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ECE 3254 Lab 01a

Rectifier Diodes

You will need:

Multimeter with clip leads

ANDY Board and power supply
(4) 1N5819 diode
(1) 1N4001 diode
1 red, 1 green, 2 yellow
(1) 3.3k
(4) 150, 180, or 200
(1) 100
(1) 33
(2) 10
Wires for breadboard

Diodes come in many packages

Ideal Rectifier Diode Operation

may also be called a switching diode if designed for high frequency
operates as a one-way check valve where current flow occurs only
when the diode is forward biased.

Real diodes and the diode equation

Conduction in both directions follows an exponential V-I curve.
The diode current I is given by the exponential diode equation

You may never use this equation, but you can find it easily if you do.

All you really have to understand for most applications

A rectifier diode has a typical forward voltage of 0.3V to 1.2V
A rectifier diode has a reverse breakdown voltage that is at least the
diodes Peak Reverse Voltage rating from the spec sheet.
Once diode conduction begins, a very small voltage increase across
the diode will dramatically increase the diode current. You must use
external components to limit a diodes current to a safe value.
The conduction current increases with temperature.

Exponential conduction
occurs in both directions
Conduction voltage depends
on the diode construction.
You have to watch the ratings
when you build circuits with
If the diode is pushed too hard,
other components will be
damaged if the diode fails.

Rectifier Diode Ratings

A real diode has a forward voltage drop and some reverse conduction.

Some important rectifier diode ratings include:

IF(AV) Average Rectified Forward Current
VRRM Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage
(may also be called PIV or PRV for Peak Inverse/Reverse Voltage)
VF Forward Voltage drop
IR Reverse Current
PD Power Dissipation
trr reverse recovery time
CT total junction Capacitance
Exceeding a rating may cause failure!

Reading the Data Sheet

Reading the Data Sheet

1N4001 1N4007

Using Rectifier Diodes

Rectifier diodes are normally only operated in
forward condition
forward voltage below the diodes forward turn-on voltage
reverse voltage below the VRRM / PRV / PIV rating

The VRRM rating is not an indication of where reverse conduction

actually occurs; it only guarantees that the diode will not break down
before the VRRM rating is reached.
Reverse conduction voltage can not be predicted (see point above).
Because uncontrolled reverse breakdown quickly leads to diode
failure, (which usually damages other circuit components) you
should never attempt to operate a rectifier diode in reverse

Which specs matter, and why?

VF is important if voltage drop must be minimized to get maximum
voltage out of a circuit, or to reduce the heat that must be dissipated
by the diode.
IR can be important if reverse current will be a problem in your circuit
PD is usually OK if you are operating below the maximum current. In
a hot environment, you should make sure that the heat transfer from
the diode will keep the diode temperature safe.
VRRM can not be safely exceeded. The ANDY board has a
maximum output of 15V, which can put a maximum of 30V across
a diode if the diode is connected between the two supply rails.
Check your spec and determine if this should be a concern.
IF(AV) can not be exceeded for long. The ANDY board can easily
supply over 2A continuously. Check your spec and determine if this
should be a concern.

What is different about a Schottky diode?

Compared to a regular diode:

The good:

The schottky diode requires a lower forward voltage for conduction

The schottky diode has a considerably shorter switching time.

The bad:

The schottky diode has a lower reverse voltage rating

The schottky diode has higher reverse current leakage

The ugly:

Schottky diode reverse leakage increases with temperature

This increasing leakage can result in thermal runaway
if the diode is allowed to overheat.


Identifying the Diode Leads

The diode cathode is identified by a band on the cathode end.


Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

The LED emits light when forward current is
The light intensity increases with current.
LED useful life is inversely proportional to
Due to their small size, long life, and low power
requirements, LEDs are rapidly replacing other
types of lighting.

The LEDs typical forward voltage is specified

for a current and light intensity.
Lower current = lower light levels, but higher
efficiency and longer life.
Reverse voltage ratings are usually low.
Currents increase as temperature increases

Note: Wikipedia and Google are useful,

but try to stay focused!


Reading LED Specs

The Absolute Maximum
Ratings table has the
specs for
max Reverse voltage
max Forward Current

The Electro-Optical
Characteristics table has
specs for

typical Forward Voltage VF

Luminous Intensity IV
Peak Wavelength p
typical Current is found in
the Condition column for
the values of VF, IV and p.


Using LEDs
Some method of current limiting is required.

The simplest way is to drop unneeded voltage

across a series resistor.
1. Assume the diode voltage will be close to the
forward voltage specification given in the
spec sheet.
2. Set the current below the maximum in the
spec sheet.
3. RS = (VS VD) / ID.

[from Ohms Law where IRS = VRS/RS]


Diodes as isolators
Diodes are useful for connecting multiple devices to one point without
connecting the devices to each other.
An example is the battery isolator, which allows a car alternator to
charge two batteries, but keep the batteries separate from each
other so that both are not discharged when the engine is not
running. Current from the alternator can flow into each battery, but
the diodes block current trying to flow backwards through the
The isolator enables you to restart your car (with the 800W
Thumping Bass sound system) after the tailgate party.


Solar Array Diodes

Shaded solar cells heat if current
is pushed forward through them
Shaded cells draw current if there
is a voltage at the cell terminals.

Solar Panel diodes

Diodes bypass shaded cells
Prevents cell heating when other
cells are producing power.

Diodes block reverse current in

shaded cells.
Stops battery drain at night.
Eliminates charge bleed in
shaded cell.

Isolating control functions with diodes

In DC systems, diodes may isolate
switches/controls from each other.
Allows each switch to control some
devices in common, and some
devices separately.
No buttons pressed = both lights off
Pressing button A turns bulb 1 on by
providing a ground for bulb 1
Pressing switch B turns both bulbs on
by providing a ground to both bulbs.


More control functions with diodes

No buttons pressed = bulb 4 is on.

Pressing only A or B will leave bulb 4

on with power applied by the other

Pressing both switch A and switch B will

turn off bulb 4 by removing all power.


Some automotive applications

Isolators can control

Interior lights
turn/brake lights
fog lights
power windows & locks
fuel pumps


Lab Procedure Tips


DMM diode measurement

The multimeter has a built-in diode
measurement function, which measures
the probe voltage at a low current.
Place the meter range switch in the
diode/continuity position, connect the
diode to the probe leads, and read the
junction voltage.
The red lead has positive voltage and
acts as the current source. The black
lead is ground.

A current of slightly less than 2mA (with a 2Vmax

limit) is driven through the probe leads, and the
voltage at the probe terminals is measured. This is
a safe way to test diode and transistor junctions.


Remember from last semester:

To measure a current:

you must open the circuit and insert the

meter in series with the circuit.

To reduce the chances of blowing the fuse:

Make sure that the current is safe

before you move the lead to the mA
After you have measured a current,
move the red meter lead back to the
VHz jack before making any other

Measuring the diode VI curve

Not required - Curve Given

Use the ANDY breadboard +5V

Use a jumper wire to connect
first one diode, then the other.
Use wires clipped into the meter
leads to probe the voltages.
Because there are many
measurements, its easier (and
safer for your meter fuse) to
measure the voltage across the
resistor and calculate the diode
current using Ohms Law.

NOTE: For resistance values below 100, first connect the meter for the
measurement, then connect the jumper only briefly.
The resistor(s) will overheat if connected for more than 10 seconds.

ANDY board pushbuttons

The two pushbuttons on the ANDY board
are actually logic outputs with limited
current capacity.
On the terminal blocks for each pushbutton
the top four holes are high (+5V) when
the button is released, and low
(ground) when the button is pressed.
The bottom four holes are low (ground)
when the button is released, and high
(+5V) when the button is pressed.
Use the top set of holes (+5 when the
button is released) for experiment 01.

Design and build the switch isolator

Each LED must have a dropping resistor to limit current.
Use diodes to isolate the switch functions
from each other.

no buttons pressed

A pressed

B pressed

A and B pressed


Building the diode control isolator

Replace each bulb with an LED and series resistor.
Rseries = V+ - VLED / ILED.
The LEDs are diodes, so not all of the blocking diodes used with the bulbs are
required for the LED circuit to function correctly with 5V applied. You are free to
eliminate the blocking diodes if you wish to simplify the wiring.
Bulb 1 is a Yellow LED and resistor (on when A and/or B is pressed)
Bulb 2 is a Green LED and resistor (on when B is pressed).
Bulb 3 (not shown) is a Red LED which mirrors Bulb 2 (on when A is pressed).
Bulb 4 is the second yellow LED (and resistor), which stays lit until both switches
are pressed.


Completed Diode Isolator Circuit


LED Polarity
LEDs emit light when current flows in the forward direction.
The flat spot on the LED case flange is the cathode ( - lead).
The anode (+ lead) of an LED is longer (until the leads are cut).


Wiring tips
Photos are not intended as a wire it this way guide.
Build your circuit one LED at a time, and test for correct operation
each time you add another LED.
Note that you are using the top of the pushbutton function
+5V when the switch is released
0V when the switch is pressed.


Modeling Diodes with LTspice


Experimental diode I-V measurement

1N5819 turns on at 0.22V, I 900mA @ 0.50V
1N4001 turns on at 0.62V, I 850mA @ 0.90V
We need to match LTspice simulation to these measured results.


Test the generic diode model

Build a swept voltage and diode circuit
Add a voltage source set to 0
Add a ground
Add a generic diode from the toolbar
Add a .op parameter to sweep the
voltage from 0V to 0.9V in 10mV
Connect the wiring
Save the file! Run the simulation
Note the current! This is not
a good model for 1N4001 and
1N5819 diodes.
Save this schematic for later


Change the diode to a 1N5819

Save this file under a new name (i.e. Lab 01
1N5819 or similar).
Right click the diode symbol in the schematic
click Pick New Diode
Select the 1N5819, OK


Complete the schematic and simulate

To match your experimental results,
set to sweep V1 from 0V to 0.55V.

Save the file

Run the simulation
Measure ID1 [ note I 2.8A at 0.5V ]
A poor match for the kit 1N5819!


Adding 3rd party models to LTspice

Model Generated by MODPEX
*Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems*
All Rights Reserved
Contains Proprietary Information *
Which is The Property of
*Commercial Use or Resale Restricted *
by Symmetry License Agreement
* Model generated on Aug 21, 00
.MODEL D1n5819 d
+IS=1.19279e-05 RS=0.0625421 N=1.16517 EG=1.3
+XTI=3.22098 BV=40 IBV=0.001 CJO=1.50114e-10
+VJ=1.5 M=0.590203 FC=0.5 TT=2.6273e-08
+KF=0 AF=1


Adding 3rd party models to LTspice

Third-party SPICE models are described as a
.MODEL for intrinsic SPICE devices like diodes and transistors
(i.e. 1N4001 diode, 1N5819, diode, 2N3904 transistor)
.SUBCKT defines the component by a collection of circuitry of
intrinsic SPICE devices (i.e. LM 741 OpAmp).

See this video

Google for 1n5819 spice model
Schottky Diode models at OnSemi

WooHoo, first hit!


1N5819 Model text:

Model Generated by MODPEX
*Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems*
All Rights Reserved
Contains Proprietary Information *
Which is The Property of
*Commercial Use or Resale Restricted *
by Symmetry License Agreement
* Model generated on Aug 21, 00
.MODEL D1n5819 d
+IS=1.19279e-05 RS=0.0625421 N=1.16517 EG=1.3
+XTI=3.22098 BV=40 IBV=0.001 CJO=1.50114e-10
+VJ=1.5 M=0.590203 FC=0.5 TT=2.6273e-08
+KF=0 AF=1

Note: you can paste the

model text to the left
directly into your .op
statement in your

Part number is D1n5819, which

you enter for the Value in LTspice
The separate d designates this part as a diode


Reload the Generic Diode Circuit


Edit the diode model

Hold Control key and Right click
the diode symbol.
Right click on D Value
Set Value to D1n5819
This must match the part
number in the model.
Set the voltage to sweep from 0
to 0.55


Set .op directive for model parameters

Click .op
You can enter the .lib full-URL-to-the-model
(in this case, the URL is (
This will copy the model to your local directory. See the video

Preferable (most portable for this lab): paste the model statement
into the schematic.
Click.op, set the font size to 1
Paste the model text into
the statement.
The schematic becomes


Run the simulation and measure ID1

Save the file under a new name

Run the simulation
Measure ID1 [ 2.2A at 0.5V ]
Still does not match the kit 1N5819!

But we can edit the model to obtain

0.9A at 0.5V! [ Need I 0.9A at 0.5V ]


Change the RS series resistance to 0.2

Original model from OnSemi

Change the RS value to 0.2

Model Generated by MODPEX
*Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems*
All Rights Reserved
Contains Proprietary Information *
Which is The Property of
*Commercial Use or Resale Restricted *
by Symmetry License Agreement
* Model generated on Aug 21, 00
.MODEL D1n5819 d
+IS=1.19279e-05 RS=0.0625421 N=1.16517 EG=1.3
+XTI=3.22098 BV=40 IBV=0.001 CJO=1.50114e-10
+VJ=1.5 M=0.590203 FC=0.5 TT=2.6273e-08
+KF=0 AF=1

Model Generated by MODPEX
*Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems*
All Rights Reserved
Contains Proprietary Information *
Which is The Property of
*Commercial Use or Resale Restricted *
by Symmetry License Agreement
* Model generated on Aug 21, 00
.MODEL D1n5819 d
+IS=1.19279e-05 RS=0.2 N=1.16517 EG=1.3
+XTI=3.22098 BV=40 IBV=0.001 CJO=1.50114e-10
+VJ=1.5 M=0.590203 FC=0.5 TT=2.6273e-08
+KF=0 AF=1


Edit the Schematic .op

Right click the model text box on the
Find RS=0.0625421 and change the
value to RS=0.2, hit OK.
Save the file, run the simulation.

This model is close to 0.9A at 0.5V.


Upload the schematic to scholar

Add a text box above your schematic with
Your Name, ECE3254 - Lab 01 1N5819
Save the schematic where you can find it.

Answer the questions on the worksheet.

Upload the schematic (.asc) file to
Assignment 01 on scholar.


The schematic file has a .asc file extension

If your .asc extensions are not visible and you cant find the schematic
Open windows explorer
Click tools > folder options > view >
Uncheck the box for Hide extensions for known file types
Click: Apply > OK

1N4001 - Reload the Generic Diode Circuit


Add a 1N4001 model to LTspice

See this video
Google for 1N4001 LTspice model
After several pages, I found Spice models at OnSemi
Google is your friend,
but you have to dig!


1N4001 Model text:

Model Generated by MODPEX
*Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems*
All Rights Reserved
Contains Proprietary Information *
Which is The Property of
Modeling services provided by
* Interface Technologies *
.MODEL D1n4001rl d
+IS=1.22478e-08 RS=0.0414786 N=1.83369 EG=0.6
+XTI=0.05 BV=50 IBV=5e-08 CJO=1e-11
+VJ=0.7 M=0.5 FC=0.5 TT=1e-09
+KF=0 AF=1
* Model generated on October 12, 2003
* Model format: PSpice

Note: you can paste the

model text to the left
directly into your .op
statement in your

Part number is D1n4001r1, which

you enter for the Value in LTspice



Edit the Generic Diode Model

Hold Control key and Right click
the diode symbol.
Right click on D Value

Set Value to D1n7001rl

This must match the part
number in the model.
Note: the text is D1n7001rl.
The last character is the
letter l (not a 1).


Set .op directive for model parameters

Click .op

set the font size to 1

Paste the model text into

the statement.
The schematic becomes


Run the simulation check results

The schematic should
similar to the one shown
on the right.

The simulation result is

similar to the curve you
plotted experimentally.


Submit your LTspice schematic to scholar

After you have successfully competed the schematic and simulation
Use a text box to enter Your Name, ECE3254 Lab 01 1N4001 on
the LTspice schematic. Save the file where you can find it!
Upload your schematic file to the Lab Worksheet assignment on
The schematic is the file with arrow your filename may be
different, but it will have .asc for the file extension
If your .asc extensions are not visible and you cant find the schematic, open
windows explorer and click tools > folder options > view >
uncheck the box for Hide extensions for known file types > Apply > OK


LTspice resources

Linear Technology software page download LTspice

LT Wiki FAQs, tips, component libraries, tutorials
Ltspice getting started guide (ppt) at CDS Linear
Google search for LTspice circuits will find many useful web sites.
Add a model to LTspice:


Next week: Zener Diodes

Are there any questions?

To the right:
A Google search for zener diode testing
found a pdf with this image. YMMV!

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