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Diary 16

Diary 16 is a new Swiss magazine. Like an in- Light”), followed by a second edition in Octo-
timate journal, it presents Swiss and inter- ber of the same year (“Sensitive Surface”).
national contributors in emerging artistic “Sensitive Surface seeks to give free reign to
scenes. Photographers, graphic designers, il- the expressions of individual sensations, and
lustrators who react to various themes pre- the possible projections within the sensory
sented by the magazine, which addresses dif- experiences and senses of others. In the end ,
ferent themes with each issue. Designed in we are reminded that the world is limited, be-
Lausanne by Xavier Michellod and Marc Mus- cause it is such that we manufacture with our
sler of the graphic design studio 16 Pounds, meandering thoughts.” – V.S. Morey
Diary 16 is a project that came out with its first
edition in January 2009 (i.e. “Blinded by the

Dictionary Story
Sam Winston

so do their letters. They scatter and tumble printing by David Holyday. Printed onto 170
across the page, reflecting meaning through gsm Neptune Unique White supplied by
visual representation. For a time it’s wild and Fenner Paper. Winston’s typographic stories
exciting but when things look to be getting became widely collectable after he started
out of hand the Alphabet arrives to remind ev- selling them through London’s Institute of
eryone of their responsibilities. Order re- Contemporary Arts. His artists projects can
From order to chaos and back to order, Sam turns… but the world and it’s words will never now be found in many special collections in
Winston’s Dictionary Story graphically illus- be quite the same again. the UK and the US, including - MoMA New
trates the balance between a world that’s safe York, the Tate Galleries London, and Victoria
but boring and a high risk universe full of cre- Written and designed by Sam Winston. This is and Albert Museum He has written for Base-
ative possibilities. Like people, the alphabeti- the first trade edition printing of Dictionary line magazine and worked on various commis-
cally constrained words yearn to release their Story. Originally supported and published as a sions, most recently the Comme des Garçons
individual potential. They want to escape the limited edition artist book by Circle Press in Store in Hong Kong and The New York Times.
dictionary’s regimentation and come together 2005. Cover design by David Pearson. Text set
to tell a story. But when the words break free, in Times Roman with offset lithographic


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