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How To Test A Motherboard Thru Their VRMs

In Uncategorized on May 13, 2012 at 6:12 am

Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs)

VRMs (voltage regulator modules) are a specific class of MOSFETs;
Far from being true. A VRM module consists of the controlling IC and MosFets (if we
focus only on semiconductors).
However, it is true that there are many type of FETs. MOSFET being the most common
one. JFET is one of the other type.
MOSFETS are a specific type of FETs. FETs have several advantages over bipolar
transistors. For a basic description on the workings of a voltage regulator, search on
7805 data on Google or Yahoo (7805 is a basic 5-volt regulator).
VRMs take one voltage (such as +5 VDC) and produce a different, lower voltage that is
needed by various components (microprocessor, memory, etc.). Each VRM can only
produce one output at a time, so two different VRMs are needed if the CPU and memory
operate at different voltages. The output of the VRM can be varied slightly, depending on
how external components are connected and controlled, so some motherboards are able to
have settable voltages for memory. CPU voltage is usually, but not always, taken care of
automatically. True variable power supplies, where the voltage is variable over a large
range, arent used in PCs. The middle leg is usually cut off, because it is connected to the
case, which is soldered to the board. The case is often, but not always, connected to
ground. To test one, you need to know what the input and output should be, then measure
them with respect to a known ground. If the VRM produces no or low output with proper
input, either its bad, or an external controlling component is bad. If the input is bad, look
for upstream damage. Usually, its best to test a VRM in-circuit (with CPU, memory, etc.
removed!) so that the output can be checked at the immediate output of the VRM, as well
as at the point of connection of the powered device.
The VRM chip generates drive pulses for the gate of the MOSFET. The MOSFET drives
the inductor and the resulting spikes are rectified and filtered either with a synchronous
rectifier fet controlled by the VRM chip or a diode.the chip gets feedback from the output
to vary the duty cycle thus the output voltage. Tthe technical name is buck converter.
Buck converter is the entire circuit, buck controller is the ic that controls the converter.
Procedure for testing Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs):

(This assumes that any bad capacitor problems have already been fixed.)
1. Turn off power to the computer.
2. Remove CPU, memory, and all peripherals from motherboard. Disconnect power
3. This step verifies that the board is not damaged, and the VRM is not shorted:
a. Measure resistance from power supply pin (+3.3, +5, +12, -5, -12) to input of VRM.
Resistance should be zero (too low to measure).
b. Measure resistance from output of VRM to load supply pin. Resistance should be zero
(too low to measure).
c. Measure resistance from input of VRM to ground (should be greater than 1 megohm,
usually much greater).
d. Measure resistance from output of VRM to ground (should be greater than 1 megohm,
usually much greater).
4. Install CPU, memory, and all peripherals to motherboard. Connect power supply.
5. Turn on power to the computer.
6. This step actually tests the VRM (all voltages taken with respect to circuit ground):
a. Measure voltage at the power supply side of the power connector (+3.3, +5, +12, -5,
b. Measure voltage at the motherboard side of the power connector (+3.3, +5, +12, -5,
-12). Anything less than the value obtained in step 6.a indicates a high resistance in the
power supply connector.
c. Measure voltage at the input to the VRM (+3.3, +5, +12, -5, -12). Anything less than
the value obtained in step 6.b indicates a high resistance in the PC board traces to the
VRM, and is probably not repairable, even with a schematic.
Is repairable, by making a bridge with a wire. Usually from one capacitor to the next
one. Never occurred to me unless it is a manufacturer design.
Basically, it is pretty simple. If mainboard does not POST, check voltages.
If PSU voltages are within range, check voltages on motherboard. Cpu has pretty much
standard voltage. About 1.4V is fine for newer CPUs, 1.8V for athlons and P3s, 2V or
greater for first celerons and P2 (Some early P3).
If there is no power (voltage) to the CPU, check if you placed capacitors the right way,
observing the polarity. Same goes for other circuits, RAM, AGP etc. ..

If VRM IC is busted, it would be hard to find a new one. Sometimes (rarely) only one of
the mosfets break, usually the upper one. When it does that, the lower one migh go poof
as well (protecting the CPU).
If one breaks, replace both. Check IC for damage, might be good to replace that one as
well, sometimes it is the cause of this mess.
d. Measure voltage at the output of the VRM. The value obtained depends on the
functions being powered by the VRM, so knowledge of the expected value is required.
Anything different than expected indicates a failed VRM (note that output may be higher
or lower than expected if bad).
e. Measure voltage at the device being powered. This requires knowledge of the device
(which pins are power pins). Pinouts are readily available on the Internet for 30-pin,
72/144 pin, and 168 pin memory, as well as ISA, PCI, AGP, USB, etc. Pinouts for CPUs
are either on the Internet or may be obtained from the manufacturer. Anything less than
the value obtained in step 6.d indicates a high resistance in the PC board traces from the
VRM, and is probably not repairable, even with a schematic.
Ive learned that the Chopper (i like that word), has to ramp up, and the reference is
actually two feedback loops.
The outer loop, for voltage, and the inner loop for current.
My problem with smaller powersupplies has always been finding bad Zeners, little ones.
With voltage mode control, e.g. 3524 or TL494, you only have voltage feedback. It
doesnt respond as well to load transients, though the load transient spec for an ATX P/S
isnt very challenging. With current mode control, e.g. UC3842 (3843, 3844, 3845) you
have voltage feedback and a sample of the inductor current is also fedback. In voltage
mode control, the output of its error amplifier (which compares the output voltage sample
to an internal reference voltage) is compared to a sawtooth ramp. The start of the ramp is
also the start of the switch (chopper) on-time; when the ramp voltage rises above the
error amplifier output voltage, the switch is turned off, and remains off until the ramp
voltage is reset to zero. Current mode control is similar, except the sawtooth voltage is
a sample (scaled by the output transformer in AC-DC P/Ss) of the inductor current. This
lets the P/S resond much more quickly to load transients and O/P short circuits.
Im not sure whether ramping up refers to the sawtooth ramp or to the soft-start
function at turn-on. Soft-start prevents large currents through the switch during the turnon time, while the I/P voltage is still increasing. Basically, soft-start limits the switch ontime and current stress, so that the O/P voltage comes up more slowly. Another feature
that is implemented in the 3842 family PWM ICs is a lock-out that keeps the device from
turning on until its Vcc is high enough to maintain control, during turn-on, turn off, or a
I/P voltage drop-out. I dont think the 3524 has this feature, and Im not sure about the
TL494 (theyre almost 30-year-old designs).
Actually, O/P voltage overshoot can also be controlled or not by the compensation
components in the error amplifier circuitry.

If you want to get a better picture of how pulse-width modulation is accomplished

better than my short paragraph Id suggest checking out the datasheet for an SG3524 or
a TL494, which have block diagrams as well as verbiage.
Source = Output
Drain = Input
Gate = Gate
Current flows from the Drain to the Source afaik. (When the gate is (ON))
Can also flow backwards once the gate is on, however, the body diode will conduct when
the gate goes off, leading to rapid heating.

How to find the inputs and outputs on VRMs:

Ouput is past the choke on output capacitors
Input on input capacitors
In will have +12v connected one one side of caps.
[Continuity check to power plug.]
Out will have Vcore on one side of caps.
[Continuity check to toroid(s) NOT connected to +12v.]
Motherboard Repair, If All Else Fails (Including Washing)
I suggest as a last ditch effort before retiring it completely if its not too late, baking the
board. I have the problem as a common issue with geforce 6100/6150 chipsets. Its the
closest I can get easily to a bga reflow since I dont have a heat gun or a torch or
patience. I know its not a convenitonal method, but for a board youve attempted
everything else on and are set on pitching it, it cant hurt.

My method, strip the board of any heatsinks and battery and cmos chips if possible,
remove all thermal paste and thermal pads, preheat oven to 384F, elevate the motherboard
off of a pan (i ball up aluminum foil and leave a little pointy end for 4 mounting holes to
support the board) and bake for 5 minutes. I dont suggest pushing past 6 minutes, its
never been beneficial in my cases and stinks like hell. But so long as you can vent the
house afterward hey its fun.
Testing VRMs
Procedure for testing Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs):
(This assumes that any bad capacitor problems have already been fixed.)
1. Turn off power to the computer.
2. Remove CPU, memory, and all peripherals from motherboard. Disconnect power
3. This step verifies that the board is not damaged, and the VRM is not shorted:
a. Measure resistance from power supply pin (+3.3, +5, +12, -5, -12) to input of VRM.
Resistance should be zero (too low to measure).
b. Measure resistance from output of VRM to load supply pin. Resistance should be zero
(too low to measure).
c. Measure resistance from input of VRM to ground (should be greater than 1 megohm,
usually much greater).
d. Measure resistance from output of VRM to ground (should be greater than 1 megohm,
usually much greater).
4. Install CPU, memory, and all peripherals to motherboard. Connect power supply.
5. Turn on power to the computer.
6. This step actually tests the VRM (all voltages taken with respect to circuit ground):
a. Measure voltage at the power supply side of the power connector (+3.3, +5, +12, -5,
b. Measure voltage at the motherboard side of the power connector (+3.3, +5, +12, -5,
-12). Anything less than the value obtained in step 6.a indicates a high resistance in the
power supply connector.
c. Measure voltage at the input to the VRM (+3.3, +5, +12, -5, -12). Anything less than
the value obtained in step 6.b indicates a high resistance in the PC board traces to the
VRM, and is probably not repairable, even with a schematic.
d. Measure voltage at the output of the VRM. The value obtained depends on the
functions being powered by the VRM, so knowledge of the expected value is required.
Anything different than expected indicates a failed VRM (note that output may be higher
or lower than expected if bad).
e. Measure voltage at the device being powered. This requires knowledge of the device
(which pins are power pins). Pinouts are readily available on the Internet for 30-pin,

72/144 pin, and 168 pin memory, as well as ISA, PCI, AGP, USB, etc. Pinouts for CPUs
are either on the Internet or may be obtained from the manufacturer. Anything less than
the value obtained in step 6.d indicates a high resistance in the PC board traces from the
VRM, and is probably not repairable, even with a schematic.

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