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King Sejong

The Korean Genius

Minkee Jung
Dirham Fajar
Senior Division- Website

Process Paper
Our website is about King Sejong the Great. King Sejong is
the king that ruled the Joseon Dynasty during the 14 th century. We
chose this topic when my partner suggested we should Winston

Churchill or Julius Caesar but then I suggested we should do King

Sejong as our topic. After researching online and debating back
and forth we chose King Sejong. I told my partner that I have prior
knowledge on King Sejong , that this topic would much simpler as
I knew the background of King Sejong and I had a couple of books
at home about him making it really easy for getting sources from
books. In addition we are trying to raise awareness of King Sejong
and his legacy, we believe that he deserves a lot more recognition
as his work greatly influences Korea.

For our research we mostly found them on the internet. The

internet gave us a lot for our secondary sources. We got
information of King Sejongs early life, achievements/ legacy and
death. This really helped us in our work because it told us the
background story about King Sejong. I also had a book in my
house about King Sejong which helped us by providing primary
resources. The book told us about Hunminjeongum which was the
original name for the Korean alphabet, Hangeul and it is also the
document where King Sejong wrote the first Hangeul on. We also
interviewed an expert who knows about King Sejong named Mrs.
Shon Dong Ja. She told us information that really helped
strengthen our primary sources. She explained us what was the
Hunminjeongum and the other inventions that he made at that
time. These items include the Sundial, Water Clock and the
celestial globe.

While researching the information for King Sejong we had

several difficulties while doing it. Since King Sejong isnt known
widely around the world, all the information we found on the
internet was the same information over and over again. We also
had a really rough time finding primary sources because we lack
on meeting experts that knows about King Sejong and the items

that were in King Sejongs time were old and most of them were
not really mention only the few were.

King Sejongs Legacy fits in the NHD topic leadership and

legacy and since he is one of Joseon Dynastys king it also fits on
the leadership part. King Sejong was a great leader at his era
because he wanted all the citizens especially the poor people how
to read and write. That is why he invented Hangeul. We still use
Hangeul today mostly in Korea. Hangeul allows communication
and Korean literature to stay alive. Hangeul is important as it
influenced Korea, as if it wasnt for Hangeul, Koreans would use
Chinese characters that are very complicated. Hangeul has
become one of prides of Korea.

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