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January 2015

DTI Central Visayas Performance Magazine


Kalampusan January 2014

The cool wind of January waltzed in bringing a whirl of

DTI monitored prices of basic commodities under price
freeze in municipalities in Bohol after the Provincial
Board declared a state of calamity in the province due to
damages caused by typhoon Seniang Ruby in the island.
Ushering in the festive air in Cebu was the Sinulog Fiesta Fair 2015 which featured products such as native
delicacies, processed foods, organics, novelty items,
wearables, health and wellness products and export
quality furniture.
After the hiring of new personnel and promotion of staff
last year, the agency in the region continues to
strengthen and improve how it does things- from giving seminars and trainings to monitoring prices of basic
commodities and product standards to organizing trade
fairs and providing consultancy services to clients.
The first month inspired our personnel to raise the bar
for quality in service at the department


Sinulog Fiesta
Fair 2015

Doing Business
with the EU
using GSP

DTI declares
price freeze in

January 2015
News Bites

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers

Kalampusan January 2014

News Bite

DTI holds Sinulog Fiesta Fair 2015

In collaboration with the Cebu City Government and the
Sinulog Foundation, the Department of Trade and Industry Cebu (DTI-Cebu) mounted a marketing event showcasing products by local MSMEs at the SM City Cebu
Atrium on January 8 to 18 this year.
Bannered as the Sinulog Fiesta Fair, around 46 producers participated in the trade event with product lines that
include gifts, decors and housewares, fashion accessories, processed food, health and wellness products.
Other than Cebu, exhibitors also included producers
from Bohol (3), Baguio City (2), Manila (2), Laguna (1),
South Cotabato (1) and Davao City (2).
DTI-Cebu Provincial Director Nelia Navarro said that the
trade fair was organized to support MSMEs need to
develop new markets, meet new buyers and establish
linkages with other suppliers and producers.

Unique Product or Service

Started in 2003 at the Plaza Independencia, the Sinulog

Trade Fair transferred to the SM City Cebu in 2006 as

It sounds simple but entrepreneurs really need to

the MSME participants and customers increased.

identify what the unique differentiator is for the

product/service they are bringing to market. Most
companies determine their value statement by
looking at value statements from competitive
products/services and assuming that should be
their value statement as well. Doing so makes you
just another copycat in a crowded marketplace. If
an entrepreneur is bringing a new/existing product/
service to market, that product/service needs to
stand out among the competition or it will fail.
- Vick Vaishnavi , CEO of Aveksa, a small Access Governance
software company


Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 2

Kalampusan January 2014

Sinulog Fiesta Fair 2015

Atrium, SM City Cebu
January 08-18, 2015

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 3

Kalampusan January 2014

Do your homework
Learn everything you can about the indus-

try. What are the marketplace trends?

How big is the market? Is it growing or
shrinking? How will technology impact the
industry? What is the persona of the target market? Who are your competitors?
How is your product/service different and
Knowing the answers will increase your
chances for success. The internet and
your library will provide lots of great information but you need to get out there
and talk to industry experts and all the
different players relevant to your potential solution.
Proactively and strategically network
The value of your network goes well beyond providing insights into the market.
Your contacts can open doors to money,
customers, vendors, and high-level employees.

few rabbit holes before finding the

right solution. Through pivots, we can
build companies where the failure of
the initial idea isnt the failure of the
company, says Eric Ries in Inc. Ries
is an entrepreneur, author, and pioneer of the lean startup movement, a
business strategy that advises startups to allocate their resources as efficiently as possible. We can build
companies where the failure of the initial idea isnt the failure of the company, he says.
Avoid labelling yourself a
failure when you have not succeeded
Own the pain. Feel it and know how it
changes you. That feeling gives you
empathy for what others are going
through. Interestingly, people dont
respect you less for losing.; they respect you more for handling it well.

Dont be afraid to pivot

Entrepreneurs may need to go down a

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 4

Kalampusan January 2014

DTI- Negros Oriental Provincial Office organized the year-end assessment and
strategic planning workshop for the coconut Industry in Negros Oriental which was
held last January 9 at the Bethel Guest House, Dumaguete City.

Business Name Mobilization at the Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) in Dumaguete City and Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

RD Asteria Caberte talks with media representatives on effect of lower fuel prices on prices of basic commodities

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 5

Kalampusan January 2014

Thursday Night Chat on Business Prospects for

2015 at Fil Products CATV 6 with PD Javier
Fortunato Jr., TV Show Host Cecile Genove, and
NOCCI president Ed Du.

Business Name Mobilization iat the Business One

Stop Shop (BOSS) , Bais City, Negros Oriental in
January 2015.

Business Name Mobilization at the Business One Stop Shop

in Tanjay City and Bayawan, Negros Oriental in January 2015

A briefing for Mr. Klaus Blank, a Senior Experten Service who will help capacitate DTI 7 personnel on energy efficiency and renewable
energy application, was conducted on January 12 . Senior Experten Service (SES) is the Foundation of German Industry for International
Cooperation (Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft fr internationale Zusammenarbeit). It is a non-profit organisation.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 6

Kalampusan January 2014

News Bite

With the recent approval of the Philippines as

beneficiary under the European Union Generalised






GSP+), the Department of Trade and Industry

(DTI) conducted an Information Session on Doing Business with EU using GSP Plus in Cebu.
The activity, conducted on January 20, 2015
(Tuesday) at Cebu Parklane International Hotel,
was meant to raise awareness about the benefits of EU-GSP+ to local exporters.
Under this preferential scheme, Philippine exporters will enjoy zero duty for 6,274 covered
products, which hopes to translate to increased
exports to the EU. The countrys inclusion in
the EUs GSP+ provides duty free entry to
the EUfor some of the most important Philippine
exports, including processed fruit and prepared
foodstuffs, animal or vegetable fats and oils,
textiles and garments, headwear, umbrellas,
and chemical products.

Resource persons came from the Philippine

Trade & Investment Center (Brussels, Belgium),
DTI-Export Marketing Bureau (EMB), DTI-Bureau
of International Trade Relations (BITR), and the
Bureau of Customs (BoC).
Topics included:
Important Updates on
the EU-GSP+, Export Opportunities for GSP+
the EU,
the EU Export Help Desk Website, Availment
of EU GSP+ / Rules of Origin (ROO)
DTI encouraged exporters to strengthen their collaboration and partnership with the department
and all concerned agencies to take full advantage
of this new market opportunity for full utilization of
this preferential treatment.
Currently, the Philippines is the only GSP+ beneficiary in ASEAN.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 7

Kalampusan January 2014

Business Name Mobilization at the Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) in

Siaton and Basay, Negros Oriental in January 2015.

A seminar on Doing Business with the European Union (EU) using Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP +) was conducted on January 20 at the Cebu Parklane International Hotel

AGIO-7 Forum on Oil Price Slump and its Effect on Businessmen and Consumers with Jojisilia Villamor of DTI7, Engr. Saul Gonzales, chief of the Energy
Industry Mgmnt. Div. of DOE-Visayas; Teresa Chan, president of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and Engr. Dennis Verallo of VECO. The
activity, held on January 20 at the PIA7 regional office , was also participated by representatives of various media outlets.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 8

Kalampusan January 2014

News Bite

The Department of Trade and Industry has implemented a price freeze on basic necessities

Caberte added.
The Price Act lists the basic necessities assigned to

after the Provincial Board declared a state of

DTI canned fish and other marine products, pro-

calamity in Bohol Province and Tagbilaran City

cessed milk, coffee, laundry soap, detergent and

due to damages caused by typhoon Seniang in

the island.

bread; assigned to the Department of Agriculture

(DA) rice, corn, cooking oil, fresh eggs, fresh pork/
beef and poultry meat, fresh milk, fresh vegetables,
root crops, sugar, fresh/ dried and other marine products; assigned to Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) firewood and charcoal;
and the Department of Health (DOH) drugs classified as essential by DOH.
The Price Act provides that any retailer found selling
more than the listed prevailing prices shall be imposed with an administrative fine up to One Million
Pesos (P1,000,000.00) and/or maximum of 10-year

ABS-CBN reporter Aiza Layague interviews RD Caberte on the

Price Freeze of Basic Necessities in Bohol.

The DTI enjoins consumers to report retailers that

sell basic necessities more than the specified prices to
the nearest DTI Regional or Provincial Office in their
areas: DTI Region 7 (032)2550036/2550037; DTI-

DTI Central Visayas (DTI 7) Regional Director As-

Bohol (038) 501-8828 / 501-8260.

teria Caberte explained that with the declaration of

a state of calamity by a local government unit
(LGU) in a particular area the prices on basic goods
shall automatically be frozen at their prevailing
Caberte said that a price control is in effect for the
duration of the condition that brought it about but
not more than 60 days.

As contained in Section 6 of RA 7581 otherwise

known as the Price Act, a price freeze is automatically implemented as a preventive measure in order
to thwart overpricing of goods such as processed
milk, canned goods, coffee, laundry soap, detergent, candles, bread during times of calamities,

RD Caberte talks on the Price Freeze of Basic Necessities in Bohol

with DYAB reporter RC Dalaguit.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 9

Kalampusan January 2014

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 10

Kalampusan January 2014

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 11

Kalampusan January 2014

News Bite

In collaboration with FabLab Bohol,

DTI facilitated the conduct of an
online learning session on 3D Printer
Photo above shows fabbers from FabLab Sendai during their actual 3D
Printer Assembly on January 11, 2015 as witnessed by fabbers all over
Asia via video conferencing.

Assembly last January 11.

Technology enthusiasts participated in

the learning activity which was held at
FabLab Bohol. Together with JICA-JOC
Volunteers, the learning session was held
in preparation for the actual 3D Printer
Assembly activity on January 27, 2015.
During this event, DTI will invite students
and technology enthusiasts to be part of
the Bohol team that will develop the first
Photo above shows FabLab Bohol participants to the online
learning session on 3D Printer Assembly

3D Printer in the province.


OTOP Store, Cotcot, Lilo-an, Cebu, Philippines.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 12

Kalampusan January 2014

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 13

Kalampusan January 2014

An activity entitled MSMEs Greening Up for Success was conducted on December 16, 2014 at One Bethany Place, Dumaguete City., Negros Oriental.
Left: Mr. Mark Espedilla of Foundation University; right: Dr. Romario Ybaez of St. Paul University Dumaguete received their Plaque of Appreciation as one of the Green Models for
MSMEs due to its environment-friendly innovations and outstanding green practices from the keynote speaker and Cebu City Councilor, Hon. Nestor Archival.

Matchmaking of MSMEs with green service providers and green financers.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 14

Kalampusan January 2014

on the
of Motivation

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of

motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional
rewards aren't always as effective as we think.
Listen for illuminating stories and maybe, a way
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks
and performances from the TED Conference, where
the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk
of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks
cover these topics as well as science, business,
development and the arts.

Its the same story every January: You make resolutions only to break them within weeks of setting them.
Not this
year. Follow these five simple
steps for keeping any resolution and get specific
strategies for sticking to
five common ones.

1. Set realistic goals.

One of the main reasons people struggle to keep resolutions?
Their goals arent practical. As a result, you get frustrated, and
youre more likely to quit, says Amie Hoff, personal trainer in
New York City and founder of, portable workout kits.
Set realistic goals and break them down between long- and
short-term. Setting several smaller goals will be easier to attain,
and with each new success, youll become more motivated,
Hoff says.

Every few days, or weekly at the very least, check in with how
youre doing. Tracking goals in a planner and keeping a journal
were two of the methods cited as being most helpful, according
to FC survey respondents. You may also enlist a buddy who can
keep you accountable. Just dont get down on yourself if you

4. Jump back on the horse immediately.

If you find that youve slipped from your plan, get back in the
game immediately. Dont wait until Monday to start again.
Monday, after all, rarely comes for most people. Instead, reintroduce the new habit as soon as possible to avoid developing unhealthy, guilty emotions. Then take time to recognize your progress, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

5. Reward yourself.
Treat yourself for meeting goals, even small ones, says Carol
Arvon, PhD, director of behavioral health and wellness at Pritikin
Longevity Center and Spa in Miami. This will keep you motivated.

I am sure I will
lose weight this
year !

2. Create a plan for success.

Now that you have your goals in place, design an action plan.
Without one, youll have no idea where youre starting from,
going to, how youll get there, or worse yet, where youll end up,
says Hoff. Describe your mission as well as specifics on how to
achieve it. If your goal is to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, set a six-week goal and plan to walk up those stairs
twice every day. If you have to stop and catch your breath, thats
fine, says Hoff. As long as you stick with your plan, youll reach
your goal."

3. Monitor your progress.

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 15

Kalampusan January 2014




Executive Editor
Asteria C. Caberte
DTI 7 Regional Director

Managing Editor
Rose Mae Quinanola

Writer /Editor
Jojisilia Villamor

Lay-out Artists
Jerome Elarcosa &
Bernard Cabasisi

Jacqueline Calumpang
Mark Aristotle Cabagnot
Angeline Gonzales
PD Javier Fortunato Jr.
Krystle Jade Bato
Shirelyn Villamor
Vierna Teresa Ligan

Regional Director ASTERIA C. CABERTE
3rd Flr, WDC Bldg.,Osmena Boulevard, cor. P.Burgos, Cebu City
Tel. # (63)(032) 255-0036 / 255-0037
Fax # (63)(032) 253-7465
email: /
Business Development Division (BDD)
Victoria Diaz, Chief
Tel. Nos. 2550036 / 412-1989 / 412-1868 loc. 601
Consumer Welfare and Business Regulatory Division (CWBRD)
Rose Mae Quinanola, Chief
Tel. Nos. 2550036 / 412-1989 / 412-1868 loc 301
Industry Development and Investment Promotions Division (IDIPD)
Minerva Yap, Chief
Tel. nos. 412-1944 / 4121945 / 255-6971 / 255-3926
Provincial Director MA. ELENA C. ARBON
2F FCB Bldg., CPG Ave., Tagbilaran City
Tel. # (63) 038-501-8260
Fax # (63) 038-412-3533
Provincial Director: NELIA V.F. NAVARRO
DTI Building, Osmena Boulevard, corner Lapulapu Street, Cebu City
Tel. # (63)(032) 255-6971 / 255-3926
(63)(032) 412-1944 / 412-1945
email: /
Provincial Director JAVIER FORTUNATO, JR
2F Uymatiao Bldg., San Jose Street. Dumaguete City
Tel. # (63)(035) 422-2764
Fax # (63)(035) 225-7211
Provincial Director NIMFA M. VIRTUCIO
CF Bldg., Legaspi St., Siquijor, Siquijor
Tel. # (63)035-480-9065
Fax # (63) 035-344-2238
Center Manager NELIA V.F. NAVARRO
DTI Building, Osmena Boulevard, corner Lapu-lapu Street, Cebu City
Tel # (032) 255-6971 / 255-3926
(032) 412-1944 / 412-1945
Email: /

Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 16

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