Detector Measurement at Cpen

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Sample Prep/ Start

-Use Corning 250A to glue sample + PCBs to metal plate
-Lab supplies are in black cabinet or on optics table
-Turn on BB source needs ~1.5 hrs to warm up (1000c when ready)
- Turn it on
- Bond wires front to back, raise highly after first bond to give enough slack
- Remove broken/unconnected wires with tweeters
- If wire unthreads, open the clamp and thread it through the bottom of the tip on the opposite facing
- Draw Diagram of wiring for reference
Sample Holder/ Dewar
- Separate top from bottom from bottom vacuum connector.
- Release vacuum
- Disconnect vacuum hose if wanted
- Place on clean wipe, hold in place by sticking an alan wrench through optics table.
- Gently screw sample plate on the holder
- Solder wires to plate, make sure to note initial wire color from the top so ports can be identified
- Add Port Numbers to the wire-bonding diagram to keep track
- check resistance between contact and ground should be below 20k
- Place back into dewar; align with BB source.
- Connect vacuum fitting and roughing pump fitting.
- Turn on roughing pump
- Make sure dewar is closed to the roughing hose
- Slowly open the roughing pump valve (smoke is normal)
- Wait a bit (2-5min) check the LN2 level
- Open the vacuum valve on the dewar
- Plug temp controller wire into the dewar
- Turn on nitrogen (4psi) and ensure the hose is connected to the LN2 dewar
- Turn on Temp controller and enure temperature is going down
- If not fast enough turning up the pressure can help
- Shut off roughing pump
- Takes .5-1hr for cooldown.

- Make sure your at the temperature you want to be at
- Connect the detector to the Preamplifier
- Connect the Preamplifier to relevant measurement device
- Manually move the base and use motor controller to move sample dewar into area
- Press highspeed at same time to get it to go faster
- Checksignal spectrum, scale display
- Adjust xy to get optimal signal @1500
- Adjust Sensitivity on Current preamplifier
- Change SEN, bias save file as XX-XXX-(port)-(bias)-(sensitivity)
- Align the sample holder to the BB source
- Measure height and distance to ensure a proper fit (8in from sample to BB case)
- Place black foam under dewar and between the BB case to catch filter
- Place 3.6um filter using double sided tape over dewar window
- Turn on the chopper
- Start bias with SEN at 200u and go down by orders of magnitude without an overload
- Ensure the SR760 is on Spectrum setting
- Keep the tracer close to 600hz (match the chopper freq) can see tracer freq on top left
- Adjust Bias and Sen and record values
- Move away from BB and wrap Aluminum foil around dewar
- Same as photocurrent but switch to PSD
- Use floppy Technique
Darkcurrent (IV)
- Ensure sample is at the temperature you want
- Cover dewar in aluminium foil
- Move table w/ keithly on it so cords can reach the sample dewar
- Use the BNC to Bananna converter to connect the Keithly to the port
- Start computer
- Labtracer Labview Program
- setup 2602 sourcemeter
- source tab
- Start voltage is what was used for biases (-5v-5v)
- 1000 points
- click ok
- Run Current tests button
- Define Graph (X-Voltage, Y-Current)
- Datasheet save to flash drive
- Turn of N2, disconnect hose from flow controller
- Turn Temp controller to 300k-320k to warm up sample container (20min)
- Make sure Soldering Iron is off
- Turn off BB, Current Preamplifier and Spectrum Analyzer

- If not seeing a signal make sure autoranging (and autoscale) is turned on.
- Wait a bit after changing bias or sensitivity before taking measurement
- Make sure the setting is on PSD and not spectrum f
- Make sure Bias in On
- Bandpass 6db
- Input offset off
- filter 300-3k
Temperature Controller
Setpoint 6 (Enter Temperature) Enter Heater Range High Enter
USER: Labmanager
Pass: OPUS
sample comp
sample comp
classic style ch1 [external]

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