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Diet Induced Changes in the Colonic Environment

and Colorectal Cancer

Colonic Bacterial Flora: Changing Understandings in the Molecular Age1

Volker Mai and J. Glenn Morris, Jr.2
Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD 21201

ABSTRACT The human intestinal microbiota is a complex bacterial consortium that is critical to normal health.
The microflora is present at concentrations of 1011–1012 cells/g of intestinal contents; the number of species
present may exceed 500, although exact numbers remain to be defined, due in part to the fact that ⬍30% of
microorganisms are culturable with current microbiologic methods. Molecular tools based on 16S rDNA sequence
similarities such as fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE),
quantitative dot blot hybridization, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and large scale 16S rDNA
sequencing have helped to overcome limitations of conventional microbiological plating methods in studying the
fecal microflora composition. However, these tools are just now beginning to be applied to understand the

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dynamics of this complex community, and its relationship to diet and human health. There is a need to understand
both the limitations of the current data and the importance of moving forward with the best possible molecular and
epidemiologic techniques as we deal with these critical questions. J. Nutr. 134: 459 – 464, 2004.

KEY WORDS: ● intestinal microbiota ● molecular tools ● diet ● human disease

Bacteria have been known to be closely associated with human colon, although statistical extrapolations from the 16S
mammals since the development of optical tools allowed for rDNA sequencing of cloned amplicons derived from human
the visualization of such microbes. Even before bacteria could fecal community DNA from one patient suggest that there are
be viewed by microscopy, infectious small particles (ani- ⬍150 operational taxonomic units (defined as differing in 16S
malcules) had been suspected to cause various transmissible rDNA sequence by ⬍ 2%) (4,5). Future studies that utilize a
human diseases (1). Modern microbiology has established combination of conventional and molecular microflora anal-
the close associations of bacteria with mammals not only as ysis tools will help to better define the complexity of the
a cause of disease, but also as part of an essential colonizing human microbiota. It has further been estimated that some 40
microflora (2,3). species make up ⬃99% of all isolates, with the Bacteroides-
Commensal bacterial communities are closely associated Prevotella group (a Gram-negative anaerobe) and Clostridium
with the human skin, oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and the species (Gram-positive anaerobes) predominating (3,6,7).
female genital tract. The colon, in particular, is the home for In the colon of healthy humans, anaerobic species outnum-
a complex consortium of microorganisms (primarily bacteria, ber aerobic ones by at least 10-fold, with the proportion of
but also fungi and protozoa) that is critical for normal health. anaerobes to aerobes having been used as a measure for “nor-
The actual number of species that may be present is contro- mal” flora. The composition of the microflora changes
versial; it has been estimated that ⬎500 species coexist in the throughout the intestinal tract, with the highest microbial
activity observed in the proximal colon (2,6). The composi-
tion of the microflora appears to be affected by changes in
Presented at the Experimental Biology meeting, April 11–15 2003, San substrate availability, pH and reduction potential. The total
Diego, CA. The symposium was sponsored by the American Society for Nutri- number of microbes in the gastrointestinal tract seems to be
tional Sciences and supported in part by an educational grant from the Group
Danone and the Nutrition Science Research Group at the National Cancer Insti- similar in different human populations and has been estimated
tute. The proceedings are published as a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition. to be an order of magnitude higher than the number of
This supplement is the responsibility of the guest editors to whom the Editor of eucaryotic cells in the entire human body (8).
The Journal of Nutrition has delegated supervision of both technical conformity to
the published regulations of The Journal of Nutrition and general oversight of the Host-associated bacteria with their metabolic contributions
scientific merit of each article. The opinions expressed in this publication are to host physiology have clear trophic functions and play a role
those of the authors and are not attributable to the sponsors or the publisher, in protecting the host against invasion by pathogenic species.
editor, or editorial board of The Journal of Nutrition. The Guest Editors for the
symposium publication are Jon A. Story, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Bacterial fermentation products such as short chain fatty acids
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, and J. Glenn Morris, Jr., Department of can be nutrients as well as growth signals for the intestinal
Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medi- epithelium, an example being butyrate with its pro-differenti-
cine, Baltimore, MD.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. ation, anti-proliferation and anti-angiogenic effects on
E-mail: colonocytes (9 –11). Various bioactive molecules such as car-

0022-3166/04 $8.00 © 2003 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


cinogenic xenobiotics, dietary phytoestrogens, and primary possible to extend studies of the associations between diet,
bile acids can be transformed by commensal bacteria (12–14). microflora, and health to large prospective cohort studies, a
The microflora facilitates the excretion of various toxic sub- necessary next step in dealing with these questions.
stances and the exclusion of pathogenic microorganisms from In limited studies, molecular tools have been applied to
the human host. Furthermore, the normal flora has been study the development of the infant microflora (25,26) and
shown to stimulate immune function through Peyer’s patches changes in the human microflora during aging, with the sug-
and other gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT),3 which are gestion that complexity increases with age (with a correspond-
distributed throughout the gastrointestinal tract (15). The ing decrease in the number of Bifidobacteria) (6,27). These
commensal microflora is involved in the regulation of gastro- tools have also been used to evaluate the effects of pre- and
intestinal immune tolerance, disturbances of which can con- probiotics on the human microflora composition (15,28) and
tribute to diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis the effects of dietary interventions on the intestinal microflora
(16,17). Specific host-microbe interactions have been reported in various animal models, as outlined below (29,30). These
that can regulate production and excretion of selective sugars studies have also underscored the degree of variability inherent
into the intestinal lumen (18,19). This observation suggests to these types of complex systems (and assay systems). For
that microbes have evolved synergistic mechanisms to influ- example, a microflora study based on FISH analyses has shown
ence the colonic environment for their own benefit, and a large degree of variability among subjects and in individuals
potentially that of the host, by affecting epithelial host cell over time (31). Although some of this observed variation is
gene expression. Although interest in the role of the commen- likely due to differences in environmental factors such as diet,
sal microflora has been renewed by the development and other factors, including host genetics and the potential con-
refinement of molecular analysis tools (reviewed by R. Gaskins tribution of chance, cannot be neglected. Establishment and
et al. in an accompanying article in this issue) including the maintenance of the commensal microflora is a complex and
availability of completed genome sequences (20 –22), our un- multi-factorial process that we do not fully understand. The
derstanding of the dynamics and physiologic functions of the sequence in which bacteria settle a niche in the colon, due to

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microflora is still in its infancy. In this paper we review recent chance encounters, nutrient supply, and immune surveillance,
advances in understanding the associations between diet, mi- may well influence the ability of other bacteria to establish
croflora, and health, in the context of the increasing availabil- residence.
ity of molecular tools. Molecular studies have highlighted the diversity of the flora
within individuals. In this context, it is somewhat surprising
The molecular age of microflora analysis that sequencing large numbers of16S rDNA clones derived
from fecal microflora communities has not resulted in large
Traditionally, the stool flora has been analyzed by micro- numbers of identical or highly similar sequences, which might
biological culture techniques. However, this approach is rather have been expected from prior work indicating the predomi-
laborious, time consuming and often inaccurate. It is also nance of a few genera in the microflora (5,7,32). Wilson and
limited in scope, as a majority of the bacterial species present Blitchington undertook direct amplification and partial se-
in feces are not culturable using standard microbiologic tech- quencing of cloned 16S genes from community DNA ex-
niques (19,23). Even among those that are culturable, species tracted from a human fecal sample. Fifty isolated clones had 27
identification by traditional identification methods is often distinct sequences and gave an estimated 59% coverage of
difficult, if not impossible; only a limited number of species cloned 16S rDNAs (32). More recently, Suau et al. examined
have been fully characterized, and biochemical identifica- 284 16S rDNA sequences from human intestinal microbiota
tion systems may have minimal utility in differentiating and found 82 molecular species from three dominant groups:
species (2,3). Clostridia coccoides-like, C. leptum-like, and Bacteroides (5).
The first widely used molecular technique in microbial However, many different rather than a few dominant species
systematics, which still required culturing of the respective were identified within these three groups. Similar observations
bacteria, was total genomic DNA hybridization. This ap- were made in pigs, where 16S rDNA sequences analysis de-
proach, which utilizes whole genomes rather than small tected 375 different phylotypes in 24 pigs (33) and chapero-
genomic regions to determine the degree of similarity between nine-60 analysis detected 398 different nucleotide sequences
two microbes, formed the basis for molecular microbial phy- encoding 280 different peptide sequences (34).
logeny before the advent of the 16S rDNA revolution. Mo- These observations raise the possibility that the intestinal
lecular tools based on 16S rDNA sequence similarities such as microflora contains large numbers of different species, each of
fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH), denaturing gradient which is present only in low numbers. Bias introduced through
gel electrophoresis (DGGE), quantitative dot blot hybridiza- PCR or subcloning might affect such analyses (35); the extent
tion, restriction fragment length polymorphism, and large of such potential distortions has not been thoroughly investi-
scale 16S rDNA sequencing have helped to overcome limita- gated. Future human microflora studies based on large numbers
tions of conventional microbiological plating methods in of cloned 16S rDNA sequences might well change current
studying the fecal microflora composition (2,24); they are concepts of intestinal colonization and microflora composi-
reviewed in detail elsewhere in this issue. Microchips that tion. It should be emphasized that sequencing studies of the
would allow for more efficient identification of bacterial spe- human microflora have not reached the point of saturation. It
cies present in complex communities are currently under de- may be necessary to sequence well over a thousand clones per
velopment in various laboratories. While the feasibility of the sample before reaching a point at which additional sequences
microchip approach has been established, currently available will be unlikely to yield more unique sequences (unpublished
chips are still limited in scope. Microchips specifically de- results, C. Stine). A high proportion of sequences discovered
signed to analyze the human fecal microflora should make it in sequencing studies have not previously been described.
Both of the human studies summarized above found that only
3 a quarter of the sequences corresponded to known sequences
Abbreviations used: CRC, colorectal carcinogenesis; DGGE, denaturing
gradient gel electrophoresis; FISH, fluorescent in-situ hybridization; GALT, gut- even when allowing for a 2% divergence between the observed
associated lymphoid tissue; LAB, Lactic Acid Bacteria. and data base sequences.

Due to relative ease of stool collection most of the intesti- highly speculative. For instance, although it is widely assumed
nal microflora studies have been performed under the assump- that Bifidobacteria and LAB are beneficial whereas high num-
tion that feces contain a representative sample of the preva- bers of Clostridia and Bacteroides are detrimental, labeling
lent intestinal microflora. Although some studies have shown them as such is not necessarily supported by rigorous data. In
clear differences between the fecal microflora composition and fact, one study showed that although LAB were inversely
the kinds of bacteria that are present at other anatomical sites, associated with colorectal carcinogenesis (CRC), a positive
including bacteria in the cecum (36) and those associated with association with CRC was observed not only for Bacteroides
the mucosa (37), differences in the human microflora at var- but also for Bifidobacterium species (38). In vitro studies that
ious anatomical sites are not well documented. It can be investigate the effects of specific bacteria on cancer cell lines,
assumed that while the proportions and activities of the mi- which already have undergone a variety of genetic alterations
croflora change with passage through the intestinal tract, most and which do not resemble the physiologic and immunologic
viable as well as nonviable commensal intestinal bacteria will conditions that are found in the colon, and animal studies that
still be detectable in feces with molecular methods. Until new evaluate the effects of microflora changes in either germ free,
nanotechnologies allowing for the convenient sampling of rodent-flora or human-flora associated rodents should be in-
microflora throughout the intestinal tract become more widely terpreted very carefully. The complexity and the dynamics of
available, feces remain the only realistic sample in large non- the human microflora, which we know very little about, and its
invasive studies. Before large human studies can be designed it potential species or even strain specific interactions with the
needs to be unequivocally established that analyzing micro- human host including its immune system cannot be effectively
flora composition and activities in feces is representative of studied in any simplified model system. Thus, claims of asso-
important intestinal parameters. ciations between specific commensal bacterial species or
Although the 16S rDNA based technologies continue to strains and human health will have to be established in human
undergo refinement, it might be timely to develop standardized feeding/intervention studies or large epidemiologic studies.
protocols for the analysis of the intestinal microflora, which The available molecular tools should now allow for such

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would facilitate an improved comparison of results across stud- studies. Model systems should be continued to be utilized a) to
ies. Such an effort could lead to the establishment of a single establish if and how intestinal microflora composition and
database that contains the fecal bacterial profiles from subjects activity can be modulated by complex diets, and b) to
across various studies. Given their expense, studies to date strengthen the hypothesis that specific commensal bacteria or
have generally involved small numbers of patients (or one microflora profiles are associated with specific diseases includ-
patient); establishment of a common database would facilitate ing carcinogenesis.
comparison of such data, allowing for a better understanding of Unfortunately, studies of specific interactions between diets
the complexity and the variation of the human intestinal that differ in macronutrient content and microflora composi-
microbiota. tion have not yet been carefully investigated with 16S rDNA
based molecular tools. Early ecological studies have suggested
Effects of diet on microflora composition that fecal microflora differences in populations with varying
dietary habits contribute to the observed differences in health
There have been several studies suggesting that each indi- in these groups. Studies based on conventional culturing tech-
vidual harbors his or her own distinctive pattern of intestinal niques have indicated that the protein and fat content of the
microflora composition. This pattern tends to remain constant diet as well as the nature of the carbohydrates (simple sugars
across time, although there may be some increase in species vs. complex carbohydrates) does affect microflora composition
diversity with age (27,38). While studies are limited, it appears and activity (41,43,44). Animal studies support the hypothesis
that overall dietary patterns (as seen among persons living in that the intestinal microflora can be modified by diet and
different geographic areas) and intake of various nutrients can antibiotic administration in mice and chicken (29,45). How-
influence general patterns of fecal microflora (39 – 41). At the ever, as mentioned above, studies that evaluate effects of
same time, and in keeping with prior comments about the dietary interventions on the intestinal microflora often use
variability of results, in subjects in a feeding study the same different methods and thus have to be interpreted with cau-
diet may have very different effects on the microflora, possibly tion. For instance, food restriction, arguably one of the most
due to differential effects of the diet on the individual’s un- effective dietary interventions, has been shown in one study to
derlying microflora composition, and/or underlying genetic have little effect on the microflora of rats as measured by
differences (Mai et al., this issue). conventional anaerobic culture, cellular fatty acid profile and
Most molecular studies of the associations between nutri- PCR (46). In contrast, we have observed that food restriction
ents and microflora composition have been done with supple- and diet composition both strongly affect the microflora com-
ments that supply either viable bacteria (probiotics), oligosac- position as judged by DGGE (47). Standardized 16S rDNA
charides that can selectively enhance the growth of based molecular tools should now be used, preferably in com-
“beneficial” bacteria (prebiotics), or a combination of both bination with conventional methods, to study in depth in both
(synbiotics). The effectiveness of these supplements in mod- human and animal models the natural variation in the micro-
ulating the intestinal microflora toward a composition with flora and interactions between diet and the composition and
increased proportions of bacteria that are thought to be ben- activities of the intestinal microflora.
eficial, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB),
is well-established (15,28,42). Other studies have focused on Intestinal microflora composition and health
differences in the fecal microflora of neonates that are fed
either breast milk or formula (25,26). These studies have At the beginning of the last century Metchnikoff suggested
shown that feeding breast milk results in the development of that the use of live bacteria in fermented milk products such as
an intestinal microflora that has increased proportions of Bi- yogurt could increase longevity and improve health by detox-
fidobacteria. ifying putrefactive substances (48). In the more recent past
It is important to note that labeling nonpathogenic com- interest in the potential of improving human health through
mensal bacteria as either beneficial or detrimental remains modifications of the intestinal microflora has reemerged and

various dairy products that are commercially available claim up to 90% of colorectal cancer risk (64). Although this level
such effects. It has, however, been difficult to establish the of involvement has not been supported by subsequent re-
existence of associations between specific microbes and health. search, there remains a strong consensus that diet is an im-
Studies that attempt to associate complex diets with changes portant component of the total risk profile. Several diet com-
in the microflora and disease are virtually nonexistent. ponents consistently emerge from these studies, including total
The recent literature on the efficacy of probiotic interven- fat or saturated fatty acids and red meat as causal (with red
tions supports the hypothesis that changes in the microflora meat having the greatest potential impact) and fruits and
induced by the consumption of probiotics can reduce the vegetables and, possibly, fiber, as protective (63,65– 67). How-
frequency and severity of diarrhea, as well as atopic disease in ever, the evidence for many of these food groups does not
infants (49 –52). Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, reach the level of being conclusive (65).
and gastrointestinal cancers are thought to be associated with In one study of associations between microflora composi-
the microflora composition and recent data supports such tion and colorectal carcinogenesis (initiated in 1971 but not
association (23,53–55). Although epidemiologic studies do completed until 1995 because of technical difficulties in char-
not support an inverse association between intake of fer- acterizing stool microflora), stool samples from rural South
mented milk products and colorectal cancer (56,57), these Africans were compared with those from rural Japanese (both
studies are limited in scope because they neither differentiate groups consuming a “native” diet), and three groups eating a
between viable and nonviable products nor between the spec- western-style diet, including Japanese-Hawaiians, whites from
ificity of the consumed bacterial strains. Hawaii and the continental U.S., and patients with a history
Many potential mechanisms have been suggested to medi- of recent polyp removal (38). While each subject had his or
ate the proposed associations between microflora and human her own unique pattern, the general fecal microflora pattern
health (58), but only a few of them have been well established. seen in the rural Japanese was distinctive from that of the
The commensal microflora might participate in a) excluding other groups, as was that of the rural South Africans; compo-
pathogenic organisms from colonizing the gut through sition of microflora was similar among the group with polyps

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strengthening the barrier function or competing for attach- and the Japanese-Hawaiians (with increased concentrations of
ment sites; b) interacting with the intestinal immune system, Bacteriodes and Bifidobacterium species), while whites had pat-
contributing to the regulation of immune function including terns somewhere between these “high risk” persons and the
tolerance; c) producing either beneficial or harmful fermenta- rural “low risk” groups. At the species level, 13 species were
tion end products (butyrate, acetaldehyde) that might change significantly associated with a high risk of colon cancer and
intestinal pH; d) facilitating the metabolic conversion and the western diet, while 6 species were associated with a low
uptake of beneficial dietary components (phytoestrogens, vi- risk and the native diets. The numbers in the study were
tamins); e) transforming and/or excreting toxic substances relatively small (total n ⫽ 88 for all groups), and more tradi-
(bile acids, nitroseamines, heterocyclic amines); and f) gener- tional microbiologic techniques were used for characterization
ating fecal bulk that might decrease transit time and lower of fecal microflora. Nonetheless, these data support the hy-
exposure of the intestinal lumen to toxic substances. More pothesis that patterns of fecal microflora differ among groups
specific interactions have recently emerged, including the mo- from different geographic areas, who are consuming different
lecular communication between B. thetaiotaomicron and the types of diets, and who might be expected to have different
intestinal epithelium (19) and the proposed associations be- cancer risks.
tween enterotoxic B. fragilis (increased risk) (59,60) or ente- Some animal studies support the hypothesis that changes in
rotoxigenic E.coli (decreased risk) (61) and colorectal carci- the microflora contribute to intestinal carcinogenesis. In con-
nogenesis. trast, Dove et al. have argued that microflora might not play a
role in intestinal carcinogenesis in APCMin mice, because the
Diet, microflora and colon cancer frequency of intestinal polyps was not different in germfree
mice when compared with controls (68). However, their study
Colorectal cancer is one of the four leading carcinomas in does not exclude the possibility that specific bacterial strains
the United States today; NCI/SEER estimates are that 147,500 might have either beneficial or detrimental effects on carci-
new patients with this disease will be diagnosed with this nogenesis in this cancer model. In fact, Schauer et al. have
disease in 2003, with 57,100 deaths (62). While a portion reported that inoculation of APCMin mice with Citrobacter
(perhaps as much as 35%) of the predisposition to developing rodentii increases intestinal polyp frequency (69).
colon cancer is attributable to heredity, the majority of risk
appears to come from nonhereditary environmental factors. Utilization of molecular tools in future studies
Colon cancer is much less common in the underdeveloped
countries/regions of Africa, Asia, and South or Central Amer- The scope of studies of the associations between microflora
ica than in developed Western societies [age standardized and human health has so far been limited to observational
incidence of 9.91 vs. 37.30 cases/100,0000 population/y studies, controlled short term feeding studies and small-scale
(IARC, Globocan)], consistent with the hypothesis that there intervention studies. Although these studies have contributed
are lifestyle or other factors within these societies that increase significantly to our understanding of the human intestinal
the risk of CRC (63). The importance of environmental microflora, we are still lacking a comprehensive understanding
factors is further supported by the observation that risk in- of the strength of the associations between diet and microflora
creases among low-risk population groups after movement to and the degree of variation within and among individuals.
developed countries (and, presumably, assumption of the hab- Animal studies, which have the advantage of being well
its of these counties); for example, in one study of Chinese controlled for environmental and genetic factors, should be
men, rates of colorectal cancer increased as much as twofold designed to evaluate microflora stability and the effects of
after migration from Shanghai to Los Angeles or Hawaii (63). dietary interventions on microflora composition and disease.
The possible role of diet as a risk factor for colon cancer has Various existing models would allow for such studies with IBD
been examined in a number of epidemiologic studies. Early or markers of intestinal carcinogenesis as the relevant end
epidemiological observations suggested that diet could explain points. Although details from such studies will not be directly

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