Arvind Kejriwal Decoded

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Arvind Kejriwal finally Hijacks Modis Hindutva agenda

on 27 Jan 2015 in Babarpur Rally Kejriwal claims to restablish Ram Rajya

The reason why Modi succumbed to the onslaught of AAP is incomprehensible to many political pundits in
India. But those who have seen Kejriwal steadily growing under Anna Hazare , the RSS juggernaut , know in
their guts that this tiny Baniya is yet another isomer of the ever mutating RSS immune to media bashing and
political oppositions.YES! Kejriwal is another stooge of RSS presented as an honest politician to fool Muslims.
Kejriwal on the one hand speaks nothing of religion in his fiery political speeches but begins his election road
show by visiting a Hindu temple with hundreds of thousands of his rowdy followers on the other hand. The
silence of RSS on his tactical use of idol worshipping under the frenzied lenses of corporate media while campaigning for assembly election in Delhi speaks volumes of his deep rooted Hindutva agenda. And on 27th
Jan 2015 he finally bears his true identity (in Babarpur Rally)as a right wing fanatic working as an undercover
whose aim is to establish Ram Rajya.Tearning Modis hindu vote bank once and for all.
I as an observer have not only met some of the founders of AAP but also shared stage with Kejriwal and the
likes of Yogender Yadav and Gopal Rai. Each one of them is a loyal soldier of the Hindutva brigade in the
garb of an anti-corruption activist.
The silent shift of congress party from its secular bases to a pro Hindutva path has made them untrustworthy
for now and this has thrown a new opportunity for Kejriwal to grab Muslim votes for RSS under deception.
The anti corruption, anti price rise crusade championed by Kejriwal is nothing but farce, a bunch of jokes in
bad taste. Heres how it goes ! Kejriwal in his tenure as CM , By spending a petty sum of 300 crores out of
the mighty 40 thousand crore budget of Delhi, claims to have halved the electricity bills of Delhi voters. To go
by his logic spending 600 Crores will ensure free electricity to Delhiites. What an idea sir ji ! An argument that
can only convince the ever deprived slum dwelling Muslims and a big number of Bhari Rickshaw walas. But
then democracy thrives on fools. And who are the corrupts that Kejriwal wishes to fix ? Common men dont
ask for bribe. Government functions on the fuel of bribe, the same govt. which Kejriwal so desperately craves
to lead. Its black money? Unaccounted for wealth ? So which white money is paying for the burgeoning
hoardings , pompous road shows and luxurious jan sabhas for AAP? Insiders know the black millions that Kejriwal is milking for his party tickets to builders and land mafias. Votersd better be ware of this false messiah!
Why is Kiran Bedi a better bet for Muslims ?
Declared as BJP CM candidate , the first thing my dear Kiran did was to pledge her allegiance to RSS without mincing words. Thats too honest of her. Muslims who follow the holy Quran should focus their attention to
Surah Aal-e-Imran Verse 26 where in Allah says
Say, O Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away
from whom You will.
For those who understand the above verse in its entirety know that its the time for BJP to rule India for some
time and if at all an alliance is worth consideration , its with he BJP. Kiran Bedi has always been an ambitious
person with unscathed integrity, not at all deceptive like the muffler man. As a spokesperson of Indian Muslims
on global scale , I am delighted to see Muslims in Delhi slowly deciphering Kejriwals misleading ambiguity
and making up their minds to go with Kiran Bedi.

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