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Your "Beliefs Vehicle" Of Choice -- A

Combination Of "Brain and Lane"


-In Eastern philosophy they say that all beliefs will be proven to be false.
-While I personally believe that humans DO have the ability to see aspects of the world
"objectively" so to speak, I also believe that the map is not the territory, and beliefs are a
VEHICLE that can be upgraded at different phases of your life.
-The best "beliefs vehicle" is "autodetected" by your unconscious mind by looking at "brain
and lane".
-Brain: willpower (PFC), emotional balance, the complexity of truth that your mind can
process, level of uncertainty and ambiguity your mind can accept
-Lane: status, abilities built over a lifetime of arbitrary experience, what you perceive will
gain you social acceptance
-Aldous Huxley "A Brave New World" Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Episilon "I love being
a beta, I get to take soma and don't have all the responsibilities of the alphas"
-Seminar example...
-I see a seminar that costs money, I believe I have the brainpower to understand it and
willpower to use it, as well as a lane in which to apply the ideas.
-Conversely someone who doesn't think they'd have the willpower to follow up with it, or a
lane in which to use it, may believe it's not worthwhile.
-Popularity example...
-An example of this would be how some kids decide to become popular jocks, others
become angry goths. The goth strategy is preemptively handling rejection by doing it for
itself,so makes sense to someone in that situation.
-Learning from success example...
-I see successful people and want to learn from them. This has a payoff to me at this point
in my life because I 1) have the brain power to implement their advice, and 2) see a lane in
which to use it.
-Conversely I used to see success and detect they wouldn't have the willpower to use the
advice, or a lane in which to apply it.
So I believed they'd gained it through unethical means. I'd say "I could do that, but I don't
want to be unethical." It seems irrational, but there was a payoff for that as well. I got to
retain confidence that my chosen path in life was the correct one, and not sink into self
doubt about my intelligence or work ethic.
-Sex example...
-I see girls and think it's great that everyone enjoys sex, and that even high quality people
enjoy sex. This has a payoff for me because I detect that I have the mental maturity to
endure a few rejections to get laid, and I know how to do so.

-I used to see girls and think any girl who enjoyed sex was a low quality slut, and that girls
in bars were dumb whores and only daytime girls in cafes and libraries were good. This had
a payoff because it allowed me rationalize avoiding environments like clubs where I didn't
fit in and would've failed anyway, and to have only one woman since getting only one
would've been hard.
-Why is this important?
-This is an important feature of human psychology that we've evolved in order to preserve
our confidence, so that as the environment changes and a lane opens up, we aren't riddled
with self doubt to take it.
-Explain: "Human Confidence Presevation Mechanism"
-People resent "false hope" because it disrupts this important aspect of the brain. If their
brain is chugging along happily with a vehicle that maintains their confidence and prevents
self doubt about their lifestyle, and you encourage them to change vehicles, they will feel
upset if the new vehicle doesn't turn out to be suited to their environment.
-You're saying "Look there's a lane right here" so they change vehicles, but it turns out that
the new lane sucks and the old one worked better for them.
-Imagine if you were a "goth kid" and thought you could become a "popular kid" and then
it didn't work out? You'd be pissed that you were given false hope.
-The process of changing lanes is confusing.
-Perez Hilton example: A guy who gained success by being the epitome of the guy who
looks down on other people to rationalize his own existence, but eventually gained success
and had to question his behaviour.
-There ultimately has to be a payoff. Derrick said to me that a hippy robbing my backpack
is no different than me doing a Bootcamp. It's just a squirrel trying to get a nut. It's doing
what it knows how. I'm just lucky that a lane opened up for me to get that nut while still
being able to claim the moral higher ground.
-Your vehicle evolves the same way the physical characteristics of animals evolve: in
response to arbitrary environmental circumstances, and exploitation of niche based abilities.
-Compare the stereotypes of the lion or wolf to a cochroach or vulture, or maggot.
-Human beings can also adopt behaviours and characteristics that are similar in nature to
animals. They can be the primary providers of value, parasites, etc.
-The DNA just wants to survive and reproduce. It will go with ANY set of behaviours in
order to do so, and then in humans simply rationalize them.
-Going back to animals, if you go back far enough they're all related, but they broke off due
to random characteristics they had merging into the environment.
-The animal's physical and behavioural characteristics are simply "lanes" that it's utilizing,
and can evolve differently. The same wolf can evolve into an even more powerful version
of itself, or a chihuaua.
-It can choose the "wolf lane" or "chihuahua" lane".
-The difference between you and an animal is that your belief vehicle is that it's been
evolved more recently, and doesn't require multiple generations to change.

-Realize that your beliefs vehicle may well have evolved based on factors that you're now
smart enough to change.
-Once you know better foods and meditation and exercise and absorbing higher quality
materials and building on smaller challenges can help your brain, you can choose to
gradually improve your PFC and emotional maturity, you can also proactively seek out
lanes where you could apply this improved brain power.
-Realize that many of your beliefs were taken on for good reason at the time, but you can
now upgrade your beliefs by continually improving your brain and trying to create a more
and more accurate model of the world.
-You can choose to be continually building up your brainpower and becoming more at ease
and self trusting to take on a complex and ambiguious model of the world.
-In the end, you can then take on the qualities of a more admirable animal, and live a life
that you're more proud of.
-Because at the end of the day, while the improvement in lifestyle is amazing, being able to
look in the mirror and feel proud of who you are, without trying to retain rationalizations
about yourself, is one of the biggest payoffs in the world.

The amount of chode in my previous posts is breath taking. Oh well, maybe in a few years
i'll look back and think this was chode.
So the topic here is growing. Tyler has talked many times about this so this is basically my
summary of what I have personally gotten out of it. More in depth explanations can be
derived from the RSD vids that are all over youtube, but here it is.
The biggest epiphany and mind blowing theory that to me describes the transfomration
process from a chode to being a man in your prime of just being a massive pimp is the
"BRAIN & LANE" idea Tyler talked about. It took me a few months of really thinking
about and re watching to understood what he meant and I keep learning from it since I keep
seeing evidence for it and how it works from a practical stand point. The QUICK summary
of his idea there was that beliefs, that is the way you look at the world and the models you
have about how life should be (your reality) can be thought of as a vehicle that gets you
from point a to point b, this simply means that all beliefs essentially serve a purpose as far
as getting you through the world and being able to understand it from a certain
prespeactive, now since the beliefs you have are very much like mechanisms your brain
uses, the independent variables that heavily influence your beliefs stem from 2 sources
"Brain" and "Lane" the first one is basically your current ability to cognitively understand a
new paradigm and the emotional fortitude and resillience necessary to take on a new belief
set are all important factors as to wether you will be able to adopt the new belief,
furthermore tyler proposes a mechanism by which your brain can autodetect your brain
capacity to circumnavigate new paradigms and when a beliefs seems to complex and
emotionally daunting it will block it out and perhaps push it down to maintain your
confidence in yourself he called this something like the "confidence preservation
mechanism". The second part of this is "Lane" which essentially means that because the
tendency is to save time and energy a new belief will only come to surface and become
internalized when there is a belief that a pay off can happen, meaning you have to believe
that as a consequence of taking a new belief a new lane will open that is desireable, if a
belief offers a lane (a payoff) your mind will buy in. The combination of both brain and
lane must be present in the correct combination and amount for your brain to engage, buy
in and adopt a new belief vehicle that'll get you from point B to point C. That is you switch
vehicles and now a new paradigm arises causing shifts in RAS and attitude allowing for a
different engagement, behavior and attitude with the world.

This^ right there was absolutely mind blowing to me. Thing is growing up in the game and
in life in general you have to realize that you're going to have to kill your current self and
evolve, again you don't have to do this, you could be a scumbag and get liad like crazy but
those wanting to consistenlty evolve are going to have to enter periods of frustration, self
doubt, ambiguity and shift in consciosunsess while both your brain develops the power to
understand and internalize new belief sets and while your RAS opens up to lanes you never
saw and buy in and become something in 10 years you never thought possible. That was the
big lesson for me. Never stopping. Steping up. Even when you're sucking shit and not
living up to your values. Never saying "fuck it" like a person who lets themselves become
obese (fuck it I got a belly already keep eating. I keep having to buy new pant sizes, FUCK
IT) no. Wrong. Even when you're sucking shit. Aggrezively reverse it. Trust yourself and

keep grinding it out. Don't be too hard on yourself and if you are be resourceful and
practical about it and don't become a hard case, just STFU and get on with it. It's all good
shit. Read allot. Challenge yourself and learn to be okay with being uncomfortable, kill
your current self and evolve. Then kill that. Never stop. We can rest when we're dead.

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