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Act One: President Winter

Ignazio walked into the Grand Central Building elevator, pressing in

the code and checking to make sure nobody joined him in his ride. The
portal formed and his feet fell into the purple event horizon. His legs
felt tingly as the atoms and molecules were all transported through a
dimensional wormhole. He could feel his conscious slip out of his body
and back into his reformed body.
The doors of the elevator opened and he walked out into hideout,
Cameron was currently firing crumpled pieces of paper at Horatio who
was spinning on his chair and deflecting the pieces. Marco was
working on his computer and Caroline was in a short dress and
applying red lipstick to her lips. She bent down and put her lipstick in
her purse. Ignazio had to hold in his puke as he saw the woman's
Ignazio faced the other way and tried not scream out as he walked
past Caroline petrified. He looked the other way trying to forget the
horrors he saw. He made his way towards his chair, not noticing the
look of sadness Marco gave him. He sat down in his seat and did a
Marco got off the chair and turned towards the group. He had to hold
in the information from Ignazio, if he realized Winter Torch was his
brother he might not be able to handle it or finish him off if he had to.
He grabbed sheets of paper off his keyboard and faced the group.
Okay kids attention! He said as he surprised the group, the group
surprised by the show of dominance. We have a massive duty! He
yelled out purposely managing a snicker from Cameron and Caroline.
That is the kind of way we will not act on this assignment, we have to
protect the President of United States of America! He said shocking
the group, Now we have a massive opportunity for good publicity, so
we have to get ready. We will not patrol tonight get a good night
sleep, and be ready for tomorrow. You better not fail; I had to bend my
back around this to get this. He said evoking another snicker from
the two.
Horatio how's the forecast! He said pointing at the wolf and putting
him on the spot.
All good sir! He said standing up straight for Marco, not considering

the weight and importance of the question.

Good now everyone get home and rest, Caroline you look like a slut
so please change out of that hideous thing before someone starts
trying to hire you, or throws ones and fives towards you trying to get
you to spin on the streetlight., Marco said as he put the papers down
and walked into an open elevator as Caroline realized what he said
and tried to react.
And by the way separated the portal from the Hub's electrical grid.
he said from beyond the door as the sound of an opening portal
sounded through the base and then silence.
I am going to fucking kill that bastard! She lashed out as static
electricity made her hair puffy and the lights and electrical devices
started to flash on and off. The blubs started to break, as they were
overloaded glass smashing down on to the floor. The computers in the
room started to display lines of strange code as her anger increased.
She ran to the door and pulled the doors open as she looked for the
elevator. She surprised them all as she jumped down the shaft and
towards Marco. They ran to the window, and looked as she ran out of
the parking garage giving the bird to a red sports car as she chased it.
The lights started to flicker on and off this time on a massive scale as
buildings glowed as she hacked them uncontrollably and surged them
with electricity, cars crashed as the lights malfunctioned. People
looked at her as she raged out, and then running away as everything
malfunctioned. She finally calmed down after five minutes, they could
see her walking down the street as traffic resumed. A car pulled to her
and while they could not hear, what was happening it was clear.
Smoke flied out of the engine as her anger re-increased. The wheels
seemed to either be controlled by the person or Caroline as it flew
away or then crashed into the pile up a block away. They stopped
looking them.
Well that's one fine sister you have Cameron, but I don't think I'll
marry her. He said patting the Komodo on the shoulder as he walked
away. He pressed the button and the elevator came after a few
seconds. He entered and looked at the crushed roof and open hatch.
The elevator creaked as the portal generator started and he and the
metal casing around him were transported down to the underground

garage. The doors creaked open, Ignazio walked into the parking
garage, and he felt the static in the air, some of his arm hair started to
stand on end as he walked closer to his bike and by the same logic
He started up the motor bike and quickly drove away not wanting to
be around Caroline. He thought about how excited he was for
tomorrow he would have a date with Dorian straight after school, and
he would have the honor of personally meeting the president and
working with her protection force for the entire day.
His mind then stopped as he reached a red light, he realized the
conflict of interests that were presented to him for tomorrow. He was
luck that he would have enough time to explain to Dorian why he
could not go the date, possibly get him a bouquet of roses and box of
chocolates. There would not be any sitcom level plans where he would
try to do both things at once
He had being going out with Dorian for at least a month, with the date
about December 18, A Tuesday in the year 3055. In a week, almost he
and Dorian would share their first Christmas. That would be the
stupidest thing ever there would be no messing around with
protecting the president. He then thought of a better idea, he quickly
turned as the light changed and drove off as enacted his plan.
Dorian did not plan to do much that night; he lied down on his own
couch watching what was ever on television. That was of course
barring there were no supervillain attacks, he would be able to lie
back on the couch all night and do absolutely nothing. His thoughts
poetic as he searched for something to watch through the four
thousand or so channels on his television.
He was almost thing nothing would happen win suddenly a knocking
on his door awoke him from his sleep like state. He got up from the
couch expecting Gaiden wanting to hang out, which he guessed was
better than nothing he did. He got to the door, turned the knob, and
pulled open the solid metal slab.
He was surprised to see Ignazio standing there in a white dress shirt
with a black tie and a unbutton suit on. He was holding a bouquet of
roses and a heart shaped boxes of chocolates. He seemed to smiling
with an almost evil grin, but at the same time blushing.
Ig, what are you doing here? He said as Ignazio grabbed his hand

and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled away as he left the German
Shepard dazed and confused.
Change of plans get the best thing you have on, were going out!
Dorian felt rushed as he quickly striped himself of his leather coat and
replaced it with a brown blazer. Ignazio grabbed his hand and they ran
down the stairway.
How did you get in? Dorian said as they reached the end of the
hallway and approached the teleporter. You would have set off at
least twenty different alarms just passing through the door. Ignazio
reached into his pocket.
Well you see Marco made this bet with me on this show we watch,
its very old but there are a few constants in the show. One is a device
that connect with anything and hack it, doesn't work on wood
though. He pulled out a large tube like device. Its called a Sonic
Screwdriver; this is what I called the best model in my option. It had
a bronze like cap, and then a white cylinder, then a black grip
surrounded by bronze rings. Another smaller white cylinder covered
by four bronze lines. There were black claws griping onto the crystal in
the top.
And you built that why? Dorian asked as he looked at the sonic
probe, questioning the entire motive of the device.
Because we can, and Marco modified my pen and sent it over to Las
Vegas for some energy absorbing outsider, so he built me this with the
same transformation functions. What Marco didn't know is that the
pen was broken so I got a Sonic Screwdriver and a fixed weapon
transformer for free. Ignazio said as he pushed the button on the
The green diode shined out a green glow as he pointed it at the
teleporter pad. I got in by modifying where the teleport station,
teleports from, and not to change where it teleports to! He said as
they were engulfed in the teleportation light. They were then outside,
Ignazio's motorbike next to them.
Normally I can get away with not wearing a helmet when I'm Ghost
Master, but today I'm Ignazio. He put the sonic multi-tool back into his
pocket, clicked the button in his jacket and picked up a helmet from
the bike's seat. He tossed it at Dorian who caught it and put the black
helmet with blue water design on his head, Ignazio did the same and

he got on.
Dorian followed and got on rubbing his muzzle into the wolf's shoulder
as the two drove off for a date unknown of the trials that would await
them in their futures.
Act Two: Portal Force One
Ignazio shot up from his bed as the alarm rang, he would have to
successfully sneak out without raising attention to what he was doing.
He reached into his closet and pulled out his long coat. He clicked on
the button and slowly opened the door. He sneaked out of his room
and into his hallway.
He tipped-toe down the hallway and then into the kitchen. He turned
and walked down to the door. He opened it and walked out into the
raising sunlight of the day. He was now free from what little grip his
parents already had on him.
He got on his bike and drove to the meeting location, which was
simply the armory. He arrived five minutes early but even as he
arrived, the Secret Service was already patting down everyone in the
Marco came up to him and gave him a one of his simple plasma
pistols. We can't use any of our regular weapons, so they gave us
this. These will not fire at anyone wearing a special tag on their body,
so you know don't kill the president. Suddenly all the secret service
agents stopped what they were doing and turned towards Marco.
Nothing explaining the gun was to not kill the president. He said
nervously straining the not in his sentence.
What's their deal? Ignazio said trying to be quiet about it.
They're to protecting the president, they are all trained through a
rigorous process to focus on the president and only the president and
her protection through a code word. Marco said as was patted down
again and so was Ignazio.
That's terrible, how could they do that. Ignazio said while the secret
service agent spent a little too much time around his butt. Okay, I'm
fifteen away from the butt. He said pushing the hands away from his
butt area.

Most give their life for this job; its literally passed down from family
to family, for them this is an honor. Marco said as the two agents
pulled away. Put this in your ear; put you into the Secret Service
transmissions. Now we have to go to the airport.
Cameron, Caroline, and Tobias are all at the airport already. He said
taking a pause, then looking back at Secret Service agent. We're
ready. As soon as he said it, Ignazio body was rocked with a force as
a tunnel of blue and red swirled around them for a few seconds. He
reappeared in a white cylinder corridor, with black lines down the four
At the end of the tall hallway was a portal generator. It looked like was
a half a sphere in the wall. At the deepest part of the sphere was an
energy beacon that interacted with twelve energy generators located
at equidistant points around the circumference of the half circle.
Cameron, Caroline, and Horatio were already there, with the human
girl having an angry look on her face. Say youre sorry. Cameron
said throwing out an ultimatum already.
She looked disgusting in that dress and I mean what I said, now just
forget about. She must have had worst things said to her. Marco
threw back. Ignazio knows what I mean.
I hate to say it but you made me lose my last thread of
heterosexuality. It will probably be back with Ms. Universe next year,
but you know it wasnt exactly pretty. Ignazio said to the group.
Oh so you think that Im ugly, well you not exactly Brad Lowe.
Caroline retorted swing her arms round.
At least I have a boyfriend. Ignazio snared, and then the bickering
started all four of them arguing with each other, with Horatio and the
Secret Service agents staying clam as the words, Kill the President
was not shouted out. The arguing went on for at least five minutes
until, Horatio turned towards the group.
Outsiders, attention! He said yelling at the group. They all turned
towards him and noticed the sound of generators turning on, realizing
what was going on, they all was stood towards the gated and stopped.
Out of the midpoints, a wave splashed out and clashed. The sound of
generators annoyed Ignazio and Marco as they started to bend the
universe around a point and breaking the fabric of reality. A bent

mirror image of the corridor appeared like a reflection in water.

The generators spun faster as the reflection came closer. As the
reflection got closer, they realized there was another group of secret
service agents. Blonde hair could be seen in the middle of the group
the two corridors hit and out of the top, button, and both sides there
were large metal pillars dropped into the portal and locked together.
The secret service agents walked forward and through the portal,
causing a ripple like a rock thrown into a pond. The agents spread out
into two lines and spilt off from the president; she was about 65, had
shoulder length blonde hair and wore a black dress-suit and pants
with tiny white lines going down. She wore somewhat high heels, an
obvious attempt to boost her height on comparison to the larger furs
around her.
She appeared to nod at Marco as if they were friends and knew each
other. She walked up to Ghost Master as behind them a line of
reporters and fans ran up to a police blockade. White lights of
cameras flashed as she and the wolf shook hands.
Ms. President what do you think about the Outsider presence in New
York? A report asked holding up the microphone to the president.
I believe that Outsiders are an important part in the ecosystem that
is New York.
Ms. President what do you think of the return of the Dragon Strain
returning in Las Vegas! Another reporter said confusing Ignazio on
what that was. Abigail knew of the events that were unfolding in the
city at the time, but she did not know of the future experiments on
Koji or of the treat of the Shargon.
The secret service agents stepped in front of her and parted the crowd
like the red sea. She stepped through the crowd, giving poses for the
camera and answering questions from the reporters and
photographers. Ignazio and the other outsiders walked down the aisle
as well, not noticing that Cameron and Caroline put a significant
distance between them.
Ignazio also did not notice Cameron turning invisible and whispering
into the ear of a reporter. His eyes opened as he was influenced by the
almost hypnotic voice of the lizard. He wrote down a note on his
hologram pad. Cameron got back in line unnoticed by Ignazio and

Marco. The lizard smiling with an evil grin as he got his revenge.
Ignoring the rest of the press, the secret service pushed the group
through the crowd. They exited the portal corridor and made their way
outside, clouds gathered over and the wind was blowing as they left,
Ignazio didnt remember the forecast calling for snow but ignored it
Into the first limo the president and her secret service entourage filled
into the car. The outsiders and the left over agents were pushed into
the second car. They drove off and for a second a force field became
visible around them. They drove into the city and made their way
down the FDR and into South Manhattan, he passed close and
wondered how Dorian was doing.
Act Three: Presidential Pizza
They pulled into Uncles Lu and Al Pizzeria, a force field around the cars
shielding them from snow as they walked into the place. There was a
gathering, but a forcefield formed down the aisle. The secret service
agent who seemed to be the liaison to the team, pointed them to
stand against the window. Presumably knowing Horatios power he put
the red wolf near the door. The secret service agents surrounding the
The two owners came out and placed a dish of pizza on the table. She
grabbed a piece and began to eat it. Even Marco could tell that she
was holding back from eating and devouring the pizza. For the next 10
minutes, citizens walked up and gave complaints and some gave
insults which she replied with some sarcastic comebacks.
Horatio shivered as the door opened, either from the cold air of
December or from the future that had come to be. A man in a black
suit walked into the pizzeria, behind him a superhero followed him.
Ignazio had to hold in his surprised cough laugh, as Dorian and the
familiar blue jumpsuit and armor pieces walked into the pizzeria.
He realized that the man in the suit was Dorians father, PlasmaShifter. As he found out when he was curbstomped by the hero, he
had the ability to fire plasma blasts by transitioning the form of the air
and could apply the same trick to his body and change himself into
the forms of matter.
He vaporized himself and moved to the fornt of the line as it opened

up. He extended his hand and shook Winters as it reformed. She

looked up and groaned as she saw which German Shepards hand she
was shaking.
What do you want Whitaker? She groaned as if she was excepting it
to happen. Ignazio noticed that he was called by his last name. He
was metaphorically out, his superhero and private life the same
thing. Dorian was not, he changed his name when at school and didnt
talk about his parents much.
Why be protected by the simple likes of these weak and powerless
outsiders. He said with a sarcastic tone looking directly at Ghost
Master. You could have an army of shape sifters and people who can
change the fabric of existence.
And with that all your problems, and plus your one problem is you
can never realize how much the little people are important, I realize
that, but you put yourself on a pedestal and all your people are so
lower. You are never going to realize how important these people are,
and Im glad. Its people like you that remind me that there are
assholes in the world and some are so stubborn they cant be moved.
So good day sir. She said pointing towards the exit. Elliot made an
angry face as he left and grabbed Dorian as he left.
The publicity meeting was over and they left the area.
Act Four: The Day Nothing Could Go Right
They arrived in Times Square where there was a layer of snow on the
sidewalk and over the shield. Blue layers appeared for a second until
the snow melted on the shield. Abigail walked up to a podium where a
large podium gathered before her. The outsiders were put behind the
People of New York, I am glad to be in your city. I would like to talk a
bit about taxes, while we are generating an income from our Asteroid
Mining Program, we still need your money to place into the economy
so it may grow. We wish to increase the economy but not too much
that is what you have returned to you, along with a share of the profit
we make.
Before she could continue, a sound pierced through the crowd. They
all ducked as a blue glowing bullet passed by Winters body. She fell to
ground as secret service, surrounded her. Ignazio recovered from the

shock, and did as he did ready for action. He realized how the bullet
passed through. He reached into his robe, and grabbed his sonic
screwdriver. He pointed it at the shield generator, and did something
to the shield. Even Ignazio unsure of what he did. The shield turned
red and a blue blast hit it. He ran towards the sound of the blast.
He saw a nearby construction set, and made his way toward the crowd
as another bullet hit the shield. He passed through and ran down the
block as the crowd thinned. He reached the construction set, and
found a mechanized pulley. He pointed the screwdriver at the gear
and he shot up the building. He reached the roof and found what he
wanted across the roof. He ran towards the other roof managing to
stay hidden by staying on the other side and in the construction set.
He jumped across the edge and made himself know. Deciding a
badass boast was not necessary. He put his hands forward and formed
two ghosts. They ran forward and grabbed the large drug-dealer like
wolf. They held him back as Secret Service ran up and handcuffed
As they took him away Ignazio ran his hands through his hair.
Groaning at the amount of crap they would get from this. It was a
minor mistake and he wanted to forget it ever happened. For 500
hundred years a bullet was not even around the president and for the
first attempt.
Act Five: A Series Of Informative Newscasts
Breaking news we have received information. Newscaster Juliana
Maror said. For the first time in at least 1000 centuries an assignation
on the President of the United States, unless of course you count the
successful attempt on the Half-King during his invasion of undead, we
now go out to Times Square.
I am here at Times Square, seconds ago the President was giving a
speech when the bullet somehow passed through the shield. The
shield turned red surprising her, and behind her Ghost Master running
We now have information on assailant. She said as by that time they
were able to switch into the 24-hour news cycle, the fancy graphics
and a separate ticker just for the event. The picture of the wolf
appeared again. He is 32 year-old John Potter, an information scan
revealed that he is a sniper in the British Mob.

On the day before Christmas we have received information from an

police tip, it appears that John Potter was a drug dealer and he has
revealed that President Winters was a client of him. He says that she
used a memory wipe on her, so that she could go into office.
We now go to the white house where President Winter is said to be
giving a Christmas address.
My fellow Americans I would like to keep this short, as revealed I
used to be an addict but I quit and became your President. With
support from my party members I would like to announce my
resignation, but not before I sign this executive order that will put into
place a special election for the next president. She picked up the
microphone turned around and dropped it making the peace sign as
she walked away.
And that just happened. Juliana said. In other news it has been
brought to our attention that a rift has formed in the Outsiders, if this
has anything to do with the events of last week we will let you know.
Good Night America.

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