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Score: _________/50


Use of English section (20 marks)

Choose the correct completions.
1. Garfields wife ___ like cats.
a. dont

b. doesnt

2. A: What ___ Carl ___?

c. does

d. doesnt

c. am / did

d. is / doing

B: Hes fixing a car.

a. does / does

b. is / do

3. Christopher always takes the ___ to class.

a. airplane

b. ship

c. bus

d. taxi

c. most

d. must

4. Guayaquil is the ___ beautiful city in Ecuador.

a. more

b. best

5. The sun is very bright. Jimmy, take your ___ with you!
a. camera

b. sweater

c. sunglasses

d. phrasebook

6. I dont have ___ bread in the kitchen. Lets buy some.

a. a

b. an

c. some

d. any

c. the

d. the more

7. Ecuador is ___ country in the whole world.

a. the interesting

b. the most

8. A: Where ___ you last night?

a. was


B: I was at the movies.

b. did

9. A: Isnt ___ your father?

a. this

c. do

d. were

B: I dont know. Hes not near us.

b. that

c. these

d. those

10. My wife usually forgets to take the ___ when we go on vacation.

a. boomerang

b. camera

c. desk

d. pens

c. went

d. gone

11. David ___ to school yesterday.

a. go

b. goes

12. I usually drink ___ Coca-Cola. Maybe two or three bottles every day.
a. a

b. a lot of

c. much

d. many

13. Donald ___ a book from the bookstore and he didnt pay it.
a. take

b. took

c. taked

d. taken

c. types

d. sings

14. A secretary ___ letters for her boss.

a. drives

b. repairs

15. Tony thinks we ___ travel to the beach for holiday.

a. does

b. did

c. will

d. are

16. Gary is studying Mandarin because he ___ speak a word of that language.
a. cannot

b. cant

c. cant

d. cant

c. is going

d. is go

17. Our class ___ to finish next week. Hooray!

a. is going to

b. is

18. A: What are you going to do tomorrow?

a. am going

B: I dont know. Maybe I ___ go to the beach.

b. will

c. did

d. am

c. taller than

d. tallest

19. James is ____ his sister Giselle.

a. more tall

b. as tall

20. Where ___ Sheldon and Leonard study their PhDs?

a. are


b. does

c. are going to

d. did

Reading section (10 marks)

Read the article below and choose the best answer.

21. What size of bag do smart travellers take?
a. small

b. medium

c. large

d. extra-large

22. What kind of bag does the writer love?

a. backpack

b. womens bag

c. strange bag

d. laptop bag

23. Which does the writer NOT mention?

a. diary

b. mirror

c. mobile phone

d. hairbrush

24. What does the writer usually do?

a. eat

b. travel

c. watch TV

d. play basketball

25. TRAVELITE is for_____________. a. businessmen b. holiday makers c. families d. doesnt say.

Read the passage. Choose the correct answer.

Healthy living

26. What do you need to have a

healthy lifestyle?
a. A good diet

b. A good meat

c. A good line

d. A good drink


How many times a week do people do

sport or exercise?

a. Once

b. Two or three

c. Three or four

d. Five days a week


How much water do we drink a day?

a. 1 liter

b. 2 liters

c. 2.5 liters

d. 3 .5 liters


What do 45% of people live drinking?

a. water

b. juice

c. power drinks

d. soda


How healthy are you? To have a healthy lifestyle you

need to have a good diet. Its interesting to find out
that many people do sport or other exercise two or
three times a week. So, maybe it isnt surprising that
we drink on average 2.5 liters of water a day! But
many people, about 45 percent of people love
drinking any type of soda. Also, lots of people love
biscuits, and other kind of sweets, but only two of us
never eat them. Its not so good that all of us like
chocolate. Eighty five percent of people eat at least
one piece of chocolate a day. Maybe were not as
healthy as we think.
Adapted from Speakout

How many people eat a piece of

chocolate a day?

a. 25%

b. 45%

c. 65%

d. 85%


Listening section (10 marks)

Listen to Frankie being questioned by a police detective. Match the times with the correct activities.
31. a. 1pm

1. He says he was cleaning the house at this time.

32. b. 3pm

2. He says he went to bed at this time.

33. c. 6pm

3. He says he was at home watching baseball game.

34. d. 8pm

4. He says he watched a terrific movie on TV.

35. e. 10:30pm

5. He says he went to his karate class.

Decide if the information is TRUE or FALSE. IAMej02

36. His first passenger was a man who wanted to go to the airport.


37. The passenger needed to be at the airport at 10:40 to check-in.



38. They were lucky because there were no traffic jams.



39. The flight was to New York where her sister lives.


40. She did not want to pay him.



IV Writing Section (10 marks)

Write an e-mail to a friend. He/She is inviting you for dinner and asking about your eating
preferences. Tell him/her about the foods that you eat and how much you eat.
Write a paragraph about the things you want for your future. Give as much detail as possible.

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