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Controlled Environment Systems ABE 483/583

Dr. Gene A. Giacomelli

Professor & Director Controlled Environment Agriculture Center
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Shantz Building, Room 504, Ph: 520 621-1412
CEA Building, Room 101, 1971 E. Roger Road, Ph: 520 626-9566
Lecture #6 Psychrometrics

Chapter 5, pps 347 - 353

Psychrometrics by Eileen Wheeler,
How Does Evaporative Cooling Work? by CELdek
Psychrometric Chart from ACME Engineering & Manufacturing Corp.

ASHRAE 1985 Fundamentals Chapter 6, pps 6.1 6.20
The Greenhouse Climate Control Handbook, Engineering Principles and Design Procedures by
ACME Engineering & Manufacturing Corp.
Horticultural Engineering Website at Rutgers University
<Presentations> <Ventilation & Cooling PowerPoint slides>
slide #5 is a psychrometric chart
Psychrometric Chart Use, Eileen Fabian Wheeler, from Greenhouse Environmental Control
Resources Notebook by Wheeler, A.J. Both and P.P. Ling, 2000
PSYCHART, by Wei Fang, from Computer Software for Controlled Environment Plant
Production Systems Short Course Notebook by K. C. Ting, Rutgers University, 1991

The psychrometric chart is a graphic representation of the properties of moist air. Alternatively,
there are equations for calculating each of the properties of the moist air [see ASHRAE 1985
Fundamentals Chapter 6, pps 6.1 6.20].
Air is a mixture of mostly inert gasses, such as nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, carbon dioxide
0.04%, and others argon, etc. It also contains water vapor which readily changes state from
solid, liquid, gas within the range of typical weather temperatures. This has a great effect on the
properties of the mixture.
Knowing any two properties of the moist air, then the position on the psychrometric chart is
known [the state point], and thus all other properties of the moist air can be determined.
Dry Bulb Temperature
Tdb, oF or oC
represents the most common temperature of the air as measured by a thermometer
shown as vertical lines on the chart
numerical values shown on the bottom, horizontal line

Lecture #6 Psychrometrics

Humidity Ratio
W, lbwater/lbdry air or kgwater/kgdry air
represents the actual amount of moisture in the air, as pounds of water per pound of dry air
horizontal lines on the chart
numerical values shown on the right, vertical axis of chart
independent of air temperature
also called absolute humidity by an old prof
Relative Humidity
RH, %
represents the amount of water held by the air at a given air temperature,
specifically the ratio of the amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount of
moisture that could be held in the air at the same air temperature.
thus a relative termrelative to air temperature!
curved lines radiate from lower left to upper right of chart
horizontal line at bottom is 0% RH, uppermost curved line at 100% RH is the saturation line
Example: for a given state point having air temperature and %RH,
as the air temperature increases [move horizontally to the right from any state point on
the chart], the %RH will decrease [i.e. there is the same amount of water within air that
now can hold more water due to its higher temperature, thus the ratio decreases]. Note
that the humidity ratio would not change, as no water was added or removed from the air
during this process.
conversely as the air temperature decreases [move horizontally to the left from any state
point on the chart], the %RH will increase [i.e. there is the same amount of water within
air that now can hold less water due to its cooler temperature, thus the ratio increases].
However, if the air temperature was reduced sufficiently for the %RH to reach 100%, and
then continue to cool, the air no longer has the capacity to hold the amount of moisture
that it has, therefore water must begin to condense [change from vapor moisture to liquid
moisture]. Droplets will form on cool surfaces. The %RH remains at 100%.
If cooling continues, as the state point moves downward along the saturation line, the
%RH remains at 100%, but the humidity ratio decreases. This decrease is equal to the
amount of moisture that has condensed out from the air during cooling.
Wet Bulb Temperature
Twb, oF or oC
represents the temperature as measured by a thermometer of an object that is wetted and is
evaporating water from its surface. The evaporation causes cooling [heat loss] of the surface,
and thus a reduction of temperature. The amount of evaporation is increased when the air
relative humidity is low, and decreased when it is high. Thus the wet bulb air temperature gives
an indication of both the amount of moisture in the air and the relative humidity of the air.
the wet bulb lines are the sloped lines on the chart, from upper left to lower right
numerical values are shown at the upper end of the lines, along the 100% RH saturation line

Lecture #6 Psychrometrics

Dew point Temperature

Tdp, oF or oC
represents the temperature of the air at which water will begin to condense out of the moist air.
As the air temperature decreases, its relative humidity increases until saturation is reached, and
condensation occurs on surfaces that are at or below the dew point temperature for this air. The
dew point is reached by moving horizontally to the left along a line of constant humidity ratio,
until the saturation curve is reached.
h, BTU/lbda
the heat energy content of moist air. Expressed as BTU per pound of dry air, and represents the
energy due to the temperature of the air and the moisture within the air. The enthalpy numerical
values are located above the wet bulb air temperature at the saturation line. The enthalpy lines
run diagonally from upper left to lower right on the chart. The enthalpy lines almost overlap
with wet bulb temperature lines.
Specific Volume
v, ft3/lbda
represents the space or volume occupied by the air, and is inverse to the density. Specific
volume lines run diagonally [near to vertical] from upper left to lower right on the chart. Note
that since warm air is less dense than cool air, warm air has a greater specific volume. Warm air
rises relative to cool air because of lower density. Also note that moist air is less dense than dry
air, since water [H2O, 2 + 16 = 18 g/mol] is less dense than air [78% N2 + 21% O2 = 21.8 + 6.7

These properties are a function of the atmospheric barometric pressure. Most are prepared
for sea level. Tucson is at 2500 feet above sea level, and thus is at a slightly reduced
atmosphere. Comparing psychrometric charts at these different altitudes will show that:
The dry-bulb temperatures will coincide.
Wet-bulbs lines have the same slope.
Humidity ratio and enthalpy will increase with altitude.
Relative humidity will change little.
Volume changes very much. It is inversely proportional to the barometric pressure.
Example: comparison of enthalpy (h B/lb), humidity ratio (W lbwater/lbdry air) relative
humidity (RH, %), and specific volume (ft3/ lbdry air) at dry bulb (DB) air temperature of
100 oF and wet bulb air temperature of 81 oF.
Sea level
5000 ft


Lecture #6 Psychrometrics




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