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Chapter 1: Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism

Your Passport to Success

1. Creating customer _______and ________are at the heart of hospitality and
travel industry marketing.
2. The simplest definition of marketing states: As a manager, you want to make
sure that you deliver customer satisfaction at a ________.
3. The ________industry is the worlds largest and the most international in
nature, which is why its said that the world is only getting ________.
Customer Orientation
4. Customers are attracted and ________ when their needs are met.
5. For a successful business, hospitality managers should make customer
________ a priority over profits. Profits are best seen as the result of running a
business well rather than its ________.
6. Managers should not focus on maximizing ________-term profits, because they
are short-selling both the customer and the company.
Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
7. Much of the behavior of employees toward their customers is the result of
_______ philosophy.
8. The ________ department is the most visible in the hotel. Most of the nonpromotional areas of the marketing function take place behind closed doors.
9. Marketing ________ includes advertising, sales, product, price, distribution,
research, information systems, and planning.
10.Four-P framework: decide on ________ and characteristics, set the ________,
decide the ________ for distribution, and choose methods for ________.
11.The only way selling and promoting will be effective is if we first define
________ customers and needs and then prepare an easily accessible and
available value package.
Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
12.Marketing has assumed an increasingly important role in the ________ sector
of the hospitality industry.

13.Travel agents account for ____% of all cruise line business.

14.The hospitality industry is highly ________ and marketing professionals
therefore must understand the big picture.
15.Marketing is the art and science of finding, retaining and ________ profitable

Figure 1-1
A simple model
of the marketing

17.By creating value for customers, companies capture value from customers in
the form of ________, ________ and long-term customer ________.
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
18.Human ________: state of deprivation (physical, social, esteem); natural part
of human makeup.
19.Human ________: form of needs shaped by culture and individual personality.
It is a method of communicating needs; wants are objectives that satisfy
20.Our ________ increase with the growing number and quality of
21.Marketing ________: manufacturers and sellers focus only on customer wants
and lose sight of underlying customer needs.

22.Wants become ________ when backed by buying power.

23.Market ________: a product that is a combination of tangible, services,
information, or experiential product components.
24.Customer _______: difference between the benefits that the customer gains
from owning/using a product and the cost (monetary/non-monetary i.e. time)
of obtaining the product.
25.Customer ________ are based on past experiences, researched information,
and the opinions of peers.
26.Low expectations will diminish ________(resulting in fewer sales) and high
expectations have a higher chance of ________.
27.To combat high expectations, a company should deliver ________ than they
28.A market is a set of ________ and ________ buyers of a product.
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
29.To design a marketing ________, the marketing manager answers two
questions: what customers will we serve and how can we serve them best?
30.A company should serve ________ customers well rather than attempt to serve
all customers.
31.Five alternative concepts under which organizations design and carry out
marketing strategies: ________, product, ________, marketing, and ________
32.Production concept: consumers favor ________ and ________, so management
will focus on prices, production, and distribution efficiency.
33.Product concept: holds that consumers will favor products that offer the most
in ________, ________, and ________ features.
34.The production and product concepts have an ________ to ________ focus. Their
primary focus is a superior product and not necessarily customer wants
and/or needs.
35.Selling concept: focuses on maximizing quantity of ________ and does not
worry about customer satisfaction.

36.Under the ________ concept, companies go out of business because products

no longer satisfy the market. These companies will often suffer from
37.________ concept focuses on delivering customer satisfaction by determining
the needs and wants of target markets.
38.It is very difficult to build a relationship with price-sensitive customers; who
are ________ in frequency and low in profitability.
39.Sustainability practices are an example of ________ marketing. This type of
marketing delivers satisfaction to target markets while maintaining or
improving a communitys well-being.
Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan
40.Marketing process:
a. understanding ________ and customer needs
b. designing ________ driven marketing strategy
c. preparing an ________ marketing plan
d. building ________ customer relationships
e. capturing ________ from customers
Building Profitable Customer Relationships
41.Customer-value building tools:
a. financial benefits
b. financial and social benefits
c. financial, social, and ________ benefits.
42.A customer is nameless and served by anyone available. Social benefits turn
customers into ________ who are served on an individual basis.
43.A company should develop customer relations ________ and not with every
44.Customers with ________ frequency and ________ profitability have the most
potential to become best customers.
45.Customer ________ Management involves managing detailed information and
customer touch points in order to maximize customer ________.
46.________ points are any occasion a customer encounters the brand and/or
product in actual experience, personal/mass communication or casual
Capturing Value from Customers

47.Benefits of CRM come from ________ marketing costs, ________ price sensitivity
of loyal customers, and partnership activities of loyal customers.
48.Increasing ________ makes attracting a new customer five times as expensive
as keeping a current customer happy.
49.Customer ________ is the discounted lifetime values of all the companys
current and potential customers.
50.________ value is the stream of profits a customer will create over the course
of a business relationship. Average life is determined through surveys or
guest history.

Chapter 2: Service Characteristics of Hospitality and

Tourism Marketing
1. The service culture focuses on ________ and ________ customers.
2. Creation of a service culture has to start with top ________ and flow down.
Characteristics of Services Marketing

4. Unlike physical products, services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or

smelled before they are purchased. In the hospitality and travel industry,
many of the products sold are ________ experiences.
5. ________, such as the condition of the grounds and the overall cleanliness of
an establishment, provide signals as to the quality of the intangible service.
6. In most hospitality services, both the service ________ and the ________ must
be present for the transaction to occur.
7. Managers must manage ________ so they do not create dissatisfaction for
8. Another implication of inseparability is that customers and employees must
understand the service delivery system because they are ________ the

9. Customer coproduction means organizations must ________, ________, and

________ customers.
10.The benefits of a guest becoming an employee because of coproduction
include increased ________, ________, and reduced ________ time.
11.Services are highly ________. Their quality depends on who provides them and
when they are provided.
12.Several causes of service variability include simultaneous production and
________, fluctuating ________, and the ________ of the service provider.
13.________, or lack of consistency in the product, is a major cause of customer
disappointment in the hospitality industry.
14.Three steps hospitality firms can take to reduce variability and create
a. Invest in good ________ and ________ procedures.
b. ________ the service performance process throughout the organization.
c. Monitor customer ________.
15.Revenue lost from not selling hotel rooms or filling restaurant seats is gone
forever. Therefore, it can be said that services are ________.
Management Strategies for Service Businesses
16.The service-profit chain connects service firm profits with employee and
customer satisfaction. It consists of five links:

Healthy service ________ and ________

Satisfied and loyal ________
Greater service _______
Satisfied and productive service ________
Internal service ________

17.________ marketing means that the service firm must effectively train and
motivate its customer-contact employees and all the supporting service
people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction.
18.________ marketing means that perceived service quality depends heavily on
the quality of the buyer-seller interaction during the service encounter.
19.Service companies face the task of increasing three major marketing areas:
their competitive ________, ________ quality, and ________.
20.Service companies can differentiate their service delivery in three ways:
through ________, physical ________, and ________.

21.Customer ________ is perhaps the best measure of quality, as it is dependent

on how consistently a service firm delivers value
22.Good service ________ can win more customer purchasing and loyalty than if
things had gone well in the first place.
23.Customer ________ are one of the most available yet underutilized sources of
customer and market information.
24.Service marketers should take steps to provide their prospective customers
with evidence that will help tangibilize the service. Promotional ________,
employees ________, and the service firms physical ________ all help
tangibilize service.
25.A service organization should review every piece of tangible evidence to
make sure that each delivers the desired organization ________ the way a
person or group views an organization to target customers.
26.In a well-run hospitality organization, there are two customers: ________
customers and ________.
27.Customers who buy hospitality products experience some anxiety because
they cannot experience the product beforehand. One way of combating
concern is to offer ________ trips, which allow meeting planners and travel
agents to experience the service in a low-risk situation.
28.Managers can use the following techniques to manage capacity:

Involve the ________ in the service delivery system

________-train employees
Use ________-time employees
_______ or ________ extra facilities and equipment
Schedule downtime during periods of ________ demand
Change the ________-delivery system

29.Managers can use the following techniques to manage demand:

a. Use ________ to create or reduce demand
b. Use ________ allow guests to request a specific time or room type
c. ________ take more requests than you have space available
d. Revenue ________ establish different rate fences
e. Use ________ customers are helped on a first-come, first served
f. Shift ________
g. Create ________ events Buy-one-get-one free or Children eat free
are examples

Chapter 3: The Role of Marketing in Strategic Planning

Nature of High Performance Business
1. The major challenge facing todays hospitality companies is knowing how to
build and maintain healthy businesses in the face of a rapidly changing
____________ and _________________.
2. Today businesses increasingly recognize that they must nurture other
stakeholders, including ___________, ____________, ____________, and the
______________ where their businesses are located.
3. There is always a ____________ loop between satisfied customers and satisfied
4. [Companies] are now building ______________ teams that manage core
business processes.
5. The result was a radically different approach to hotel accounting called
_________ segment accounting. This new approach incorporated marketing
and strategic planning into accounting rather than viewing them as separate
stand-alone areas and philosophies.
6. To carry out processes, a company needs such resources as ___________,
____________, ____________, and ____________.
7. More companies today have decided to __________ less critical sources.
8. The organizational side of a company consists of its __________, __________,
and _________, all of which tend to become dysfunctional in a rapidly changing
9. Although structure and policies can be changed, the __________ is the hardest
to change.
Corporate Strategic Planning: Defining Marketings Role
10.At the corporate level, the company starts the strategic planning process by
defining its overall __________ and __________.
11.This is the focus of __________ planning, the process of developing and
maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities
and its changing marketing opportunities.
12.The hospitality industry faces the need for greater __________ of employees,
particularly at middle-management levels.

13.The hospitality and tourism industries are international and multicultural.

__________ and ___________ sometimes create sharp differences in
management style and in the perceived importance of strategic planning,
empowerment, and other concepts discussed in this chapter.
14.A __________ statement is a statement of the organizations purposewhat it
wants to accomplish in the larger environment.
15.Missions are at their best when they are guided by a ___________, an almost
impossible dream.
16.The corporate mission statement should stress major __________ that the
company wants to honor.
17.Each __________ should have objectives and be responsible for reaching them.
18.Companies are in the hotel business or the cruise line business. However,
market definitions of a business are __________ to product definitions.
19.Marketing must __________, __________, and __________ opportunities and lay
down strategies for capturing them.

21.First, the company could seek new products that have __________ or __________
synergies with existing product lines, even though the products may appeal
to a new class of customers (concentric diversification strategy).
22.Diversification opportunities sometimes arise as a result of new __________.
23.Companies that diversify too broadly into unfamiliar products or industries
can lose their market __________.

24.Opportunities in diversification, market development, and product

development can be seized through __________ backward, forward, or
horizontally within that businesss industry.
25.A hotel company could select __________ integration by acquiring one of its
suppliers, such as a food distributor, or it could acquire tour wholesalers or
travel agents (__________ integration).
26.Finally, the hotel company might acquire one or more competitors, provided
that the government does not bar the move (__________ integration).
27.Integrative growth offers opportunities in related businesses, but a company
must have or acquire the __________ to succeed in the new business.
28.The goal is to create __________ for customers and build profitable customer
29.Guided by marketing strategy, the company designs an integrated marketing
mix made up of factors under its control_________, __________, __________,
and __________ (the four Ps).
30.They must win customers from competitors and then keep and grow them by
delivering greater value. But before it can satisfy consumers, a company
must first understand their _______ and _______.
31.The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of _______ who have
different needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separate
products or marketing programs is called market __________.
32.Market ___________ involves evaluating each market segments attractiveness
and selecting one or more segments to enter.
33.A products __________ is the place the product occupies, relative to
competitors products, in consumers minds.
34.Thus effective positioning begins with differentiation, actually differentiating
the companys market __________ so that it gives consumers more value.
35.________ means the goods-and-services combination the company offers to
the target market.
36.________ is the amount of money customers must pay to obtain the product.
37.________ includes company activities that make the product available to target

38.________ means activities that communicate the merits of the product and
persuade target customers to buy it.
It holds that the four Ps concept takes the ________ view of the market,
not the ________ view.
Marketing Analysis

41.We define a marketing __________ as follows: an area of need that a company
can perform profitably.
42.We define an environmental _________ as follows: A challenge posed by
unfavorable trends or developments that would lead, in the absence of
defensive marketing action, to sales or profit deterioration.
43.The business unit should strive to arrange its objectives from _______ to
________ important.
44.Goals indicate what a business unit wants to achieve; ________ answers how
to get there.

Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment

The Micro- and Macro-Environments
1. The _______-environment consists of factors close to the company that affect
its ability to serve its customers, the company itself, marketing channel firms,
customer markets, and a broad range of publics.

Figure 4-1
Major actors in
the companys

3. Marketers must do more than adapt to the needs of ________ customers. They
must also adapt to the strategies of other companies serving the same target
4. Companies can gain strategic advantage by strongly _________ their product
in the minds of consumers.
5. Each firm must consider its size and industry position in relation to that of its
competitors in order to implement a competitive marketing _________.
6. Large firms with ________ positions in an industry can use strategies that
smaller companies cannot afford.
7. Small and individually owned companies do not have to worry about
__________ their products. This allows them to ________ quickly to local trends
and offer more variety.
8. In general a company has three variables to monitor when analyzing each of
its competitors: share of _______, share of _______, and share of _______.
9. In addition to having behavioral loyalty, a truly loyal customer exhibits
__________ loyalty and is more likely to make favorable recommendations.

10.__________ loyal customers are frequent visitors but are not emotionally
11. The four levels of competition: ________, _________, Product __________, and
Product _________.
12.Suppliers are firms and individuals that provide the _________ needed by the
company to _________ its goods and services.
13.When outsourcing food and beverage operations, a _________ deal creates
more commitment on the chefs part because they share directly in the
__________ of the company.
14.Marketing __________ help the company promote, sell, and distribute its goods
to the final buyers. They include travel agents, wholesale tour operators, and
hotel representatives.
15.Hotels may create ___________ by using Internet reservations systems, making
them less dependent on travel agents.
16.Marketing services agencies are suppliers that help the firm implement its
marketing strategy and tactics. Their capabilities include Public __________,
_________, and ______ mail housing.
17._________ markets consist of individuals and households that purchase
hospitality services for leisure activities, medical needs, and gatherings.
18.The companys marketing environment should include various publics. These
groups have an ________ or ________ interest in or impact on an organizations
ability to achieve its objectives.
19. The ________-environment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the
entire microenvironment, that is, demographic, economic, natural,
technological, political, competitor, and cultural forces.



Figure 4-3 Major forces in the companys macroenvironment.

21._____ barriers to entry characterize the restaurant business. This makes it
hard to predict future competition because _____ individuals have the means
to become immediate competitors.
22.It takes a relatively _____ amount of capital to get started in the restaurant
23.Hotels have _____ barriers to entry. This is due to costs of building a hotel and
scarcity of good locations.
24.At a period when existing hotels are struggling to fill their rooms, it is
common to have competitors _______ the market. This is because most hotels
are planned during _______ in the business cycle.
25.________ is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location,
age, gender, race, and occupation.
26.Baby boomers look for _______ and research in their vacations. This is one of
the reasons why all-inclusive vacations are popular among them.
27.After the baby boomers came a generation lacking distinguishable
characteristics. Known as ___________ or Baby Busters, they grew up during
the recession and corporate downsizing.
28.Because more people are divorcing, separating, choosing not to marry,
marrying later, and marrying without intending to have children, marketers

are increasingly adapting to the needs of __________ households.

29.A farming environment is said to have a _________ economy. The population
consumes most of its own industrial and agricultural products.
30.__________ economies constitute rich markets for many different kinds of
goods. This type of economy has greater market opportunities.
31.The US is experiencing the age of the _________ consumer. Along with rising
incomes have come increased financial burdens.
32.Environmental trends that marketers must be aware of are ________ of raw
materials, increasing ________, and ________ government intervention in
natural resource management.
33.Government regulation and enforcement in business practices is likely to
increase in the future. Business executives should take into consideration
major laws protecting _________, _________, and _________ when planning
products and marketing programs.
34.Each society contains __________, groups of people with shared value systems
based on common life experiences or situations. These groups have specific
wants and buying behavior that allow marketers to choose them as target
35.Believing in marriage is a core belief, while believing that people should get
married early is a secondary belief. Marketers have some chance of changing
_________ values but little chance of changing core values.
Responding to the Market Environment
36.Many companies view the marketing environment as an __________ element to
which they must adapt.
37.Rather than watching and reacting, some firms take aggressive action to
affect the publics and forces in their marketing environment. This is an
example of the __________ management perspective.
38.By communicating the possible effects of legislation on the industry and the
community, PACs can sometimes influence pending legislation. This goes to
show that the __________ environment is an element of the macroenvironment that can be influenced.
39.Part of environmental ________ requires that information be collected and
analyzed in the market planning process to evaluate the importance of the

trends so the organization may keep them in proper perspective.

40.Data collected about the environment must be reliable, timely, and used in
decision making. Best Westerns VP of Marketing said researchers must put
less emphasis on data _________ and more effort in data __________.

Chapter 5: Marketing Information Systems and Research

Marketing Information and Customer Insights
1. To create value for customers & build meaningful relationships with them,
marketers must gain fresh, deep insights into what customers _______ and
2. Most marketing managers are _________ with data and often overwhelmed by
it, yet complain they lack enough information of the ________ kind.
3. The real value of marketing research and marketing information lies in how it
is usedin the customer ________ that it provides.
4. Many companies are now restructuring and renaming their marketing ________
and _________ functions.
The Marketing Information System
5. A marketing information system (MIS) consists of people, equipment, and
procedures to _______, ________, ________, ________, and ________ needed,
timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.


7. A good marketing information system balances information managers _______

that which they _______ & is feasible to obtain.
8. Some managers ask for whatever data they can get without thinking carefully
about _______ or _________.
9. The costs of ________, ________, ________, and ________ information can add up
10.Sometimes ________ information contributes little to improving a managers
11.Internal data are accessed more ________ & ________ than other sources, but
presents some problems.
a. it may be ________ or in the wrong form for marketing
b. data also ________ quickly; keeping the database current requires a
major effort

12.Increasingly, companies are creating data _________ to house customer data

in an accessible location.
13.Managers can use information gathered from these and other sources to
evaluate _________ and detect _________ and opportunities.
14. Guest information is vital to:
a. improving _______
b. creating effective _______ & sales _______ programs
c. developing new _______
d. improving existing _______
e. developing ________ and sales plans
f. development & use of an effective revenue _______ program
15.An amazing amount of guest information is available from _______ records,
which requires interfacing with other departments, such as reservations and
16.A system for obtaining guest information may include any or all of these
a. Personal __________
b. Guest __________ cards
c. ________ to and _________ with guests
d. ________ systems
e. Mystery _________
f. Company ________
g. __________ information
Marketing Intelligence
17.Marketing intelligence includes everyday _______ about developments that
helps managers prepare and adjust marketing plans and short-run tactics.
18.Hotel ________ and _________ are essential parts of a marketing intelligence
19.Members of management should be encouraged to join ________ and _________
organizations, where they are likely to obtain essential marketing information
20._________ intelligence is available from trade magazine articles, competitors
reports, speeches, press releases, brochures, and advertisements.
Marketing Research
21.________ marketing intelligence cannot answer some questions, and
managers sometimes need to commission ________ marketing research.


23.The ten most common activities in which marketing researchers engage are:
a. __________ of market potentials
b. ________-share analysis
c. determination of market _________
d. ________ analysis
e. studies of business ________
f. ________-range forecasting
g. competitive ________ studies
h. ________-range forecasting
i. marketing _________ systems studies
j. testing of ________ products
24.Managers must work closely with ________ to define the problem & research
25.If they know little about marketing research, managers may ________ the
wrong information, draw wrong _________, or request ________ data than they
26.A marketing research project can have one of three types of objectives:
a. _________ research, to gather preliminary information that will help
define the problem and suggest hypotheses
b. _________ research, to describe size & composition of
the market
c. _________ research, to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect
27.To meet a managers information needs, researchers can gather ________
data, _________ data, or both.
28._________ data consist of information collected for the specific purpose at
29._________ data consist of information already in existence somewhere, having
been collected for another purpose.

30.Researchers usually start by gathering _________ data, usually obtained more

quickly and at a lower cost than ________ data.
31.Three basic research approaches are __________, __________, and _________.
32._________ research is gathering of primary data by observing relevant people,
actions, and situations.
33._________ research, best suited to gathering descriptive information, can be
structured or unstructured.
34._________ research is designed to capture cause-and-effect relationships by
eliminating competing explanations of the observed findings.
35.________ groups are usually conducted by inviting 6-10 people to gather with
a trained moderator to talk about a product, service, or organization.
36.In-depth _________, another form of qualitative personal interviewing, can be
used when it is
difficult to put together a focus group.
37.Qualitative research is useful to gain insight into __________ and concepts as
well as insight into survey _________.
38.Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large consumer groups
by taking a ________.
39.__________ often omit questions that should be answered and include
questions that cannot, will not, or need not be answered.
40.Researchers in the hospitality industry must be very careful in developing
questions and selecting the sample not to _________ respondents unwittingly.
41.A written plan ensures the marketing manager and researchers have
considered all important aspects of the research and agree on _____ & _______
it will be done.
Implementing the Research Plan
42.The plan is put into action by ________, _________, and _________ the
Interpreting and Reporting the Findings
43.___________ is an important phase of the marketing process, as the best
research is meaningless if a manager blindly accepts wrong explanations.

44.Marketing information has no value until managers use it to make better

International Marketing Research
45.International marketing researchers often face _________ and _________
problems than domestic researchers with homogeneous markets within a
single country.
46.Markets in many different countries often vary dramatically in levels of
_________ development, ________ and customs, and _________ patterns.
47._________ roles & consumer _________ processes vary from country to country,
complicating research.

Chapter 6: Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying

Personal Characteristics Affecting Human Behavior
1. Consumer purchases are strongly influenced by ________, ________, ________,
and ________ characteristics. For the most part, they cannot be controlled by
the marketer, but they must be taken into account.
2. ________ is the most basic determinant of a persons wants and behavior. It
comprises the basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviors that a person
learns continuously in a society.
3. Each culture contains smaller subcultures, or groups of people with _________
value systems based on common life experiences and situations.
4. Hispanics are very ________ loyal, and they favor companies who show special
interest in them.
5. Although more ________ conscious than other segments, blacks are also
strongly motivated by quality and selection.
6. As a group, Asian consumers shop frequently and are the ________ brand
conscious of all the ethnic groups. They can be fiercely brand loyal.
7. Although consumers in different countries may have some things in common,
their ________, ________, and ________ often vary dramatically.
8. Marketers must decide on the degree to which they will adapt their products
and marketing programs to meet the unique needs of consumers in various
markets. They want to _________ their offerings in order to simplify operations
and take advantage of cost economies.
9. Marketers are interested in social class because people within a given class
tend to exhibit ________ behavior, including buying behavior.
Groups and Online Social Networks
10.Groups that have a direct influence and to which a person belongs are called
________ groups.
11.People often are influenced by ________ groups to which they do not belong.
12.The importance of group influence varies across products and brands. It
tends to be _________ when the product is visible to others whom the buyer

13.The _________ remains the most important consumer buying organization in
American society and has been researched extensively.
14.Each role carries a status reflecting the general esteem given to it by society.
People often choose products that show their ________ in society.
15.Instead of throwing more one-way commercial messages at ad-weary
consumers, they hope to use social networks to _________ with consumers and
become a part of their conversations and lives.
16.The types of goods and services people buy change during their lifetimes.
Preferences for leisure activities, travel destinations, food, and entertainment
are often ________ related.
17.A persons ________ affects the goods and services bought. For example,
construction workers often buy their lunches from industrial catering trucks
that come out to the job site.
18.Companies must take advantage of opportunities caused by economic
_________ and take defensive steps when facing an economic ________.
19.Lifestyle portrays the whole person interacting with his or her ________.
Marketers search for relationships between their products and people who are
achievement oriented.
Personality and Self-Concept
20.Personality can be useful in analyzing consumer ________ for some product or
brand choices.
21.The role of self-concept has a ________ bearing on the selection of recreational
pursuits, including golf, sailing, dirt bike riding, fishing, and hunting.
22.A person has many needs at any given time. Some are _________, arising from
hunger, thirst, and discomfort. Others are _________, arising from states of
tension, such as the need for recognition, esteem, or belonging.
23.Maslows hierarchy of needs in order of importance are:
a. _________ needs
b. _________ needs
c. _________ needs
d. _________ needs
e. _________ needs

24.Herzbergs theory has two implications.

a. sellers should do their best to avoid ________ (e.g., a poor service
b. Although these things will not sell a product, they might easily ________
25.Perception is the process by which an individual _________, _________, and
________ information to create a meaningful picture of the world.
26.The key word in the definition of perception is _________.
27.Selective attention means that marketers have to work hard to attract
consumers notice. The real challenge is to explain which _________ people will
28.Selective distortion is the tendency to ________ information into personal
meanings and interpret information in a way that will fit our preconceptions.
29.Because of selective retention, we are likely to remember _________ points
mentioned about competing products.
30.Learning describes changes in an individuals behavior arising from ________.
Beliefs and Attitudes
31.Marketers are interested in the beliefs that people have about specific
products and services. Beliefs ________ product and brand images.
32.Attitudes put people into a ________ of mind for liking or disliking things and
moving toward or away from them. For example, many people who have
developed the attitude that eating healthy food is important perceive chicken
as a healthy alternative to beef and pork.
The Buyer Decision Process


34.The ________ process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or need.
35.How much searching a consumer does will depend on the ________ of the
drive, the amount of ________ information, the ________ of obtaining more
information, the ________ placed on additional information, and the ________
one gets from searching.
36.By gathering information, consumers increase their ________ and knowledge
of available choices and product features.
37.The set of beliefs held about a particular brand is known as the brand
38.A ________ function shows how the consumer expects total product
satisfaction to vary with different levels of different attributes.
39.The consumer forms a purchase intention based on factors such as expected
family ________, expected _________, and expected _________ from the product.
40.Following a purchase, the consumer will be _________ or ________ and will
engage in post-purchase actions of significant interest to the marketer.
41.Consumers feel uneasy about acquiring the drawbacks of the chosen brand
and losing the benefits of the rejected brands. Thus consumers feel some
post-purchase _______ with many purchases, and they often take steps after
the purchase to reduce dissonance.

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