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Art is a study of abstracted matter which conveys a multitude of feelings and may allow
life to be not only functional but also to increase its beauty. Truth on the other hand is more
complex and thus is more difficult to define. Truth is independent of what we believe and there
are three different definitions/approaches of truth Correspondence, coherence and pragmatic
theories of truth. Firstly, the correspondence theory explains that a statement is only true if it
corresponds to reality, the coherence theory states that a statement is only true if it coincides with
other things that are considered true and lastly, the pragmatic theory explains that something is
only true if it is important or useful. In comparison, truth is independent and impersonal, whereas
art is very personal and dependent on the artist as well as the viewers, thus art is unable to tell
the truth.
Art is personal, and are exhibited or created by artists to show what is true to them but
may not be true for others. For example, the common saying A picture is worth a thousand
words the is true as, a painting could bring a specific message or meaning to me and a different
to another and both meanings could vary from the intended meaning by the artist. In addition,
referring to the coherence theory, art contradicts it; for example, two persons may be given the
same exact dance routine or same thing to draw, however both persons will not execute the dance
routine with the same effect, meaning or message. Similarly, both persons will not produce the
same drawing, even if they could. What is true for one may not be true for the other, thus there is
no set or concrete truth that can be gathered from art, as we all have different perceptions,
interpretations, meanings and truths gathered from various works of art.

The knowledge claims of art may be verified, because art is personal and expresses what
we know which coincides with knowledge claims as they are statements that we know or at least
we say we know. For example, an artist may look at a scene and may think it is beautiful thus
will execute a painting emphasizing the beauty of the scene. Also, an artist may write a piece if
literature, evoking what they believe in beyond the material world such as the poem written by
Gerard Manley, Gods Grandeur. This poem exhibits metaphysical statements, as the poet is
describing his belief in God and even his admiration for God and his works in the world.
Knowledge claims of art may be verified as they are exhibited by art. However we all
have various knowledge claims which lead to art not having a concrete truth. What is true for me
may not be true for another, thus we will have conversing interpretations of works of art. The
arts are channels through which we express what we know and what is true to us, hence there is
no specific truth to art and our own knowledge claims can be verified.
The arts provide us with both shared knowledge and personal knowledge. Artists share
their knowledge with views through their pieces and send out a specific message through their
works of art. For example, Frida Khalos painting My Birth expresses her past experiences of
miscarriages and also shares her pain with viewers. Her painting shares her knowledge on
miscarriages with the people who view her painting. In addition to paintings, literature may also
express knowledge on past experiences, such as the poem by Emily Dickinson; One need not be
a Chamber to be haunted, which provides knowledge on the feeling of being haunted by your

Furthermore, the arts portray shared knowledge and may bring awareness of something to
the world. For example Michael Jacksons song We are the World, brings awareness to the
public about humanity and our role as humans in this world. The arts are used to convey
messages to people and thus we gain insight and knowledge merely from looking at or reading a
work of art. Another example includes My dance routine for a song called My Love by Sia. The
purpose of this dance is to reach out and give comfort to persons whom have experienced death
as well as illustrating the effects of death of a loved one.
As a result of arts being a way of expressing our thoughts, feelings and emotions,
knowledge is also passed on from the works of art. Artists main purpose of their finished work
is to convey a message and thus art provides knowledge, whether shared or personal.

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