The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1

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The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog



The 65 Best Destinations in All

Egypt Part 1
22 September 2014




59 (

Passainte Assem
@TravelstartEG (

Environmental Therapy & Healing

Climatotherapy in Pyramisa Isis Island in Aswan
Who does not deserve some pampering while enjoying a lovely Nile
view? Ever since ancient times Aswan has been famous for its
environmental therapy. The Pyramisa Isis Island hotel offers a variety of
therapeutic treatments to help relief aching parts of the body specially
arthritis, joint edema, rheumatism and skin inflammation. It starts from
burying aching parts of the body in the sand to Mud, Yellow and Grey
Sand Bath treatments, along with other treatments.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Photo by Matt Davenport (

Gabal Dakrour (Dakrour Mountain) in Siwa

Located in south eastern Siwa, thats a place thats worth driving all the
way to Siwa for 12 hours from Cairo. What its famous for is its hot sand
healing characteristics. Youre buried in the sand up to your neck, during
summer heat -so that the sand is hot as well- for 20 min, 3 to 5 times a
day, and wait for magical results to happen.



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Sand Dunes by Ernie R.


Menaville Resort and Spa in Safaga

Another climatotherapy haven visited by patients from all over the
globe. This is a great place for patients suffering from diseases such as
psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis to get the appropriate treatment,
through a highly trained & qualified team of professionals who tailor
specific treatment programs according to each patients case. Patients
can also enjoy and benefit from the curative properties of the hotels
natural black sand.



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Photo by Karl Cossio


Snorkeling, Diving & Wreck Diving

Ras Muhammed in Sharm El-Sheikh
is Egypts most famous national park and diving spot, and among the
most known diving sites in the world. Beside its crystal clear waters, Ras
Muhammad witnesses the annual migration of several marine species,
in addition to stunning mangroves, and coral reefs with a diversity of
vertebrate and invertebrate species.



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Diving at Ras Muhammad National Park by Peter Forster


Blue Hole in Dahab



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

It is a world infamous diving spot, a very challenging one known as the

most dangerous and deadliest on earth, however it appeals to divers
just as Mt. Kilimanjaro & Mt. Everest appeal to mountaineers. It is well
worth mentioning that its not the most beautiful dive where exceptional
marine life is spotted, its just a signature dive only accomplished by the
experienced, well prepared and none faint-hearted. The reason why its
dangerous is that the dive is so deep, which makes nitrogen narcosis
get hold of the diver (the ability to make decisions), so divers keep
getting deeper without having air supply or ability to take decisions, and
they unfortunately lose their lives.

Video by Elena Konstantinou



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The Bells area at the Blue Hole by Jeremy Rover




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Dahabs Eel Garden

You dont have to be an exceptional diver to enjoy Dahabs eel garden,
as there is a lot to spot while snorkeling. This is the place to see tens of
long eels popping their heads out of the sand, and vanishing back in
again. It is also home to barracudas and the rare sea grass ghost



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

( Garden by

The Fjord in Taba

Along the coastal route from Nuweibaa, 15km south of Taba, a flashing
blue color will stop you, this is how you know that you made it to the
Fjord. An amazing beach and diving spot, offering crystal clear water,
dazzling coral reefs and an exceptional marine life. For experienced
divers The Fjord is the place, the Fjord Banana is an alternative to the
less experienced.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

The Fjord by Sarah Othman


Island of the Pharoah (Geziret Fer3on) also known as

the Coral Reef
Another strategic fortress built by Salah El-Din easily reached by boat
from Taba coast. Other than visiting the fortress, its an amazing diving
spot and offers views of Saudi Arabia & Jordan.

Pharaoh Island by

Ras Shitan (Devils Head) in Nuweibaa (depth 12-40m)



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

30 minutes north from Nuweibaa is Ras Shetan diving site. The original
name is Ras Shataan, the name is derived from the way Ras Shitan is
formed which is on the two sides of a huge rock. Experienced divers out
there get ready for an unforgettable dive that offers underwater
canyons, caves, mountains, plateaus, hard corals, well preserved
landscapes, puffer fish, you name it, and most of all anemones coming
in all colors.

Ras Shitan by Rowan El-Shimi


Nature, History & Magical Scenery

Shali Fortress in Siwa



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

This 13th century mud brick fortress was made out of an organic
material known as kershef, which is basically salt rocks brought from
the surrounding lakes combined with mud and clay. It was four to five
stories high, and hundreds of people were housed at this spectacular
labyrinth. In 1926 after heavy rainfalls, the fortress was heavily
damaged, and its people moved out. Now only few buildings are used
as storage.

Shali Fortress



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Photo by Arian Zwegers


Djara Cave in Dakhla

Located in the midst of the Eastern Sahara Desert towards El-Dakhla Oasis. Djara cave is the natural
result of pure water in contact with dry desert climate, that created incredible formations and a caving
experience that is rarely found around Egypt.



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Video by Tribe Expeditions

Djara Cave at El-Dakhla Oasis

Saluga & Ghazal Islands in Aswan



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Saluga & Ghazal are two small granite island in the River Nile of Aswan,
home to 94 species, which make them a Bird Watching paradise on

Bird Watching in Aswan by Ross Funnell


Castle Zaman between Taba & Nuweibaa

A castle that is newly built in an old architectural style with stones
brought from nearby mountains, and has a very authentic down-toearth setting. It overlooks the Gulf of Aqaba, and is located between
Taba & Nuweibaa. Thats the perfect place to spend a day on the
swimming pool while enjoying your favorite drinks, or chilling by the
beach, and have a scrumptious meal at their well decorated restaurant
during the day or at night while marveling at the stars.



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Sunset over the pool at Castle Zaman by walidhassanein


Camel Back Riding at Giza Pyramids

No matter how cliche it might sound, but visiting Egypts great Pyramids
of Giza is a must, and they are best enjoyed while camel back riding.
Make sure that you haggle with the camel rider, as they tend to price
really high.



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Camel chilling out by Giza Pyramids by Chris Ford


The White Desert (El-Sa7ara El-Beida) in Farafra

Western Desert
Situated 45km north of Farafra, and is named White desert thanks to the
white to cream colored rock formations in the shape of giant
mushrooms, or pebbles. It is a 300m protectorate, where people enjoy
safaris and camping in the midst of the desert.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

The White Desert by Marc-Olivier Bergeron


Citadel of Qaitbay in Alexandria

Built in the 15th century AD, and was considered as one of the most
important defensive strongholds along the Mediterranean Sea coast. It
is the best spot to experience Alexandrias fresh air, and sea breeze, and
the Corniche is best enjoyed while eating ice cream from Jelaty Azza.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Citadel of Qaitbay

Lake Qaroun in Fayoum

Only 80km from Cairo, 20km from Fayoum lies Lake Qaroun where
water sports and fishing can be practiced, as well as Bird Watching.



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Lake Qaroun by Rachid H.


Philae Temple (also known as Temple of Isis)

Temple dedicated to the goddess Isis, is a magnificent temple only
reached by boat. It was nearly lost after the construction of the high
dam of Aswan. But was luckily rescued through joint cooperation
between Egypt & the UNESCO, and was moved in big blocks to Agilka
Island, its current location.



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Photo by Tours Egypt Memphis


El-Montazah Palace & Gardens in Alexandria

If Giza Pyramids are Cairos landmark, then El-Montazah Palace &
Gardens are Alexandrias landmark.



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Montazah Palace by Islam Kotb


Culture & Art Performances

Tanoura Show at Wekalet El-Ghoury
An Egyptian folk dance performed by Sufi dancers at Wekalet El-Ghoury
situated at the famous El-Moez St. Art performances are each Saturday
and Wednesday from 8:30pm, with free admission.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Tanoura Show at Wekalet El-Ghoury by Marwa Morgan


The Library of Alexandria (Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Opened in 2002 in the city of Alexandria, built for the purpose of
becoming a center of excellence and cultural exchange in the
Mediterranean region, is a major library that holds thousands of books
and references, even historical ones, and is a cultural center where a
variety of performances take place.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Photo by Dallas Ewing


Salah El-Din Citadel

Constructed by Salah El-Din El-Ayoubi on Moqattam hills, overlooking
the whole city of Cairo to be his defensive point against Crusaders
attacks. It is now a preserved historic site, with mosques and museums,
and it hosts some musical performances. Its main landmark is
Muhammad Ali Mosque.



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Photo by Omnia Mamdouh (



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Palace of El-Amir Taz

Is the main entrance to medieval Cairo, located on the intersection of
Saliba Street & Suyufiya Street in El-Darb El-A7mar. It was owned by one
of Sultan Qalawuns son, and is currently a historic site, and it hosts
sometimes musical performances and other big events.

Palace of El-Amir Taz by El-Watan News


The Colored Canyon in Taba

Is a hiking & climbing haven for those who like to wander, and is one of
the top nature wonders of Sinai. What you can expect is a maze of
sandstone rocks in hues of magenta, red, yellow, and purple reaching
up to 40 meters high. Its not advisable to go there in summer as the
weather can get very hot, and make sure to go with a group to better
enjoy it, and to be more safe.



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( Colored
Canyon in Taba

Al-Qataneyah Dunes for Sandboarding & Barbecuing

Its the best getaway from trafficy noisy Cairo, located 80km southwest
of the city so in less than an hour you can enjoy the emptiness of the
desert, the soft sand dunes of Qataneyah while surfing -sand boardingthem at high speeds, & enjoying a BBQ with family & friends.



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Photo by Surfing the Nations


Wadi Degla in Cairo

Located near Maadi, its a great escape from noisy Cairo & around 20
minutes drive from down town, a place to hang out with family &
friends to enjoy a barbecue. Those who enjoy adventurous activities
Wadi Degla you can enjoy hiking or mountain biking.



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Wadi Degla by Rachid H.


Wadi El-Gemal Protected Area in Marsa Alam

Another escape for those seeking adventure. With its 1977 meters Gabal
Hamata as a main attraction where ibex and gazelles are still found, and
a protected area covering more than 60km, you are up for hiking,
swimming, diving, & bird watching.



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Qulaan Bay Resthouse by Rowan El-Shimi




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Photo by Hossam El-Hamalawy


El-Gilf El-Kebir National Park in the Western Desert

is a sandstone plateau in El-Wadi El-Gedid (New Valley), in the remote
southwest corner of the Western Desert and southeast of Libya. It is
known for its rugged beauty, remoteness, geological nature, dramatic
cliff paintings, and rock carvings that showcase a human and animal life
that once existed in this area.



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Heading to El-Gilf El-Kebir by Paul Robinson


Hiking the Blue Desert in Sinai Desert

Only few kilometers from St. Catherines monastery lies the Blue Desert,
where rock formations were painted in blue by Jean Verame the Belgian
artist in 1980, to commemorate the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. In
order to accomplish the project, Verame received a grant of ten tons of
blue pain from the United Nations.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Couldnt find photos of the Blue Desert so here is a photo of Sinai

Desert by Jonah Bettio

Wadi Lahami Lagoon for Diving & Kitesurfing in Marsa

Located 5.5 hours from Hurghada Airport, and 180 km south Marsa
Allam. Wadi Lahami lagoon is located at a remote area, which makes it
off-the-beaten track compared to its peers in Dahab & Sharm El-Sheikh.
Its truly a water sports escape.



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Kitesurfing by Konstantin Zamkov


Town of Saint Catherine

Is a hiking and trekking hub, travelers go there initially to climb Mt.
Sinai, or Mt. Moses to witness the break of dawn on their peaks & enter
the monastery. Located in the Sinai Peninsula at an elevation of about
1600 meters above sea level, at the foot of Mt. 7oreb (known locally as
Gabal Moussa Mt. Moses), this is where the Old Testament records,
Prophet Moses spoke to God, and is famous for its UNESCO world
heritage site of St. Catherines Monastery founded in the 6th century; the
oldest Christian monastery still in use for its initial role.



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St. Catherines Monastery by Dion Crannitch


Whales Valley
A piece of desert that was a wide sea a million years ago. It is named
the Whales Valley after the fossils of whales that it still has, along with a
variety of rock formations that are best enjoyed at break of dawn, the
Whales Valley offers overnight camping, barbecue and marveling at the



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Rock formations by Tom Horton


Ras Abu Gallum Protected Area near Dahab

Located to the north of Nabq, and is one of South Sinais protected
areas. Its a diving spot famous for beautiful coral reefs, it is also home
to several species such as the Nubian Ibex (mountainous goat) only
found in mountainous areas. Its a great place for hiking, camel & 44
safari with stunning views of high coastal mountains.



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Nubian Ibex by orientalizing


Hotels with history

Old Cataract Aswan (
Travel back in time by staying at the legendary 19th century Victorian
Palace on the banks of the River Nile.



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View from Old Cataract by Omnia Mamdouh



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View from inside by TrevorLowe


Mena House Oberoi El-Haram in Giza

is initially a hunting lodge that was built in 1869 for King Ismail Pasha,
that offers dazzling views of Giza Pyramids and hundreds of acres of
greenery. The Mena House Oberoi is another proof of the Royalty that
once existed in Egypt.

View from Mena House Gardens by kris




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Auberge El-Fayoum in Fayoum

Built in 1937 to serve as a hunting lodge for King Farouk, and had an
important role in the Egyptian Film Industry, this is where lots of black 7
white movies were shot. And it still preserves its sense of royalty.

Photo from Auberge El-Fayoums official website


Marriott Palace in Zamalek

Built by Khedive Ismail in 1869 to host Empress Eugenie, wife of
Napoleon III, as the guest of honor for Suez Canal Inauguration, interiorally designed by a German designer, and over a million exotic species
were planted by a French landscaper. The Palace went through several
phases, but since 1970 its become a 5 star luxury hotel with up to 1250
guest rooms and luxurious amenities. This is where Royalty is
experienced at its best, and its Christmas decorations are among the
best in town.



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View from outside by Sebastian White




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Winter Palace in Luxor (

Built in 1886 by British explorers, overlooking the Valley of the Kings, a
few kilometers away from Karnak Temple, and once a retreat for the
royal family. This is a unique chance to experience Royalty at a Victorian
Palace, while surrounded by Pharaoh temples and ancient civilization.

View from outside by tim rich and lesley katon




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Lodges, Eco-lodges & Guesthouses

Hadouta Masreya (An Egyptian Tale) Guesthouse in
Nubia Aswan

Located at Gharb Sehel, in the Nubian Village in Aswan, is a 9 rooms

guesthouse with ensuite or shared bathroom facilities, that
accommodates up to 21 people. This place is very unique with its
typically Egyptian style, and in each room you would find lyrics of the
Egyptian musical icon Mohamed Mounirs songs.

Photo by Hadouta Masreyas official Facebook page




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Anakato in Nubia in Aswan

A guesthouse that was built in 2008 as Gharb Seheils main getaway
with one exclusive Nubian House overlooking the River Nile in Aswan
featuring an authentic Nubian style, accommodating guests from all
over the world. Now Anakato has 3 houses (Wer Owy Toski), staying
in Gharb Seheil is an experience that you wont experience anywhere
else in the world.

Photo from Anakatos official website


Al-Tarfa Ecolodge in Dakhla (



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Bordered by Libya to the east & Sudan to the west, known as a desert
sanctuary, this is the best in the middle of nowhere getaway. At ElTarfa Ecolodge youll be surrounded by beauty, pampered in their fully
equipped spa, meditating & doing yoga, eating fresh organic foods,
swimming & enjoying luxury in the best primitive down-to-earth yet
luxurious way.

One of the rooms by Al-Tarfa

3al Ganoob Eco-lodge in Marsa Alam

3al ganoob started with the idea of supporting Deep South Eco-lodge in
Marsa Alam. After tourism in Egypt was hit hard in the last few years,
and 3al ganoob was no exception, this is when friends of the owner
decided to organize a yearly music festival to revive tourism in this area.



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( Alam by
Gianluca Carnicella

Adrere Amellal in Siwa

Another desert escape sustaining the idea of turning Egypt into an ecotourism destination, offering a wide range of facilities and lots of



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One of the rooms by W


Taziry Eco-lodge in Siwa (

This desert sanctuary that is loved and visited by celebrities from all
over the world, such as Robert de Niro is another example of how ecotourism has evolved over the years in Egypt, and what the environment
is capable of offering to us.



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Taziry - The Ecovillage

from Taha Chaabi


Taziry The Ecovillage ( from Taha Chaabi

( on Vimeo (

Zad El-Mosafer Guesthouse in Fayoum

In 1962 the Egyptian poet Sayed Hegab came to Tunis Village with his
Swiss wife Evelynne. They fell in love with the place and decided to
build a house and a pottery workshop to revive the pottery industry in
Fayoum and teach pottery making to generations after. And Zad ElMosafer was built in order to support this area, and encourage ecotourism.



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Photo from Zad El-Mosafers official Facebook page




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Pottery making in Tunis Village by Karen Melchior




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Water Springs
Cleopatras Bath in Siwa
Located in Siwa Oasis, and is one of its landmarks. Its basically a pool
that is fed with water from natural hot springs, its the best way to cool
off the heat of a hot summer day. It is said that Queen Cleopatra swam
in this pool during her visit to Siwa, hence the name.

Cleopatra bath by Vyacheslav Argenberg


Oyun Moussa in South Sinai



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

When heading to the City of Saint Catherine, only 20km south of Ahmed
Hamdy tunnel, dont forget to drop by Oyun Moussa, home to water
sources at which it is believed that Prophet Moses stopped while
leading the Israelites in their escape of the Pharaohs wrath. Its believed
by the locals that the water has healing properties, which was not
proved scientifically.

Sinai Desert by #tom #maladova


Boulaq & Nasser Water Springs in El-Kharga Oasis

These water springs famous for their natural treatment properties
specially for rheumatism, stress and other skin diseases are located
20km south of El-Kharga Oasis, the water temprature rises to 43 degrees



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El-Kharga Oasis by Charlie Phillips


Mut Talata Hot Springs in El-Dakhla Oasis

Take a dip at the hot sulphur springs of Mut Talata rich with minerals,
and beneficial to the inside and outside of the body.



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One of El-Dakhlas water springs by upyernoz


Monuments, Temples, Mosques &

Abu Simbel 300km southwest of Aswan

Thats a once in a lifetime has to be visted temple, carved in the

mountains to commemorate Ramses IIs victory at Kadesh battle. What
is truly unique about it is that it was built and positioned in a way that
on October 22nd & February 22nd of each year the rays of the sun
would penetrate into the sanctuary to illuminate the sculptures on the
black wall, except for the statue of Ptah, the ancient god connected to
the underworld. People come from all over the world to witness such a



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Temple of Ramses II by Serdir


The Temple of the Oracle (known as Temple of Amun) in

Who would think that Siwa Oasis would have its share of Pharaonic
temples? When in Siwa you have got to see the remainders of a great
civilization that once existed.



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Temple of Amun by Eduardo Jezierski


Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo

This mosque takes you to another era where sultans still ruled Egypt, it
is huge and very impressive, and an Egyptian landmark that is not far
from Salah El-Din Citadel.



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View from inside by Asim Bharwani


The Hanging Church (Al-Qenissa Al-Mo3alaqah)

Considered the oldest Coptic church in the era of Old Cairo (Fustat), its
named hanging or suspended as it was built on the ruins of two old
towers that remained from an old fortress called 7esn Babylion
(Fortress of Babylon). And dedicated to The Virgin Mary.



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The Hanging Church by Pablo Pecora


The Coptic Cemetery

An underrated Cemetery that has very old tombs and sculptures. After
you visit the Hanging Church, Babylon Fortress, and the Coptic Museum,
you cannot miss this cemetery.

Coptic Cemetery by Scott D. Haddow


Al-Moez St.
One of the oldest and most amazing streets of Islamic Cairo. Start your
walk from Al-Azhar Mosque up to El-Hussein Mosque, Bab Zweila & Bab
El-Fetouh, along the way are houses and schools that once witnessed a
great Islamic civilization.



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Photo by Christopher Rose




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Al-Moez St. at night by Christopher Rose


Marassi in the North Coast (
The North coast is currently the main Egyptian summer escape,
specially Sidi Abdel Rahman, which is few kilometers drive from Marina.
Once in Marassi be surethat you it all; beach fun, swimming pools,
nightlife, & restaurants.



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Photos by Marassis official website (

Agiba Beach in Marsa Matrouh

Drive further down the road, about 24km west of Marsa Matrouh be
ready for a surprise; Agiba is a small piece of paradise on earth, clear,
and insanely turquoise waters that cannot fail to tempt you to take a



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Agiba Beach by Mohamed Saeed


Restaurants & Cafes

Sequoia in Zamalek Cairo
Whatever what your preferences are, Sequoia is undoubtedly one of
Egypts hottest spots, given its unique location on the Nile & its setting
that changes all the time offering a truly unique experience on the River
Niles banks.



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Sequoias stunning setting & Nile view by Magalie lAbbe


Taboula Garden city in Cairo (

Although Taboula now has several branches, Garden city remains the
best. A Lebanese restaurant with a typically Egyptian atmosphere. Their
mezza menu is enough to please all taste buds, their main dishes are
not-to-be-missed as well.



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Photos from Taboula Garden Citys official Facebook page


Andrea Mariouteya in Cairo



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Andrea Mariouteya in Cairo

Nowhere else can you eat chicken with herbs as tasty as Andreas, also
their grilled seman, enjoyed with their freshly baked bread with tehina
or baba ghanoug.

And this is how bread is done



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Photos from Andrea el-Maryouteyas official Facebook page


Felfela Down Town in Cairo

Whether Egyptian or non-Egyptian being in Egypt without paying a visit
to down town makes your trip so incomplete, and if you have foreign
friends they cannot leave Egypt without eating at Felfela down town
restaurant, its truly one of Egypts landmarks, try their ta3meya, koshari,
ma7shi, foul, sogo2, the list is just endless!



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Ta3meya frying by Christopher Rose


Kebdet El-brens in Embaba Cairo

Yes its in Embaba, and doesnt have the hippiest setting, or the chic-est
atmosphere, but this is undoubtedly the place to enjoy Egyptian
cuisine at its best! Their molokheya is out of this world, it is delicious to
the extent that you can drink it like soup, eat it with bread or pour it on
rice with beef (roz bel la7ma). The roz bel la7ma is another story made
with samna baladi (yes its heavy & yes youre completely off your diet
on that day), oh and their kebda (livers). Try it for yourself, I promise you
that youll be completely addicted to it.



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Photo by a Tripadvisor reviewer on Kebdet El-princes page


Abou Ashraf in Alexandria

This is one of the best fish & seafood places in Alexandria, they serve
catch of the day seafood, with the best range of salads. Try their renga
salad that has a texture similar to tehina, their pasta with butter sauce
and of course any seafood dish grilled or fried, specially their samak
sayadeya with potatoes.



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Photo by enjosmith

Negmet Sinai (Sinai Star) in Sharm El-Sheikh

Located at the old town of Sharm, and is a highly recommended
seafood restaurant serving the fresh-est catch of the day seafood. You
cannot miss their grilled squid, shrimps & their fried shrimps as well.



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Photo by Uwe Schwarzbach


Balbaa in Alexandria
This place has it all, BBQ, Seafood, Ma7shi (stuffed vegetables), you
name it! Their Fried ducks served with roz bel khalta, and fries is highly
recommended, served in a crazy big portion! Balbaa is in Sidi Bishr &
there is another one that is huge next to Carrefour.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Alexandrias Corniche by Pietro Ferreira


Naguib Mahfouz Caf

A little escape close to Khan El-Khalili, this is the place to take a break
from the haggling at Khan El-Khalili in the quietness of a restaurant/cafe
with an authentic Egyptian style, and music from old times.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Lunch at Naguib Mahfouz by Dan Lundberg


El-Fishawy Caf
Discovering Hussein area is like a treasure hunt, and having tea with
mint or cold karkade (hibiscus) at El-Fishawy cafe is part of the
experience, so make sure to have it.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Tea with mint at El-Fishawy Cafe by Charlie Phillips

Now that you have a list of 65, dont forget to check our Part 2
( for more ideas to get the best out of Egypt.
18.7k 142 15

Our Readers Comments

Ahmet Magdy
September 22, 2014

Karnak Temple in Luxor west bank ,,,,, is the greatest temple in egypt ever
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=397#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 22, 2014

It is veryyyyy impressive, I agree. However my favorite are Philae and Abu Simbel
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=399#respond)



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

ibrahim sharaf
September 23, 2014

wheres I think you need to go to gabal eelbaa then you can talk about egypt
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=401#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 23, 2014

yeah it looks very impressive!

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=402#respond)
Amr Magdy
September 23, 2014

Incredibleeeeee !! will be waiting for Part 2 impatiently !!

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=403#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 23, 2014

Thank you Amr, I am glad you liked it

Stay tuned, Part 2 is coming soon
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=404#respond)
September 23, 2014

Kebdet el brens still working and safe? Wasnt is closed for heathy concerns:))
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=405#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 24, 2014

i went right after it happened, was totallllllly fine and as delicious as it is

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=408#respond)
September 24, 2014

Ras Shitan = the Cape if Beaches

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=409#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 24, 2014

thank you for sharing such a piece of info, a friend of mine just told me the same
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=410#respond)



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Ihab El Husseiny
September 24, 2014

Regarding the sand board the Dunes called : Qatany not Al Katameyah, and Al Tarfa
ecolodge is located in Dakhla oasis not in Siwa
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=411#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 24, 2014

Oh yeah, about Al-Tarfa sorry it must be a typo!

I knew it was Qataneyah, Ive been there before, but when I surfed the internet it
was Katameyah, I got confused and thought that the internet is more reliable than
my memory, but it seems not!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=412#respond)
Nano Qotb
September 24, 2014

Thank you for this well- written article. It the most comprehensive I ever read on the
internet, you really succeeded in giving a great overview on the variety of destinations
Egypt is rich of. Thank you
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=413#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 24, 2014

Thank you Nano, its my pleasurestay tuned for part 2

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=415#respond)
September 24, 2014

U forgot to mention 7alayeb we shalateen which is all green

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=414#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 24, 2014

Thank you for reminding me Reham. Actually Egypt has tooooooooooo much to see
and visit, our country is sooo underrated, thats why you have to stay tuned for part
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=416#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 25, 2014

In Part 2 inshaallah



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=421#respond)
Ingy Assem
September 24, 2014

Awesome job
Great collectionI really appreciate the effort taken to get all these places info in one
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=417#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 25, 2014

Thank you very much dear Ingy, i am glad that you enjoyed it
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=420#respond)
Ahmed Tarek
September 24, 2014

Is moez street in a good condition now, because I went right after after the revolution
in 2011 and it was not ?
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=418#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 25, 2014

Not exactly as before, but in a much better condition than 2011

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=424#respond)
September 24, 2014

You should include windsurfing and Kitesurfing at Dahab Lagoon

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=419#respond)
Sahar Kamal
September 25, 2014

Great awesome effort showing that Egypt is a treasure of awesome places to be

visited. Wherever your destination is inside our beloved country, you cand find many
places to visit. Egyptians shouldt be spending lots of money travelling abroad as they
can spend less( doubtfull !!) here. We need much time if we want to visit all the
beautiful places in Egypt & we wont finish them. Again , thanku for the great effort &
please keep me updated.
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=422#respond)
Passainte Assem (
October 26, 2014



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Hey Sahar, well I am not 100% with you, traveling locally is as important as
internationally, its very important to visit every bit of our country, and its very
important to see the world around us to learn and grow. I am glad you liked it, part
2 is coming very soon!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=536#respond)
September 25, 2014

I come often in Egypt and i have a facebook page to promote Egypt and i like your
story very mutch
I found for you a photo of the blue desert in Egypt when you search on google you can
find more photo`s of the Blue dessert
When do you expect part 2 to be online
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=423#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 25, 2014

Thank you.
Coming soon, stay tuned!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=425#respond)
September 25, 2014

Great Job! Just wanted to share with you that Andrea Mariouteya is going to relocate
next October .. Thats what the waiters told us last Ramadan .. Sad
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=426#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 25, 2014

Thank you Yasmeen :D.

Moving to Tagamo3 right? this is just saaaaaaaaaaaaad, its been there since
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=427#respond)
Magda Magdy
September 26, 2014

You forgot to mention Basata eco-lodge in South Sinai, between Nuweiba and Taba.
Its the oldest ecolodge in Sinai.



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=430#respond)
nabila elsayed
September 26, 2014

Appreciate this work -beautiful photos but u neglect to mention the source of the
videos -best regards
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=431#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 26, 2014

Thank you, i did not neglect, i forgot. Thanks for the reminder!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=433#respond)
nabila elsayed
September 26, 2014

Many thanks
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=436#respond)
amira ahmed
September 26, 2014

Very great job . Well done . Really its impressive . The government should do some
advertising for such places , so that egyptian people in the 1st place shoukd visit to
advertised to all the world.
Keep up and we are waiting for part 2 indeed.
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=432#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 26, 2014

Thank you very much, stay tuned!

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=434#respond)
September 26, 2014

not that kind of person to leave comments , but really impressive article , been to
almost all of those places . u should focus on the south for part II .
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=435#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 27, 2014

Wow, you must be an Egyptian nomad, i am glad that the article was impressive
enough to push you to leave a comment
I will



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=442#respond)
hossam samy
September 26, 2014

baba abdo in bab el fto7

thank you so much
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=437#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 27, 2014

never heard of it, thank you for your recommendation

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=441#respond)
September 29, 2014

lucky me

im Egyptian

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=450#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 29, 2014

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=453#respond)
September 29, 2014

wonderfull places , Paradise on Earth love egypt

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=451#respond)
Passainte Assem (
September 29, 2014

Thank you Manuela, it is indeed

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=452#respond)
September 30, 2014

im waiting Part 2
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=456#respond)
Passainte Assem (
October 1, 2014



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=462#respond)
September 30, 2014

i mostly agree with each and every place you have mentioned, except for negmet
sinai! i have lived in sharm for 12 years there are other seafood restaurants that
deserve it more.
and dont forget mangroves mahmya in napq bay,sharm for part 2
i have amazing
pictures from there if u need them
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=457#respond)
Passainte Assem (
October 1, 2014

mmm, maybe i have to go back again and check it other restaurants in the area :),
but i didnt like Fares, its not the best really!
Ok i wont, and once i am getting my article ready for publishing i will send you to
send me photos, thanks
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=461#respond)
Pingback: Two Must Attend Events this October - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog
Ahmad Elzoghby (
October 10, 2014

Impressive article Passainte. Egypt has a lot to offer, and every bit of sand of this land
has a different story to tell. I like the fact that you compiled one list of everything in
one place, no one has ever done that before.
I would suggest that you add part II to the original list so it remains one link/one
article/one post to share around, and I would also recommend that you add a section
of What to do things like Cross Egypt Challenge, Sand surfing, Kite surfing, Para
sailing, etc
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=481#respond)
Passainte Assem (
October 13, 2014

I am glad that you enjoyed it Ahmad :)

All noted, and i will work on that i promise!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=488#respond)
Passainte Assem (
October 26, 2014

Hey Ahmad, heres an article with your recommended list



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=539#respond)
Doaa Ibrahim
October 13, 2014

Did you actually go to all these places?

Because I havent been to a lot of places in
Egypt and I am dying to go!! There are so many places here I havent even heard of!!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=492#respond)
Passainte Assem (
October 15, 2014

Doaa, I have been to many, but not all of them to be frank :D. Im not a diver yet
either, but considering to become one
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=499#respond)
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Blog (
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Amira Sami
January 11, 2015

Thank you so much for reminding us how beautiful Egypt is. I sure will try to visit most
of them. Looking forward to part 2!
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=896#respond)
Passainte Assem (
January 12, 2015

Hey Amira, glad you enjoyed it, Part 2 is already published, here:
Enjoy it, and have a lovely day
Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=899#respond)
January 12, 2015

woooow so amazing places in my country i hope visit all these places

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=897#respond)
Passainte Assem (
January 12, 2015

Hey Emad, inshaallah you will

Reply (/blog/the-65-best-destinations-in-all-egypt/?replytocom=900#respond)



The 65 Best Destinations in All Egypt - Part 1 - Travelstart Egypt's Travel Blog

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