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Mathematics Manipulation

Power/Ability Manipulate and alter the foundations

of mathematics.

The power to manipulate and alter the laws and foundations of mathematics. Sub-power
of Science Manipulation.


Also Called

Mathematics Master
Superhuman Mathematics


The user can change the study of quantity, structure, space, change, through manipulating the
laws and foundation of mathematics, allowing the user to change the principle of numeracy,
for example altering the distance between two destination, break the laws of physics through
the alteration of mathematical equations, increasing or decrease the amount or quantity in a
substance or in an area, etc. This power can never be detained as it is based on the intellectual
level of the user.


Biology Manipulation - manipulate the workings of biology through mathematical

Chemistry Manipulation - manipulate chemical equations.
Division by Zero
Infinite Supply - limitless supply of anything via the mathematics of infinity.
Numerical Precision
Physics Manipulation - allows one to manipulate the laws of physics through
mathematical foundations.
Quantity Manipulation
Alter the distances between two destinations; via equation: Distance = Speed x Time
Increase or decrease mass; via equation: Mass = Density x Volume (e.g.).
To make a business profitable:
o Change liabilities to valuable assets; via equation: Assets = Owner's Equity Liabilities.

Change working capital of debtors through current assets and current

liabilities; via equation: Working Capital = Current Assets - Current
Shape an area; via equation: Area = Base x Height (e.g.)
Increase or decrease volume in a substance; via equation: Volume = Mass Density
Alter time through numeric expressions.
Increasing or decrease the amount or quantity in a substance or in an area.
Change logic through mathematical formats.
Change current order through the skills of mathematics.
Geometric Shape Manipulation
Decipher computer codes.
Increase or decrease intellectual levels of subject or yourself.
Alter reality through numeric manipulations.
Create mathematically modeled parallel earths.
Alternate various calculus to enable enact complex rule bending Equations.
Users can use parallels as elaborate mathematical models (e.g, test beds to determine
favorable outcomes for plans).
Diminish numbers that can be generated and maintained.


Number Empowerment
Stochastic Mimicry

Areas of mathematics

Arithmetic Manipulation
Algebra Manipulation
Geometry Manipulation
Analysis Manipulation

Pure Mathematics

Quantity Manipulation
o Natural numbers
o Integers
o Rational numbers
o Real numbers
Structure Manipulation
o Combinatorics
o Number theory
o Group theory
o Graph theory
o Order theory
Space Manipulation
o Geometry

Differential geometry
Fractal geometry
Measure theory
Change Manipulation
o Calculus
o Vector calculus
o Differential equations
o Dynamical systems
o Chaos theory
o Complex analysis

Applied Mathematics

Statistics Manipulation
Probability Manipulation
o Die Rolling
o Causality Manipulation
Computational Mathematics Manipulation
o Fluid dynamics
o Numerical analysis
o Optimization
o Cryptography
o Game theory
o Control theory
o Mathematical physics
o Mathematical finance
o Mathematical economics
o Mathematical chemistry
o Mathematical biology

Other Mathematics

Computer Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics


Enhanced Intelligence
Mathematics Physiology


May be limited to certain foundation and its usage.

Must be extremely good with numbers.

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