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I. Membership Development

1. Hold a chapter retreat at the beginning of each year and develop goals.
2. Hold a chapter group dynamics session.
3. Hold a study skills workshops.
4. Hold a chapter rush workshop.
5. Hold educational programs like mixing drinks, etiquette, dress & etc.
6. Hold a speed-reading program.
7. Hold a sexual values clarification program with a sorority.
8. Hold a seminar on income tax preparation.
9. Hold a cooking class.
10. Set up academic incentives—monetary awards, house bill allowances, trophies, etc.
11. Alert members to voter registration.
12. Hold a workshop on birth control methods.

II. Rush & Social

1. Hawaiian luau
2. Beach party
3. Zodiac party
4. Derby Day
5. Campus Olympics
6. Informal smokers
7. Theme dinners(Chinese, Italians, Mexican)
8. Barnyard party
9. Reverse party
10. Mock wedding
11. Dance marathon
12. Bike-a-thon
13. Swim-a-thon
14. Walk-a-thon
15. Night at the races
16. Watermelon
17. Theme dances
18. Beauty contest
19. Amateur talent contest
20. Clothing or food for the needy
21. Campus clean up
22. Plant shrubs around the campus
23. Involvement in homecoming
24. Fix up a community eyesore
25. Help collect for Easter seals
26. Sponsor an orphan
27. Chapter retreat
28. Christmas caroling
29. Volleyball
30. Softball
31. Pizza party
32. Card party
33. Orientation program
34. Open house
35. Trip to another chapter
36. Shopping trip
37. Trip to a plant factory(sugar centrals, electric plant)
38. Trip to national headquarters
39. Game night(monopoly, risk, solitaire, etc.)
40. swimming pool party
41. roller skating party
42. ice skating party
43. chartered fishing trip
44. potluck supper
45. speaker at the chapter house
46. alumni night
47. film showing
48. informal athletic event
49. outdoor bonfire
50. parents night
51. wine & cheese party
52. Faculty members for supper
53. tutoring session
54. museum tours
55. Camping
56. Hiking
57. Halloween party
58. Vacation trips
59. Voter registration campaign
60. Blood bank drive

III. Social Service & Philanthropic

1. Sponsor a campus blood drive
2. Adopt a set of grandparents from the community—take them shopping, etc.
3. Have a meal-of-the month program where members miss a meal and the money is donated to charity.
4. volunteer as tutors to children in the community
5. teach handicrafts and swimming to the mentally retarded
6. Hold a reception, picnic, or barbecue for your neighbors
7. Send representatives to speak to the local Kiwanis,Lions Club, etc.
8. Speak ion local high schools about the university
9. Sponsor an all-sports day for under-privilege children
10. Sponsor olympics for retarded children
11. Sponsor a marathon athletic event
12. Sponsor a food basket program—collect canned goods for distribution in holiday baskets to under-
privilege families
13. Christmas, Easter or Valentines Day parties for under-privilege children.
14. Entertain elderly patients at a nearby hospitals.
15. Public service weekend—be available to do odd jobs, clean-ups, etc.
16. Tape books and periodicals for the blind
17. Sponsor a community clean-up day or help in recycling drives.

IV. Student Relations

1. Sponsor scholarship for a needy person.
2. Sponsor campus superstar contest
3. Sponsor campus information booth during first week of semester.
4. Hold receptions for foreign students.
5. Sponsor a football tournament for women on campus.
6. Give campus tours during enrollment period.
7. Raise money to purchase books for school library.
8. Sponsor campus beautification projects.
9. Sponsor a music concert or festival.
V. Faculty Relations
1. Faculty Dinners—invite a faculty member each month and have him/her speak after dinner.
2. Annual faculty banquet, each member inviting one faculty person.
3. Sponsor a lecture series on campus.
4. Sponsor a tea or reception for faculty wives/husbands.
5. Sponsor a program for faculty children.
6. Sponsor a contest for an "outstanding professor."
7. Sponsor a reception for a new faculty.

VI. Senior Development

1. Invite persons from the placement office to inform seniors of their services.
2. Invite local businessman to speak on how to interview effectively
3. Keep a library of job information.
4. Invite people from the graduate office to speak on advanced education.
5. Keep a library of graduate school catalogues.
6. Invite persons to talk about the mechanics of graduation—forms to be filled up.
7. Invite local banker to talk about investments, savings, credit cards, etc.
8. Invite local insurance man to speak on buying insurance.
9. Invite a psychologist or marriage counselor to talk about marriage.
10. Have seniors meet with alumni to talk about their future role I the fraternity.
11. Hold a travel workshop with a local travel agency.

VII. Non-Alcoholic
1. Chartered fishing trip
2. Attend basketball or football games
3. Potluck supper
4. Swimming pool party
5. Alumni nights
6. Film showing
7. Outdoor bonfire
8. Museum tours
9. Camping, hiking & biking
10. Pajama party
11. Visits to other chapters
12. Card tournament
13. Pool tournament
14. Picnic party
15. Serenading girls dorm

VIII. Fund Raising

1. Raffles for: TV set, stereos, motorcycles, DVD/VCD, books, trips, room & board, scholarships, date
with a lady/gentleman, money.
2. Sell: candy, lightbulbs, doughnuts, flowers, baked goods, coffee, lemonade, balloons, buttons, t-shirts.
3. Contests: bike race, pancake eating, egg eating, sexiest eyes, sexiest legs, pie eating, marshmallow
eating, talent show, superstars & new games.
4. Others: telethons, phonathons, marathons, parties, car washes, used clothing auction, lawn work, film,
cartoons, haunted house, mardi gras, cookouts, dating game, ransom someone.

Prepared by:
Ricardito M. Martinez
NHQ-Dumaguete City

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