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Saturday, December 13, 2014

2:07 PM

- Sodium Potassium pumps in the cell membrane. If Sodium leaks in it gets pumped out, and
potassium gets pumped back in
- Osmolarity of tissues of humans are generally 300mOsm.
- If 300mOsm both inside and outside then system is iso-osmotic
- If there is osmolarity greater than 300m Osm then it becomes hyper osmotic, and less than 300
mOsm then hypoosmotic.
- Osmolarity depends on both nonpenetrating and penetrating solutes together
- Tonicity- isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic
- In this case we are dealing with the nonpenetrating solutes
- So osmolarity both and tonicity nonpenetrating
- There can be a situation where you are hyperosmotic but still isotonic. (example of sodium and
When you have the same amount of salts on either side but not non-penetrating solutes
- Four different solutions. A,B,C,D. into the solutions, we are going to place a cell that is 300mOsm.
Salt, urea, and cell ___
Mmoles, mOsm
Osmolarity If you have 150 mmols of NaCl
mOSM is calculated by the number of particles. In this case it is sodium chloride, so it
is going to dissociate into Na and Cl. So 150 of each. Therefore osmolarity of
There were four different solutions and she got different osmolarities and tonicities
couldn't really make out what she was saying on the recording
- Osmoregulation- water balance, buffer/ionic balance
- Intercellular fluid- approx 2/3 of ?
- Extra cellular fluid- approx 1/3
Cerebrospinal fluid
Interstitial fluid
- Look at water
Water gain
Diet, fluid and water.
Metabolic processes- anabolic processes.
What anabolic processes yeild a molecule of water each time a reaction occurs?
Bonds between monosacharides or bonds between triglycerides. Anabolicdehydration synthesis. Synthesizing making a large molecule, and when we
make that bond, a molecule of water comes off.
Final electron acceptor. Oxygen and hydrogen ions make water
Water loss
Cellular respiration(not sure if this goes in gain or loss)
Urinary tract
Catabolic reactions
Such as hydrolysis
Split a molecule of water
Mammalian Physiology Page 1

Split a molecule of water

The prrimary determination to deviding how much water is lost in urinary tract in
If you lose one kidney, the other kidney compensates for about 80% of the lost one
The kidney regulates blood ionic concentration
Acid-base balance- >ammino compensation for acidosis and alkilosis
When does amino compensation kick in? what other method of acid-base control isn't working
There are two ways to compensation: respitory compensation and amino compensation. In
the case of acidosis iff there is a metabolic process then the way to get rid of excess H+ and
CO2, then exhale and water. Extremely important
Maintain blood osmolarity between water and solutes
Arythropoeisis- red blood cell production
there is a hormone out there that stimulates red blood cell production-- arythropoeitin
Produced and secreted by the kidney
Kidneys also responsible for gluconeogenisis- production of glucose from non-carbohydrate
Can deaminate glutamine to yield glucose if needed
If we look at the kidney's functions: number 1 is filtratration
2 is reabsorption
Because a lot of stuff enters the filtrate but a lot of it is good. Large proteins cannot get
through the filtration system. But lots of stuff like glucose and amino acids and water.
Kidneys on average filtrate about 45 gallons per day. So thats 45 gallons of filtrate produced
per day.
There is so much glucose in the filtrate (because of lack of insulin in the blood). Glucose
transporters in the cell wall. A lot of the glucose doesn't get reclaimed. Glucose is excreted
with urine and then he is lost. But some gets reclaimed in kidney.
This is the last chance for the filtrate to receive stuff that the body wants to get rid of.
Certain toxins, drugs,

Mammalian Physiology Page 2

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