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Definition of Sociology

1. Anthony Giddens (Sociology, 1989):

Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It is a
dazzling and compelling enterprise, having as its subject matter our own
behavior as social beings.
2. 2. Tony Lawson and Joan Garrod:
Sociology is the study of individuals in groups and social formations in a
systematic way, which grew out of the search for understanding associated
with the industrial and scientific revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries.
3. Tony Fitzgerald (Sociology Online):
"Sociology is to be defined as the 'study of social order."
4. David Kessel, an american academic:
"Sociology is the study of together. It is the study of the
issues, concepts, investigations, and results of individuals living together.
Sociology is a personal encounter with the Social Forces which shape our
lives, especially those that affect our awareness (and ignorance) of how we
create, maintain, and change those very Social Forces"
5. Max Weber ("Sociological Writings". edited by Wolf Heydebrand, 1994):
"Sociology (in the sense in which this highly ambiguous word is used here) is
a science which attempts the interpretive understanding of social action in
order thereby to arrive at a causal explanation of its course and effects.
6. Loren Demerath and Michelle Wolkomir - two American College lecturers:
"Sociology is the systematic study of human beings, human groups, and
humanly constructed institutions and organizations."
7. Sorokin:
Sociology is a study first of all the relationship and correlations between
various classes. Second between the social and non-social aspects of life and
third it studies general characteristics common to all classes of society.
8. Ogburn:
Sociology is concerned with the study of social life and its relations to the
factors of culture, natural environment, heredity and group.
9. George Simmel:
Sociology is a subject which studies human inter-relationship.
Sociology is the science of collective representation.

Definition of Environment
1. Raymond Williams:
The material world itself, taken as including or not including human beings
2. Accessed on February 23,
All of the biotic and abiotic factors that act on an organism, population, or
ecological community and influence its survival and development.
3. Accessed on February 23, 2014.
Environment is the physical and biological factors along with their chemical
interactions that affect an organism.
4. Accessed on February
23, 2014.
Environment is the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external
factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.
Environment literally means surrounding and everything that affect an
organism during its lifetime is collectively known as its environment.
6. Accessed on February 23,
kesatuan ruang dng semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup,
termasuk manusia dan perilakunya yg mempengaruhi perikehidupan dan
kesejahteraan manusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya.
7. Soerjono Soekanto

lingkungan dibedakan dalam kategori-kategori yaitu Lingkungan fisik, yakni

semua benda mati yang ada di sekeliling manusia; Lingkungan biologi, yakni
segala sesuatu di sekeliling manusia yang berupa organisme yang hidup
(manusia termasuk juga di dalamnya); Lingkungan sosial yang terdiri dari
orang-orang, baik individual maupun kelompok yang berada di sekita
8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Otto Soemarwoto
Lingkungan adalah jumlah semua benda dan kondisi yang ada dalam ruang
yang kita tempati yang mempengaruhi kehidupan kita.

the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or
10.Prof. Dr St. Munadjat Danusaputro, SH, Guru Besar Hukum Lingkungan
Universitas Padjadjaran
lingkungan hidup sebagai semua benda dan kondisi, termasuk di dalamnya
manusia dan tingkah perhuatannya, yang terdapat dalam ruang tempat
manusia berada dan mempengaruhi hidup serta kesejahteraan manusia dan
jasad hidup lainnya
Definition of Environmental Sociology
1. Dunlap/Catton. The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. 1979:
Environmental Sociology
environment and society.








2. Accessed on February

23, 2014.
Environmental sociology is the sociological study of how humans interact
with the various aspects of the environment.
3. Accessed on February 23, 2014.
Environmental sociology is a sub discipline within the field of sociology that
studies of the interactions between the physical environment, social
organization, and social behavior.
4. Schefer & Lamm,1998
sosiologi lingkungan adalah ilmu yang mempelajari mengenai masalah
lingkungan dalam masyarakat
Environmental sociology is a sub discipline within the field of sociology that
studies of the interactions between the physical environment, social
organization, and social behavior.
The subfield that addresses the relationship between humans and the

Environmental Sociology as a subdiscipline within Sociology explores the

various forms of interaction between human society and the environment
the environment developed by humans as contrasted with the natural
environment; society as a whole, especially in its relation to the individual.
9. Talcott Parsons
masyarakat terintegrasi atas dasar kesepakatan dari para anggotanya akan
nilai-nilai kemasyarakatan tertentu yang mempunyai kemampuan mengatasi
perbedaan-perbedaan sehingga masyarakat tersebut dipandang sebagai
suatu sistem yang secara fungsional terintegrasi dalam suatu keseimbangan
Environmental sociologists typically place special emphasis on studying the
social factors that cause environmental problems, the societal impacts of
those problems, and efforts to solve the problems.

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