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Real Gases

When a gas behaves ideally, we mean that we are able to model its behavior with PV=nRT.
PV=nRT is an equation of state in this case, for an ideal gas. Not all gases behave ideally
under all sets of conditions. This exercise will let us examine some examples of non-ideal
behavior by gases.
Open the file gas data.xlsx. This spreadsheet contains data for 4 different gases: Ar, H2, CH4,
and HI (data is from Carl Yaws, Matheson Gas Data Book, June 25, 2001, McGraw-Hill
Professional, New York.). Each gas (except HI) contains two different sets of data.

Working with the gas data sets (check the tabs for different worksheets at the
bottom of the file):
1. For Ar, H2, and CH4
a. Determine the compressibility factor, Z=PV/nRT, for the pair of P and V/n
values given (V/n is the molar volume).
b. Graph Z vs. P (both given and calculated Z) and Z vs. n/V for each gas. (This
means that P or n/V will be on the x-axis the independent variable, and Z is
on the y-axis.) Warning: when graphing data, be sure that the appropriate
variables are on the correct axes!
c. Add the best fitting trendlines, trendline equations, and R2 value
i. To determine the best fit trendline, click on different types of equations
until you find a function whose R2 is closest to 1
ii. Note you can change the number of terms on the polynomial fit!
iii. If you encounter a situation where the R2 values are similar, look at
the data and the trendline to determine which line seems to fit the
points the best.
iv. If the R2 values are similar, and you judge the fits to look equally good,
then the equation with the fewest number of terms (the simplest
answer) is the better of the two choices. This is known as Occams
d. For Ar, which appears to have two regions with different behavior, graph Z vs.
low P and Z vs. high P.
e. Now calculate the values of 1/P, and n/V from the data given on the left side
of the data sets.
i. you can insert columns by right clicking on the column name or within
a column and choose insert column
f. Graph V/n vs. P, n/V vs. P, and V/n vs. 1/P for each gas; add trendlines,
trendline equations, and R2 values for the best fit trendlines.
2. For HI
a. From the given Z values, generate a set of 1/P, V/n, and n/V values in the
given range.
b. Graph V/n vs. P, n/V vs. P, and V/n vs. 1/P; add trendlines, trendline
equations, and R2 values for the best fit trendlines.
This is a group assignment. Each group member should upload their completed Excel
worksheet to the Gases Draft folder in Blackboard (check the Assignments folder). The
group should collaborate to create a single document in the group Wiki that provides

answers the following questions: (Use the questions posed below as a template for your
answers in other words, provide your answers below the questions themselves.)

Analyzing the data for all four gases:

1. How does Z vary with P? with V/n?
2. When Z=1, we say that the gases are behaving ideally. Are any of these gases
behaving ideally? If so, under what conditions?
3. For Ar, H2, and CH4, describe how the Z values (calculated versus given) are similar
and different.
4. How might you explain how Z varies with P or V/n at the atomic/molecular level (e.g.
the molecules in a gas are much further apart at high P than at low P)?
5. Are there any molecular properties (e.g. molar mass or molecular structure) that
might explain trends observed in the value of Z as the pressure changes?
Relationship between Pressure and Volume:
1. What are the equations that best describes the P and V/n data?
2. Between the three graphs of pressure and molecular volume for each gas, which is
most linear? (Hint: use the linear trendline function and examine the value of R2)
3. Which of these gases behaves most and least ideally? How do you know?
4. Can you make a general statement about how the functions that best fit the data
relate to the non-ideality of these gases?

What you should submit:

1. To the Draft of Gases folder: Excel spreadsheets from each individual from the
group with data for all 4 gases calculated, graphed, and containing trendline
information. (30%)
2. To the Group Wiki: your group responses to questions and any observations. (50%)
3. To your journal you should include:
a. What you learned (skills and chemistry/science)
b. What difficulties you had or any suggestions you have for changing the
student directions
c. A description of what you contributed to the group project
d. How the group functioned as a whole (Did everyone do a fair share? Did
everyone do what they agreed to do?....) (20%)

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