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LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMISSION _SIATE OF NEW xORK = REC secnzon Genes ores unnse onan, CET ‘oh ots) eae 4e59/7096 Paks (oso) 26-6880 SY ex kre owas ssatmann oF mower prsctowune LEC EO Wi 2014 For Calendar Year 2013 ‘ano __ Sheldon Silver (#) Ticle of Position euher of Assembly (&) Department, Agency oF other Governmontal Entity (o) Addrace of Present Office YgwiXark Aesembly = L.0.B. Bn.912__Atbany, NY 1226: 250 Brosdvay, Rn.2301, Hew York, IY 10007 (d) O€f5ee Selephone Number (518)455-3791, (2) Marital status Married Ef married, please give spouse's ‘Raiden Ba where applicable. (©) List the nanes of ail uncmancipated ehtideen. Gnawer eich of tha Following questions completely, with sespest_ ve Calender Ywar 2013, uness another period of data La othemvise specified SP additional apace #2 needed, setooh additional pages Whenever 4 talus" or Yanouns! ie required to be reported herein, such Volue or anaunt shail be reported aa being wichin one of the following Catagories in fable Jor Tabla 17 of thir subdivision ag called for in the question: A reporting individual shall indicate the category by Leteer only Whenever “ingona’ ie required to be reported herein, the term "income" Ghall mean” the aggregate net incowe before taxes fron the source ‘me term “calendar yeas" shall mean the year cading the Decuaber 31st Preceding the date of fling of the annual statement, (a) List any office, trusteeship, directorship, partnership, of position of eny nature, whether compensated or Act, held. by the Feporting individual’ with any firm, corporation, association, artuership, oz ether organization other than the State of New York. Tnclude compensated honorary positions; do NOT List. nenberahip of uncompensated honorary positions. If the Listed entity waz Licensed by any state or local agency, wae regulated by any stave regulatory agency or Local agency, or, a2 a regular and signiticant part of eho Business or activity of sata entity, dé Business with, OF had mmattere other than mintetertai nateers Before, any state 2 ocal gency, list the namo of any auch agescy State or Position organization seca Agency one (®) List any office, trusteesnip, directorship,’ partnership, or position of say nature, whether compensated or not, neid by the Spouse or unosancipated Child of the reporting sndividval, with» any Hmm, corperetion, sasociation, partnership, or other organization other than the state of Hew York, Include compensated honorary positions; Go) MOF List seabersh{p or uncompenseted hosozszy ositions. Tf che listed eneity mes licensed by any state oF Toca “agency. was regulated by any state regulatory agency or lecel agency, oc; a5 2 regular and significant part of the businecs, OF Activity Gf" seid entity, did business with, oF had natters other Than ministerial matters before, any stste or local agency, list the ane Of any auch agency. Position orgentzation tecal gency one 5. (a) Liat the name, address an description of any _sccupation, ‘employment. (other than the employment Listed under stem 2 above) Exade, business or profession angaged in by the reporting Individeals Ee aucn “activity wae licensed by any state oF Local agency, wae sequlated by aay state regulatory agency or Socel agency, “or, as a regular and significant pert of the business o Activity ef’ said entity, did business with, Or had satters other then ministerial natters before, any state or Local agency, 1ist the ane Of any such agency. Name & Address Local Position of Organization Deseription agency Attorney Wéits § Luxamberg Of Counsel __of Fira of Court Admin (o) If the spouse or unemancipated child of the reporting individual, vise ongaged in any occupation, employment, trade, business or profession which activity was Licensed by any state or local gency, wes roguteted by any state ogulatory agency or local, agency, Said entity, did business with, or had matters other than ministerial matters before, any” state or local agency, List the name, address Sha description of euch occupation, amploment, trade, business oF profeseion and the naxe of any such agency Wane & Address Tecal Position of Organization Deseription agency Nona 6. List any intecest, in SXCESS of $1,000, held by the reporting indivigual, euch individual's spouse of unemancipated child, oF partnership of which sny such person ie o monber, oF cozporstion, Toe or more of the stock of which is oWmed or controlled by any such person, whether vested or contingent, in any contract made oF euecuted by a ‘state or local agency and include the name of the entity which folds such interest and the relationship of the Eeporting individual or auch individual's spouse or euch child to Such entity and the interest in euch contract. Do NO? include bonds and notes. ‘bo NO! list any interest ia any euch contract on which ‘Final payment hae Deen made and all obligations under the contract, except’ for quatantees and wazronties have bean performed, provided, however, thar such an interest must be listed if there has been an ongoing dispute during the calendar year for which this statement is Eifed with Eeapect to say such guarantees ox warranties. Do NO 1ist Gny, interest in a contract made or executed by a local agency after publio notice and pursuant to a process for competitive bidding oF Drocose for conpetitive requests for peepasal Entity Relationship contracting category sent, mich Hold "to Entity” state or oF spouse ox Tnterest in and Interest Toca value of Child” “Gonteact in contract’ Agency Contract, (an table 1) ist any position the saporting individvel held ae an officer of any polities) party or political argenizetion, as a mesber of any Political “party committee, ox a's polieical party district leader Tee term "party" shall have the” ease meaning as "party" in the Glaction lav.” the texm "political organization” means any party oF Gndepencent body as defined in the election law or any organization thet "ts, affiliated with of a subsidsary of @ party or independent Htonbor of the Democratic Wational Comittee (a) If che reporting individual practices law, is Licensed ny the SGartnent of state a1 a real estate broker or agent or practices profession Licensed’ by the deparement af education, oF works 28 2 Rooker or employes of 2 fiom required to register pursuant Section once, of the legislative law ass lobbyist, give « general Gescription of the principel subject areas of matters undeztaken by Such individual. néditionaily, 3f such an individual practices with 2 fim or comporation ana is a partner or shareholder Of the fim o= Ectporetion, give a genaral description of principe’ subject areas Of matters Undertaken by such firm or corporation. General practice of lav with emphasis on zopresontation of Sediviguel cliente and personal injury actions and "or couse” ta (@)_ APPLICABLE ONLY TO NEN CLIENTS OR CUSTOMERS FOR WHOM SERVICES ARE FROVIDED ON OR AFTER JULY FIRST, THO THOUSAND TWELVE, OR POR NEW NADTERS. FOR EXIOEING CLIENTS OR CUSTOMERS WITH RESPECT TO THOSE SERVICES ‘THAT ARE FROVEOSD ON OR AFTER JULY STRST, THO THOUSAND TWELVE {fF the zeporting individual personally provides services to any person Gr ‘entity, or works ass member or employes of a partnership OF coeposation tnat provider such services [referred to hereinafter G5 a neimm), then “identity each client or customer to whom the zeporting individuat personally provided services, or who wes refersed fo the firm by the reporting sndividial, and feom whom the reporting Enaividiel of nis” or her” fim earned Cece in excoas of 810/000 during the reporting period for such services rendered in direct (4) A proposed Dill or resolution ia the senate or aaseably during the roporting period: 153) A contract Sn ae amount totaling $50,000 or more fron the state or any state agency for services, materials, or property? (418) A grant of $25,000 or more from the state ox any state agency uring the reporting periods (iv) A grant obtained through a legislative initietive during the reporting periods or () 2 case, proceeding, application ox other aatter that 1s not a ‘Rinfaterial matter before a state agency dering the reporting period. For purposes of this question, “roterced to the fiz" shail moan: Roving intentionally and knowingly taken a specific act or series of nets fo intentionally procure fer the reporting individval'e firm oF Knowingly solicit o: divect to the reporting individuel's fem in whole or substantial part, © person or entity that becomes a client ‘OF that fia for the purposes of representation for a matter a3, Setined in subparagraphs (3) through (vlof this paragreph, as the Sndivioval. A seporting individsal need not disclose activstie performed vile Laweully acting pursuant to paragrashs (0), (dé), e)and Sjot subdivision seven of section seventy-three of this article me _dteclosuce cequirenant in this question shall not require Gisctosure of cliente or cistoners xecosving medical or dental Services, nentel health services, resicentisl zeal estate brokering Seivices, or insurance brokering services from the reporting Jnaivides or his or her fism, the reporting individual need not ESeneity any client to whom he of she or his oF Ber fmm provided seal representation wich respect to investigation or prosecution by Lay snforcenent authorities, bankroptoy, or donestic relations Rattors. with sespect to cliente repsssaated in other matters, where isclosuce of s client's identity is 1skely to cause hart, ee Seporting sndsviduel shell request an eenption from the osat Sonmiseien pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision aie of section inety-four of the executive lev. Only a reporting individuel who tet enters public office after Jaly first, two thousand evelva, feos not report cliente or custenare with respect co matters Tor Chien the fepoxting individual or his or her firs wae retained prior to entering public office. citent Nature of Services Provided 10. {c) List the name, principal address and general desorption oF the SSture “of che Sutinese activity of ny ontity in which the Teporting individual or euch individual's opouse had an investment in Excess of $1,000 excluding investaents in securities and interests in real property. List each source of gifte, EXCLUDING campaign contributions, in EXCESS of 1,000, seceivad during the reporting period for which this otetenent is filed by the reporting individual of such individual's spouse of unomancipated child fron the sane donor, EXCLUDING gifts fron a relative. INCLUDE the nane and address of the Gonor. The teen "gifts" does not include reimbursenents, which term Sevderined in stem 10. indicate the value and nature of each such site. category self, oF ‘spouse or Nane of nature vane of Ehild Donor address of Gre cate (un fable 1) identify and beiefly desorine the source of any reinbursenente for Gxpenditures, EXCLUDING campaign expenditures and expenditures in SSenection with official duties Zelmbursed by the state, in EXCESS $291,000 from each such source, For purposes of this item, the term “feiabursemente”” shall mean any travel-related expenses provided by nongovernmental sources and for activities related to the reporting Thalvidual's oftieial duties such as, speaking engagenents, Conferences, of faetfinding events. The term "einbursenents” does Not include gifte reported under item 9. source Deseription Anerican Israel Friendsh{p League Fact-finding and solidarity misston to Tara] = mecringe with goverment atc tetas List the identity and value, £ reasonably ascertainable, of each Interest in a tlust, estate or other beneficial interest, including retirement plens (other than fetirenent plans of the state of New fork or the city of New York), and deferred compensation plans a 13. (e.g. 40%, 403(b), 48%, etc.) gotablished in sccordance with the AneRihad tevense codes “in which the REPORTING INDIVIDUAL held © beneficial interest in S4cEss of $1,000 st any tine during the preceding, yosr. Bo ROr report interests ina trust, estate of other Eereficist fnezest esteblished by or for, or tho estate of, = zelative. category aeensiey 2 Valuer qa teble 1) Keogh: Ratirenent Plane: ‘Hage Somneon Pidertey(eseTwoe Sve] Juigeant Savings En (leas 8fteee)— The value of such Interest shall be reported only 1f weesonably aecortasnable. (a) describe tne terms of, and the parties to, say contract, Raises or ether agreenoné betwean the reporting individaa and shy Beeson,’ fim or corporation with respect co the enploynent of such Qhatvidual efter Leating fsice or position (other than = leave of absence) () Describe the partion to end the tors of any agresment providing {5 contineation of peynente or benefits to tho REPORTING INDIVIDOAL JR EXCESS of £1,000 fron a prior employer OTHER THAN the State, (nie includes’ interests in or contributions co # pension fens, profit-sharing, plan, or life "or health insurances buy-ovt Ssroomontey sevecance peyaentey ete.) oom QUu FC List below the nature and ancunt of any incone in EXCESS of $1,000 Eton BACH SOURCE for the seporting Sndividuat and such andividual's Epouce “for the taxable seer ast occurring prior to the date of HiEng. “Shature of income includes, but is not limited toy all Incone {other than that received from the employment listed under Item 2 above) from compensated employment whether public oF private, Uirectorships and other fiduetary” "positions, contractual Grrangenente, teaching incone, partnerships, henorartune, lecture Eeco, consultant feee, bank and” bond interest, dividends, “income Gerived. ‘fron a trost, seal estate rents, and recognized gains fea, the sole cr exchange of real or other” property. neave from 3 posinass or profession and zeal estate rents shall be reported with the source identafued by the bailing address in the case of real Gutate rents and otheswize by the nane of the entity and not by the pane of the individual custonere, clients or eenante, with the Sggragate net incons before taxes for each besiaing addzece or GRtity. The zecespt of maintenance received tn connection with a ‘atrinonial action, alinoay and child support peyneats shall cot be Listed. sess ‘category Spouse Source Nature of Amount (ie Table 1 ssiten 23-Continued Please eee attached cheat (8-A*¥ List the sources of any doferred incene (not retirement income) in EecEss of $1,000 fren each gauze to” be paid to the reporting Andividval following the close of the calendar year for which this Giselocure steteneat io filed, “other than deferred compensation Practice ot a profession shall be listed in the aggregete sna shall Heentity ss “the source, the name of the firm, corporation, partnership or association through which the income was derived, but Shall not identity individual clients: category Source of dnoane (in "tabte 15. List sch ansignaeat of income in EXCESS of $1,000, ané each ‘ranofer other than to a relative doring the reporting peried for which this statenent ie filed for less than fair consideration of an Interest in a trust, estate or other beneficial interest, securities or reel property, by the reporting dnaividial, in excess of $1,000, hich woul otherwise be required to be reported herain end 5 not OF has not been so reported. tem Assicned Assigned oF catagory reanaferred aemnatersed to of value (im table 1) 16. Let below the type and sarket valve of securitses held by tho Feporting individual of svch individual's spouse fron each iarwing ‘ontity in EXCESS of $1,000 at the close of the taxable year last cccurring prior to the date of E{1ing, including the same of the SSeuing entity exclusive ‘of securities held by the” reporting Sndividual issued bys professionel corporation. Whenever on interest in securities exists through e beneficial interest in a Emuet, the securities held ia auch exust shell be Listed ONLY IP the Seposting indivical haz” knowledge thereof excapt shore the Zeporting individes! or the reporting individsel's spouse has Eraatertad assets to such trost for hie ar her benofit in which Gveat such gecurities hall ‘be listed unless thay are” not Sscartainable. by. the reporting indivicue! because the trustee is Ghassan obligation ox ‘bas been instructed in weiting aoe to Bisclore the contents of the trust to the zeporting individual Securities cf wnien the reporting indiviéval or the reporting individal's spouse is the owner of record but in whieh such individual or the reporting individval's spoure has 20" beneficial interest shall not be listed. Indicate percentage of oimership ONLY LE the reporting person or the reporting person's spouse holds mere ‘han five percent (58) of the stock of a corporation in which "the stock is publicly traded or sore shan ten percent (108) of the stock Gf a corporation in whlch the stock 1s NOT publicly traded. Miso Mer securities owned for investnent purposes by « corporation nore than “Fitty peseent (S08) of the “stock of wmicn is omed oF controlled by the reporting individsel or such individual's spouse. fer the purpese ot this iten the term “secorstées" shell meen matoal fonda, Ponds, wortsages, notes, sbiigatians, warrants and stocks of Shy clase, investrant interests|in limited of general partnerships Snd certificates of deposite (CDs) and” such other ovidences OF UMeptadness and certificates of interast aa are smually referred £0 aevsecuritien. She market value for such securities shell. be Seposted only S£ reasonably sacertainable snd shall not be reported ifthe soourity isan interest ina general partnership thet Listed “in item 8 {a} or Af the security is corporate stock, NOt publicly trades, in a teade cr business of & reporting individual oF E'eeporting indivigval's spovse Porcontage of corporate Sock owned Grcontcetied category of (ie'more then Uarket value St of pub i of the close Aiely traded ot the stock, or fexabie year nore then ast cecurring TOL if stock prior te selt/ Teouing Type of not publicly the filing of Spouse Entity Security traded, 1a Held) thie stetenent (Ga Table 1) s+rmm 16-conténued, 2¢ attached sheets (8-A ¢ 95) List below tne location, size, genera? nature, 'wequisition date, market value and percentage of owsership of shy real property. in which any vested or contingent interest in #XCESS of $1,000 is held by the reporting individual or the reporting sndividial's spous Riso List real property ‘owned for investnant purposes "bY. a Corporation more than fifty percent (S02) of the atock of which is ‘omed or controlled by the reporting individual or such individual's Spouse. do NOT list any seal. property. which {2 the primary oF Secondary personel residence of the Feporting sadividsel or tbe Feportiog “indivigwal'e spouse, except where these Je a co-owner who category seis Percentage of spouse/ General Acquisition af Market Comporstion Location Size Nature “Gate Ownership value (a Bs List below ali notes and accounts receivable, other than from goods er services sold, held by the reporting individesl at the close of the taxable year last occurring prioz to the date of filing and Jes" securing prior to" the date of sling, in EXCESS Of $1,000, Sheluding the mane of the debtor, type of obligation, date due’ and the nature of the collateral’ sseuring payment of each, $f any, excluding securities reported in item 26 hereinabove. Debts, notes ind accounts receivable oved to the individual by relative shall type of obtigation, category Bate Bae, and Nature of counsel Fénaneia. ote poe 938-36 come List below all Lishiiities of the reporting individual end such individual's spouse, in EXCESS Of 910, 000 as of the date of filing of this statement, other than Liabilities to a relative, Do NOT list Liabilities incurred by, or guarantees mado by, the reporting Individual or such individual's spouse or by any” proprietorship, partnership or corporation in vhieh the reporting inéivicual or such [hatviduai'e spouse has an Snterest, when incurred or made in the ordinary course of the trade, business or professional practice of the reporting individual or och individesl"s spouse. Znclude the hana Of the creditor end eny collateral pledged by such individual ko secure payment of any such Liability. A reporting sndiwaduel Shall not List any ebtigation to pay maintenance in connection with 2 mateinonsel ection, slénony or child support paynents. Aay Loan, esued in the ordinary course of business by a financial Lastitution to finance educational costs, the cost’ of Rome parchase or Amprovenents “for a primary or secondary vesidence, or purchase of = personally cued mater vahicls, nogaehole furniture oF appliances Shall bo’ excluded. IF any” ouch reportable Iiability has been Guaranteed by cay third person, 2st the Lisbility and mane che guarantor category Name of ceacstor ‘Type of niabiasey of or Guarantor ang collateral, if any mount lun table 2) ‘Te requirenente of aw so the reporting of finsncial interests are in the public Jaterest and no. edverse inference of lnethiest or tor penavior will be drawn merely fron i ang 1p, R003 Taiganethe at negghcng Todlotaon) wand aon hgh [earooer oF mae TBiE8} Category 83 aeounder $2,000 category € $1,000 to under $5,000 category D $5,000 to under $20,000 Category E — § 20/000 te under $ $0,000 Category F $50,000 to under $75,000 Category 6 $75,000 to under $300,000 Category # $100,000 to under $ 150,000 Cetegery 1 $150,000 to under $250,000 Category J $250,000 to under § 350,000 category K $350,000 £0 under $ 450/000, Category L$ $50,000 to under § 550,000, Category M$ 550/000 te uncer $ 650,000 Category N $650,000 to under § 750,000 Category 0 § 750/000 to under $ 050,000 Category P $850,000 to under § 950,000 Category Q $350,000 to under $1,050,000 Category $1,080,000 to under $1,250, 000 Categary § —§1/280,000 to under $1,250,000 Gatedory 7 $1,250,000 to under $2,350,000, Category U $1,350,000 to under $1,450,000 Category ¥ $1,450,000 to under $1,550,000 Categery W $1,550,000 to under $1, 650,000 category X $1,850, 000 to under $1,750,000 Catagory Y $1,750,000 te under $1, 880,000 Cetegory 2 $1,850,000 to under $1,950,000 Category AA $1,950,000 to under $2, 050,000 Category 8B $2,050,000 to under $2,150,000 Cetegory C2 $2,150,000 te under $2,250,000 Getegory 5D $2,250,000 te uncer $2, 350,000 Cetegory EE $2,350,000 to under $2,480,000 Category FF $2,450,000 te under $2,550,000 Cetegory Gs $2,580,000 to under $2, 650,000 Category Hh $2,650,000 to under $2,750,000 Cetegery 1 $2,780,000 to undar $2,850,000 Category Jo $2,050,000 te unuar $2, 950,000 Cetegosy KK $2,980,000 to under $3,050,000 Estegory Ub $3,050,000 to under $3,150,000 Category MH $3,150,000 to under $3,250,000, Category WN $3,250,000 te under $3,350,000, Gategory GO $3,380/000 fo under $3,050,000, Category PP $3,450) 000 to under $3,530,000, category GQ $3,550,000 te under $3,650,000, Category RR $3,650,000 to under $3,730,000, Estegory $8 $3,750; 000 fo under $3,350,000, Category 2? $3,050,000 to under $3,950,000, Eategory UO $3,950,000 £0 under $4, 050,000, Category W $4,050,000 to under $4, 180,000, Getegory Wx $4,150,000 £0 under $4,250,000, Category Xx $4,250,000 to under $4,350,000 Gstegory YY $4,350,000 fo under $4, 480.000 Cetegory 22 34,480,000 fo uncer $4, 80,000, Gategory AKA $4,550,000 to uncer $4, $50,000 Category SEB 34,580,000 to under $4,750,000 Gsteaory cee $4,750,000 to under $4, 880,000 Category DDD $4,850,000 to under $4,950,000, Category BEE $4,950,000 to under $5,050,000 Cetegory FFF $8,050,000 to under $5,150,000, Eategory Go¢ $5, 250/000 to under $5,250,000, Cetegory HAH $5,250,000 to under $5,350,000 Estegory 111 $5,350,000 to undar $5,430,000 Cetegary Jad $5,480,000 to under $5,530,000 Category KKK —§5/550/000 to under $5,650,000 Category LLL $8,650,000 to under $5,750,000 Gavegory Mit $5,750,000 to under $5,850,000 Category AM $5,850,000 to under $5,850, 000 Esvegory 000 $5,950,000 to under $6,050,000, Category BPP $6,050,000 to under $6, 150,000, Esvegory Gog $6,150,000 fo under $6,250,000, Catagory RAR 36,260,000 £0 under $6,350,000, Category S58 $6,350,000 to under $6, 430,000, Category TT $6,450,000 to uncer $6, 350,000, Category OU0 $6,550,000 to under $6, 650,000, Category WY $6,550,000 to under $6, 750,000, Category Wit! 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