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Creation and Evolution

Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the
John 1:1, 2: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with

God created the earth in the first three days.

The original text, inspired by the Word of God, uses the word yom to
describe the period of time apportioned as a day. The Hebrew word
yom refers to a length of time, not necessarily a 24-hour period.
Accordingly, the period of time described in the book of genesis as a
day is essentially any length of time. Creationism and Evolutionism
can therefore co-exist under the current conditions of science since
each day allocated in the Bible is long enough, say even billions of
years, to support the notion that people adapted. That is not to say,
however, that we came from monkeys. Let me explain.
God created the earth in response to Lucifers betrayal of Him in
heaven. Genesis 1:2 says that darkness was on the face of the deep;
the darkness being Lucifer and his following of angels. Man was not
created until billions of years later. John 1:1 and 2 took place at the
time from the creation to just before the fall of Lucifer. Jesus Christ is
the Word of God. At John 1:1 and 2, Jesus Christ was the Word of God,
He was with God, and He was God. The trinity at that point had not
separated since The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ were still at one with
God the Father, as the same was in the beginning with God. The
trinity separated at the point where Lucifer was cast onto the earth
dimension and when God said, Let there be Light, at Genesis 1:3. At
John 1:4, and 5-11, Jesus Christ is the light referred to, the Light who
shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not, which
proves that Jesus Christ is the light God created. Therefore, when
Lucifer was cast out of heaven, as God said, Let there be Light, the
trinity was formed in its current state: God the Father, Jesus Christ, and
The Holy Spirit.
Now, the question that arises is where was Jesus Christ at the point
immediately after the fall of Lucifer? He was in heaven with God the
Father and also on the earth through the Holy Spirit, but not yet in the
flesh. He was the Word of God when God spoke. John 1:14 says And

the Word was made flesh This verse describes when Jesus Christ
became a man after John the Baptist foretold his coming. Jesus Christ
had to be in existence before he was made a man on earth, or else the
Word would have been created at the time he became a man. If the
Word were made flesh, the Word must have existed before it was made
flesh. The trinity therefore was in existence in the earth dimension and
in heaven at the same time because, at Genesis 1:4, God saw the
light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
This verse has two meanings.
First, God divided day from night. Second, God divided Himself, the
Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, collectively the trinity, from Lucifer.
Lucifer was not a part of God at any time. God then found that Jesus
Christ was good. This is where Lucifer was divided from God as a
punishment for his betrayal of God. This is the point of the creation.
God sent the Holy Spirit to earth at the same time he sent Lucifer to
earth knowing that Lucifer had to be cancelled out and eventually
destroyed in order for God to win the battle against Lucifer. God knew
in advance that Lucifer would tempt man and that Jesus Christ would
be the sacrifice for Mans sins when He would die on the cross and rise
from the dead to defeat death.
Why did Lucifer have to be divided from God?
The throne of God in heaven has an emerald and green flame above it
that stretches thousands of feet up onto the air. It is beautiful and
amorphous as it connects with the tangible music of heaven. The flame
of the throne is one of Gods ways of communicating with the people of
heaven. This flame burns effervescently with the Life of God and the
angel Lucifer directed it before he betrayed God. Effectively, Lucifer
was part of the flame, as was God, when the flame burned solidly in a
friendly battle between God and Lucifer. Lucifer was Gods best angel
for many billions of years (in earth time). They were friends, but God
was the King. As Lucifer directed the flame, and God directed it back,
the flame burned throughout time to the liking of God. However,
Lucifer was very powerful in heaven and thought that he could
overtake Gods control when he was helping direct the flame of the
throne. When he thought he could overtake God, God had to cast
Lucifer from heaven to earth. This is why God split into the trinity after
the fall of Lucifer. So God won. Lucifer then sat in the earth dimension
our universe - for billions of years to be separated from God, until
God created man.
Evolutionists discount the creation theory because they cannot
reconcile the fact that God created man according to the story
portrayed in the Bible. The scholars however have misinterpreted the

story in the Bible. God did in fact create the earth, the animals, and
man, but in a different way than the mainstream Christians perceive it.
The Bible has an interesting conundrum with regard to the creation of
man. God first creates man at Genesis 1:27: So God created man in
his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female
created he them. In Genesis 1:28, God blesses man and tells them to
be fruitful and multiply. The interesting concept here is that God
created Man before he created Adam and Eve. The passage does not
speak of the creation of Adam and Eve, but as creation of many men in
general, because God is blessing man and telling them to be fruitful
and multiply, whereas God punished Adam and Eve after the fall of
man. To clarify, this verse means many men were created and
blessed, whereas Adam and Eve were created, they sinned and were
exiled. This distinction proves there were separate physical creations
of man. First, God created through the evolutionary process, and
second at the Garden of Eden He created Adam and Eve. In theory,
God created the non-soul bearing man in Genesis Chapter 1, perhaps
over many billions of years, and created Adam and Eve, the soul
bearing man in Chapter 2. If you take the Bible literally and
chronologically, not looking at the creation of Adam as a caveat to the
creation story overview, it is clear that God created man, male and
female, separately from Adam and Eve at genesis 1:20 to 1:31, over
the fifth and sixth days. Adam and Eve were created later, in the
Garden of Eden, as the first soul bearing man and woman on the sixth
God created Adam at Genesis 2:7: And the Lord God formed man of
the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul. Man was already created at this point.
Man now became a living soul. This idea leaves open the position that
God created the original non-soul bearing man over many years
through an evolutionary process on the fifth and sixth days. This
position is further reinforced by the fact that Cain at Genesis 4:14-15
says to God that he will be slain by anyone who will find him after he is
exiled from the Garden of Eden, forcing God to put a mark on Cain that
will prevent anyone from hurting him. There had to be men who Cain
was afraid of, who were not Adam and Eve, who Cain was talking
about, or else the passage does not make any sense. Cain did not
receive a mark to protect him from Adam and Eve. These men that
Cain was afraid of were the men created on the fifth and sixth days,
through what the Evolutionists may call the evolutionary process.
Evolutionism can therefore exist in harmony with Creationism if you
examine the facts the Bible presents. Over many years during the fifth
and sixth days, perhaps many billions of years, man was created
outside the image of God. Whether man evolved from monkeys is up

to interpretation. Man was created in Gods image at the Garden of

Eden when God created Adam and Eve in His image. Gods image is a
spiritual image, not a physical image. The soul that God created for
Adam, and subsequently for Eve, was the actual creation of Man. The
true Biblical interpretation is that God did create man in His image
after he created the non-soul bearing man if evolution is proved to be
scientifically correct. Further examining this point, if many men were
created before Adam and Eve were created, this explains how the
different races of the earth originated while still sticking to the truth of
Creationism. Man was created. Then, when Adam and Eve sinned, all
men, even those created before were put on the same level, as
sinners. If you read the text of Genesis 1:27: So God created man in
his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female
created he them, where God created man before Adam, the non-soul
bearing man was transformed to a soul bearing man at the fall of Adam
and Eve. God knew this would happen when Lucifer was cast to earth,
but out of Lucifers punishment, God created the world and saved it
through Jesus Christ. We all are equal in the eyes of God.

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