Organic Chemistry in Everyday Life

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Organic Chemistry in

Everyday Life
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry deals with all the properties of all carbon compounds. Many
scientists worked hard, performed experiments in order to know the properties
of all carbon compounds i.e. organic compounds. Scientists like William Henry
Perkin, Friedrich August Kekule, and Archibald Scott Couper have found many
organic compounds and their properties. The last two scientists named above
introduced the concept of organic chemistry (which deals with all carbon
compounds). Organic chemistry chemicals are well known for the presence of
Applications of Organic chemistry:
Organic chemistry applications in our daily life are as follows:

Digestion: Enzymes promote chemical reactions which power our bodies.

Lifting arm requires body to make and burn ATP using oxygen with carbon

dioxide as one of the waste gases produced.

The internal combustion engine coverts liquid gasoline into a gas, burns it,
and takes the waste to make mechanical energy and then expels noxious
gases. The rare metals in the catalytic converter are to scrub out the

sulfuric acid.
Cooking is the heating and combining of compounds to create something
new. In some cases such as rising bread, an actual chemical reaction is

required where the yeast changes the food.

When concrete dries and hardens the water, actually is a cause of a
chemical reaction with the cement which makes a binding action drying

When one writes with ink on paper, the ink and paper combine in a
chemical reaction so that one cant erase it. Most inks dry and cant be
erased; they bound with the paper by the chemical reaction. This also
includes your pen and your ink jet printer.

Plastics are generally all about organic chemistry. They are the synthetic
organic compounds, mostly used in day-to-day life.
The sun undergoes fusion and creates radiation and photons so that we
can see. Some of the radiation interacts with oxygen to create ozone and

the ozone layer protects us like a sheild from harmful UV radiation.

Steel is composed of 94% iron and 6% carbon. The carbon forms complex
bonds which makes steel so strong that one can bend an iron crowbar, but
not a steel one. Steel is one of the most generally used construction
materials next to glass (a chemical combination of silicon), plastic (organic
chemistry) and aluminum (which is refined from bauxite ore using

extremely high voltage.

ANYTHING which burns is undergoing a chemical reaction and almost
always gives some form of carbon as waste.

The organic chemistry chemicals are well known for the presence of carbon in
them. As carbon has tetra-valence, so it has the ability to attached four different
compounds or groups. Thus, this ability of carbon increases the types of organic
compounds area. That is why it became necessary to separate all the carbon
compounds (organic compounds) and they all named as Organic compounds.
Organic compounds are very vast, and even day-by-day new compounds are
being discovered. All organic chemistry chemicals deals with carbon as their
main element and show properties depending upon the four groups attached to
the carbon.

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