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Cape Fear Opening Scene Analysis

In the build-up to creating our opening scenes, we decided to analyse a films

first couple of minutes, this film happened to be Martin Scorseses 1991 classic,
Cape Fear. In the beginning of the scene, we see water which has a slight current
to it. The connotations of flowing water suggest Water is a universal symbol of
change and is often present at turning points in a story. Water is also known to
represent life. Likewise, water can also represent death (such as dark murky
waters). Water can also be split up into two categories: fresh water and
bad/polluted water.
Fresh water can represent
good health, and bad
water could symbolize a
lack of health or imply
the unknown. Water can
also mean purity and

We then see the reflection of an eagle in the water. Eagles are generally
considered predators and very individual when on the hunt which could
potentially be foreshadowing something that is going to happen later on in the
film. Eagles also represent freedom and are known to be rulers of the skies
implying authority
will play a big part in the

We then see an image of a large human eye in the water, looking from side to
side, frantically. The image of the eye suggests that someone is being watched
or someone is watching. The movement of the eye from side to side suggests the
person is panicking or on edge as they are looking about. This adds to the terror
of the opening and we can also imply from this that the water is again being
used to impose fear on the audience. Despite the water being calm and natural
at the surface, when you look deeper, there is a sense of mystery beneath,
accumulating to the suspense being built in the first few shots. To add to the
suspense, as the eye begins to move from side to side, the tempo of the music is
quickening and
the pitch heightens
creating a tense
and sinister atmosphere
for the viewer.

Generally, it seems as if the opening credits rely on reflections and the meaning
of reflections. In many thrillers, reflections are used to create a sense of mystery,
in the sense that you are convinced you know what you are seeing, but in reality
its not. This is also used to lead the viewer into a false sense of security, and in
Cape Fear we see many reflections such as the eagle, the human eye, the mouth
etc. These could all be foreshadowing what is going to happen later in the film,
despite the viewer thinking that it is irrelevant. An example of this is here we see
the reflection of a face. The viewers do not know whose face it is, but they can
assume that it will have some importance/relevance later in the film.

We then see a dark silhouette of a person standing with their arm by their side.
The fact that they have used a silhouette emphasises the theme of The
Unknown as we as viewers do not know who it is. Also, the fact that the
background is green could also be forewarning some of the moods in the film
such as envy, jealousy

Following this, we see a drip of blood come down the screen and the whole
screen then turns red. This also could represent moods in the film as the colour
red is known to represent blood, danger, stop etc.

The drip of red blood then shows a eyes and nose which then changes to the
colour white, then to a normal colour. This obviously represents change within
the film. It then pans out to a young girl in a white shirt. The use of a white shirt
represents purity and innocence which could go against or contradict the themes
in the film.

We then see a prison cell which has posters on

the wall of people such as Joseph Stalin and
superheroes. These people are all known to be
strong, authoritative figures which could lead the
audience to believe that the man in the cell may
look up to these people.

The shot then moves to a man called Cady doing some form of muscular
exercise. We can also see on his back he has a tattoo of the scales of justice. This
could be implying that he is out for revenge regarding something due to his
tattoo. The fact he exercising also suggests to the audience that he is physically
preparing himself for
this revenge
as well.

Cady then leaves his cell as he is leaving prison. The officer marshals him out
and all the other inmates watch on, in silence, which is very unusual in a prison.
This again suggests that Cady is highly respected within the prison or has
authority over the
other cell mates.

Cady exits the prison and the officer asks him You got anyone coming for you
Cady? He shakes his head. It could be noticed that Cady is leaving the prison by
himself which links back to the eagle in the opening montage as eagles are very
independent and hunt individually. There is a officer behind him carrying his
books but Cady says he does not want them. The fact that an officer is carrying
an inmates belongings again reinforces the idea that Cady does not only have
authority over other inmates, but also over the officers within the prison.

He then walks towards

the camera, with an
intimidating, threatening expression and aura about him. Whilst in the sky there
looks to be a storm brewing, again foreshadowing that trouble may commence
shortly now Cady has been released from prison.

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