REVISED - OGR 22nd January 2015

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Daniel Reason

21 January 2015
Story Telling & Commission

A life spent running away from your parents death, can change any
man. For the good or bad.

As a result of his parents death, our main character will do anything to
escape his past. However, we discover all is not as we seemed as
suspicions arouse and we begin to question the tragic event he
encountered, and due to his errors, the past starts to catch up with him

Step Outline

A family of 3 (Mother, Father & Son) are in a deserted area of town, laughing and talking to each other (As the camera
follows them). They take some funny photos of themselves in a photo booth. They exit the booth, look at the photos, start laughing,
turn around and see a silhouetted figure holding a gun. The figure then shoots the father, which causes the mother to scream. He
then shoots the mother. He puts the gun in his pocket, he stares at the son, and walks away, leaving the son to stand over his parents

S2: A man enters a dark room, in what appears to be an old farm house. He switches on the daggling light, that hangs from the

centre of the ceiling. In the centre of the room is a man, with his wrists hand cuffed through a wheel barrow, with his head rested on
it. The tied up man asks the other man about his past, which causes the man to go into a horde of laughter, and in this moment he
kneels down towards the man, and the camera, and forces the mans head against the edge of the wheelbarrow, until the mans neck
breaks. From the dead mans perspective, we see the man stand up straight, looking at the body, and then he begins to chuckle. The
camera then pans down to the hand cuffed mans blazer pocket, and shows the photos, from scene 1, hanging out. The other man
then starts whistling, un-cuffs the body, puts him in a wheel barrow and pushes it outside.

S3: A shot of the man (from scene 2) smiling appears in front of a detective in an interrogation room. The detective, firstly asks

about his former assistant who went missing (It quickly, flashes back to the man tied to the wheel barrow). The man apologises about
the loss and claims to know nothing about his co-worker. The detective then shows the man the photos, (from scene 1). We discover
that the man is the son, but he was not in the photos and it was a girl in the photos, instead. The man chuckles and says They never
cared for me, after her. It flashes back to new construction of scene 1, as the man narrates over certain points we see the
silhouetted figure is the man, aged 16. A shot of the whole family is on screen, with the parents hiding the daughter from him. The
man shoots the father, then the mother, looks at the daughter for a little longer, puts the gun in his pocket, but then pulls it back out
and shoots her too. The scene then goes to a shot of the man laughing at the detective.

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