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A2 Media short film initial ideas.

Initial idea 1
Heaven INC
Heaven.INC follows the life after life. Heaven and hell does exist but not in the
biblical term. It is seen as a corporation which evaluates all the good you have
done in life and calculates wither you are acceptable for the entrance to heaven.
The story follows a middle aged man who hasnt done much which his life. He
hasnt been good or bad he has almost just existed without anyone caring. The
man is called Sam. Sam is killed in a car accident and is sent to the waiting room
(purgatory) were he is eventually told that he just didnt make it into heaven.
Sam manages to escape this room and return to his body where he is brought
back to life. The men and women who run purgatory try to bring him back by
killing him with freak accidents. Sam trys to do as many good deeds as he can
to tip him over into the green before he is killed again.
This film is a comedy and will be written with a lot of comedic elements. This will
require a lot of props and actors which will not be cheap. The film will also
probably have a run time which exceeds 5 minutes which is problem but this can
be shortened in the edit which may affect the story.

Initial Idea 2
The Last Drop
The Last drop is a story of the poor becoming rich when not everything is legal.
The main character Isaac owes a lot of money to a street shark and the only way
to pay off this loan is to either pay with money or work it off with jobs for the
sharks. Isaac isnt able to pay of the money so in the fear of his familys life he
agrees to take the job. This job is to kidnap rich men with high net worth and
bring them back to the sharks to sell for ransom. After completely most of the job
Isaac realises he is good at this and the sharks offer him a full time placement as
a kidnapper and he will gain 30% of all profits. Isaac continues with this job and
becomes rich in the process until the men he work for start coming after him.
Due to his massive gain in net worth the men started to come after him so he
must take them down before they get him.
This film is an action thriller which will be taken with an extremely serious tone.
The film contains a large amount of violence which I can use my prior skills with
from filming last year. All the props need for this film are very accessible as I
already have most of this ready. The costumes are simple and I can picture how
the film will be filmed shot to shot in my mind. Im excited for this short and it
will probably be my final short.

Initial Idea 3
Day 0
Day 0 is a short filmed based on the day after the virus has be cleared and the
rebuilding of civilisation. Over 87% of the population has been wiped out by this
illness which causes complete stop of the brain within 12 hours. This illness could

A2 Media short film initial ideas.

be held off with a 6 hourly dosage of Vitex which counteractive the illness and
kept the person alive. There was never a final cure and once the illness had set
in only vitex could keep you alive. At first vitex was in large supply and almost
everyone with the illness could obtain it. Until the illness became airborne with
new mutations and more and more people became infected. The demand of
vitex when up until there was riots in the streets for it. Eventually the whole
world feel into chaos trying to get their hands of the last vitex. More and more
people where dying as they could not find vitex and more where being killed by
other humans trying to steal what they had left. A few where immune to this
viruses and when the diseased had died of as all affected humans had died the
surviving humans could started again on day 0.
The short film initial idea day 0 will be set in the not so distance future and will
focus heavily on the ends of the first years of the breakdown. This will be nearly
impossible to film with certain shots so I would have to die it down for certain
scenes. I dont like this as I feel it is removing my original creation. I would need
lot of props which would become very expensive and also a large amount of
actors which may be proven to be unattainable.

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