of divination in which the user interprets the future through the
movement of celestial bodies in certain houses which is believed to affect the future.

Bibliomancy - form of divination using books in divination or for advice. The method
of employing sacred books (especially specific words and verses) for 'magical
medicine', for removing negative entities, or for divination is widespread in many
religions of the world.
Catoptromancy - form of divination in which the user uses mirrors for divination.
Cartomancy - form of divination in which the user uses cards for divination.
Crystallomancy - form of divination in which the user uses crystals for divination.
Elementomancy - form of divination in which the user uses the elements for
o Aeromancy - form of divination in which the user interprets and reads the
future through atmospheric conditions (i.e. cloud formations, wind currents,
comets, thunder and lightning). It was said to be one of the seven "forbidden
arts" along with geomancy, hydromancy, pyromancy, palmistry, necromancy
and scapulimancy (the divination of the bones).
o Abacomancy - form of divination in which the user uses the patterns in dust,
dirt, silt and sand for divination.
Necromancy - form of divination by speaking to the dead using corpses as conduit.
Numeromancy - form of divination in which the user uses the numbers for divination.
Oneiromancy - form of divination in which the user uses the dreams for divination.
Scrying - reading the future or obtain spiritual visions through translucent or
luminescent objects. Sub-methods include crystallomancy/crystal gazing and
pyromancy/fire reading.


All methods take time and space for the ritual.

The user may require supernatural aid to correctly predict the future.
No one can confirm if the prediction is true or false.
Most methods need specific items (i.e. bibliomancy requires a book while I Ching
requires many things).

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