Psych 155 Case Study

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Coleen Grace M Servando

February 1, 2008

BA Psychology III

Psychology 155

CASE #1: I Could Be Dying

In my own assessment, the 52-year-old whole sale distributor of automobile parts
would be diagnosed with Panic Disorder. He had a lot of symptoms that depicts a panic attack
especially when he discussed about his anxiety towards riding a plane. Also, due to his
anxiety he acquired alcoholic dependence, however, this wasnt that often only before he will
travel or feel anxious. In addition, he also had trouble in sleeping and would particularly
wake in the night feeling anxious and under a panic condition.
The man in the case study had a higher chance of recovery because in the first place
he subjected himself to undergo such treatment. Also, according to the study he is very
informative, verbal, cheerful, friendly and engaging. He has no problem in discussing his
concerns and he is responsive enough towards the treatment.
CASE #2: Thunderstorm
Sheila, a 28-year-old housewife, particularly had Specific Phobia Anxiety Disorder,
specifically fear of storms. This diagnosis is primarily supported through all of the situations
discussed in the case study. She was frightened of storms since she was a child. She is most
frightened of lighting. According to the statements in the case study, Sheila begins to feel
anxiety long before a storm arrives. She also experiences anxiety when the weather seemed to
show signals that the storm is about to come.

In my own understanding, Sheila will have a positive prognosis towards the disorder.
She has a high chance to overcome her anxiety especially when she will continue her
treatment and added to that she also counter her disorder through her own self-treatment,
such as doing several things to reduce her anxiety. Also, the main factor that would enable her
to overcome her disorder is that she is aware of it and she recognizes the irrational nature of
her fear leading to the thought that psychiatric treatment would aid her to recover.
CASE #3: Burned
The 28-year-old woman in the case study will be diagnosed by Acute Stress Disorder.
The experiences she underwent when their house was burned, her injuries and when her
husband died caused a traumatic episode in her life. She also showed symptoms of anxiety,
fear and emotional unstableness. She also has a subjective sense of numbing, detachment, or
absence of emotional responsiveness. Added to her symptoms, she also had dissociative
amnesia particularly recalling an important aspect of the trauma she had experienced.
The woman, in my own view, would possibly have negative prognosis or a lower
chance to overcome her disorder. Situations suggest that she does not respond appropriately
in treatment. She refuses to share her emotions and for that it would be difficult for her to
overcome her feelings. She should be able to channel out her negative feelings in order for
her to be properly adaptive in the course of the situation. Unfortunately, based in the case
study she did not appear to be working through her grief appropriately. In conclusion, she
might have a lower chance of recovery.

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