Jan. 22 This Week at FBC

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January 22, 2015

Church Leadership

Preparing for Worship

and lay
are available
lay leaders
to answer to
may haveyou
may have to help you connect with
First Baptist Church.

January 25, 2015

the ministries of First Baptist Church.

Worship at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Office: 843-0020

third Sunday after

the Epiphany

Matt Sturtevant
Senior Pastor,x.202
Rev. Dr. m
Joe Kutter
Interim Associate Pastor, x.204

Jenny Purvis
Rev. Cheryl
Formation, x.201

Sunday, January 25

Kimberly white

12:15 Luncheon
1:15 Meeting

wont you be my neighbor?

(Childcare provided)

Heroes of the Faith

Chancel Choir
Intern for Childrens
Spiritual Formation

Jenny Pauls
Manager, x.203
Jim Davidson

Evelyn Falen
Buddy Langford


Holly Grassy

John Pauls
Buddy Langford

Scripture: Luke 10:25-37

Winter Worship Series

(January 11-February 8)

In a world of superheroes and comic book figures, it is sometimes easy to

forget that the real heroes of our faith have always been those who take
their ordinary gifts and allow God to use them in extraordinary ways. Join
us as we explore those heroes of the faith that give us hope for how we,
too, can save the world!
January 25: Martha Stearns Marshall
Our preacher for our annual Martha Stearns Marshall Sunday for Women in Preaching this year is Kimberly White. Please see page 3 for a bio
and picture! We look forward to hearing from her as we celebrate the legacy of Martha Stearns Marshall.
February 1: Anne Hutchinson (I Corinthians 8.1-13)
February 8: Shane Claiborne

God at Work in the World: Winter Presentation Series

Come and hear how God is at work throughout our world! We will gather for a series
of presentations about various places that God and Gods people are working to bring
about healing and wholeness to the entire earth. Here are some of the highlights from
the upcoming series:

Wednesday, January 28 at 6:30 in the Roger Williams Room. Rev. Dr. Joe Kutter
will present on his experience and work with the Baptist Joint Committee and their
defense of religious freedom.

Wednesday, February 4 at 6:30 in the Roger Williams Room. Members of the Mission Team to Nicaragua from FBC Topeka will be presenting on their trip last summer.

Wednesday, February 11 at 6:30 International guitarist, Charles David Smart in concert. Whether performing for
widely diverse venues (Festivals to Cathedrals), picking backstage at Nashvilles Grand Ol Opry, jamming in the family pubs of Ireland or playing in leading American university concert halls, multi-styled, award winning, Nashville recording guitarist Charles David Smart gives it all with passion and energy.

Lenten Study to Begin on Ash Wednesday

During Lent this year, you might consider adding in a practice. Over the noon hour (11:30-1:00) on Wednesdays, we will
be sharing a meal (bring your own) and a Lenten study. It begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, and will conclude April
8. Also, on Wednesday evenings during Lent, the after-meal study will involve the opportunity to experience a variety of
spiritual practices, one (or more) of which you might find touches your soul for years to come. This time will be offered
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, and 8. Look for more details on both of these events in future newsletters.
An Ash Wednesday service will be held on Wednesday, February 18, after the meal.

Baptism Class!
Amelia and Cody will be offering a course for those interested in baptism. If you or your child are thinking about a
profession of faith through baptism, and would like to know more about what it means and what the next steps might
be, please contact either Amelia or Cody at 785-843-0020, Ext. 205. Course schedule will be dependent on schedule
of the participants.

Thanks to Joe!
Pastor Joes last Sunday with us
is January 25th. We want to
thank Joe for his time with us
as our interim half-time Associate Pastor. Following the
11:00 worship service on Sunday, we will have cake and punch in the Roger Williams
Room as a part of the luncheon prior to the Annual
Meeting. Please plan to come and say thanks! to Joe
for his leadership with our congregation these last

Box of Justice
Justice Matters continues to research Mental Health, Housing, and
Child Welfare. Interested in receiving
research updates? Please
email ajustlawrence@gmail.com and
mark your calendars for April 15th,
when all Justice Matters Network
Members will be briefed in preparation for our Nehemiah Action on
May 7th.

Dialogue Institute Event

The first 2015 session of Interfaith
Academy will be hosted by First Baptist Church, Lawrence. The topic will
be Role Models in Abrahamic Traditions.
Interfaith Academy: A JewishChristian-Muslim Dialog Education
Program, a collaborative initiative created by Dialog Institute of the Southwest, First Baptist Church, Jewish
Community Center, Plymouth Congregational Church,
First United Methodist Church, St. John Evangelist
Catholic Church, St. Margaret Episcopal Church, St.
Luke African American Church to foster interfaith understanding/friendship among the society that we live in.
When: January 27th, 6 pm.
Where: First Baptist Church, Lawrence, KS.
Please RSVP for meal by Jan. 25:
office@firstbaptistlawrence.com, 843-0020
The program:
Reception: 6:00 PM
Presentation: 6:15 7: 00 pm
Dinner: 7:00 7:30 PM
Rev. Matthew Sturtevant , First Baptist Church,
Mr. Greg Rieke, Representative of Dialogue Institute
Kansas City
Dr. Eve Levin, Professors of History,
University of Kansas.

Childrens Corner
Sanctuary of the Cinema Junior

Jan. 25: The Lego Movie during the Annual Mtg.

Wednesday Evenings:

Sacred Music Academy begins January 14

Amy Munsterman and Amelia have been using a
new curriculum for the younger set on Wednesday Nights.

Vacation Bible School is coming!

June 8-12, 2015. (Evening hours)

Remember in Prayer
Alex Trent, recovering from hip surgery
International Ministries Missionaries: Deliris Carrion Rosa,
serving in Haiti
Regional Minister: ABC of Indiana and Kentucky: Rev.
Daniel Barringer, serving in North Vernon, Indiana
Local congregation: Fellowship Baptist Church
You are invited to send prayer requests to:
(E-mail coordinator) Betty Colbert, bchilder@ku.edu,
(Telephone Prayer Chain) Hazel Nitcher, 843-5302, Annie
Merriam, 841-1384, or Judy Stuart, 856-1782, or
The church office: 843-0020

Meet Kimberly White

Born to Carmen L. and Rev.
Delmar A. White, Kimberly is a
native Kansan, but currently lives
in Missouri, and has lived in
North Carolina and South Korea.
Since returning to the states in
2013, Kimberly has been working
as a Case Manager with
LincWorks in Kansas City where
she is helping those in need.
Kimberly received her Bachelors
of Art Degree in English (minor
in Psychology) from Winston Salem State University and is
currently pursuing her Masters of Divinity from Central
Baptist Theological Seminary. In her spare time, Kimberly
enjoys art, family, traveling, educational activities and reading.

American Baptist Youth (ABY)

Next gathering: Jan. 25

Youth Valentines Variety show!

Trying to find a nice spot to take a date? Want to enjoy
some wonderful food and some good laughs? Want to
see a show? Come join the youth on February 14th, 5:30
p.m., for dinner and a show! This will be the only youth
fundraiser for the summer trip to Chicago! Enjoy a
good meal and some fun! Dont have to come with
someone, you can just join the festivities! Call the
church office to make reservations.

Building Proposal
In preparation for Annual Meeting on January 25

The project commi ee and church leadership would like to propose the following project for consideraon by the
congregaon. Below is a list of the primary elements that would be included in the building renovaon:

What: Placement of a glass wall dividing the sanctuary and the narthex.
Why: Separaon of worship space and welcoming space; this wall will not be in the same space as the
origin al dividing wall, but will sll allow for more space than the original sanctuary.
What: Removal and replacement of the exterior wall behind and next to the choir (Southeast part of
Why: Addional seang in the sanctuary, due to seang lost by placing the glass wall in the back of the
sanctuary; the stained glass window will be move with the new wall, and will be even more visible in
the sanctuary and the exterior.
What: Removal and replacement of the interior wall between the sanctuary and the Judson Room
(Southwest part of sanctuary).
Why: The Judson room will be smaller as a result, but there will be more space available for seang within
the sanctuary, and a proper hallway for movement between the sanctuary and the Roger Williams
Room area. All the current amenies within the Judson Room will remain as well as the connecon to
the parlor.
What: Removal of the wall between the parlor and the newly formed narthex.
Why: To allow for expansion of the welcome space into the current parlor.
What: New lighng in sanctuary/narthex.
Why: By value engineering the scope upon bidding the new xtures it was determined that savings could be
realized by rewiring the exisng light xtures so the current dimming system will be disconnected.
This will allow for the installaon of longer lasng LED lamps within the exisng xtures and switching
instead of dimming. The new LED lamps will be the type (color) that maintains an incandescent
appearance within the Sanctuary and Narthex and save on energy used to light the spaces.
What: New ooring in Roger Williams Room, kitchen, 14 Sunday school rooms, hallways, sanctuary, and
Why: Most of this ooring is now bare concrete/suboor, due to widespread water and mold damage.

What: Reroung some of the HVAC ductwork associated with expansion at the stained glass windows.
Why: To avoid having air vents in the middle of what will become a center aisle and evenly distribute air within the new conguraon.
Total Cost: $389,900

Various changes have been made to the project, given the developments of the last couple of years (i.e. actual
pledges oered, higher than ancipated deferred maintenance costs due to water damage, etc.) Thus, there are
several elements that have been proposed over the course of the project that are not included in this proposal.
They have been removed from the proposal a:er signicant discussion and discernment from the Project Commi ee, as well as an Administrave Council made up of Craig Weinaug as the Capital Campaign Chairman, Bill
Stauer and Travis Cooper represenng the Finance Ministry, Jim Lord, Neal Purvis, and Steve Heilman represenng the Facilies Ministry, and John Pauls and Pastor Ma . These groups have met several mes over several
months in order to determine how best to possibly reduce costs, the best way to nance the project once the costs
became known, and then how to present the package to the congregaon for approval.

Elements that are not a part of the proposed construcon project include: upgraded seang, A/V upgrades,
sanctuary heang overhaul, podium enhancement, oce enhancement, RWR acouscal panels, bid bond, and new
sanctuary lighng xtures and dimming system. It was determined that these elements would not be included in
this proposal for various reasons, including cost, low priority of immediate impact, and ease of adding these elements at a later date without major diculty.

If this proposal is accepted by the congregaon at the business meeng on January 25th, then May Construcon
(the low bidder in November) will begin planning the project and work immediately. The ooring in the Sunday
school rooms, Roger Williams Room, and hallways will be the rst part of the project completed. We would work
with May Construcon quickly to determine a meline, and then use that meline for congregaonal calendar

Steve Heilman, Project Commi ee Chair

Craig Weinaug, Capital Campaign Chair
Ma Sturtevant, Senior Pastor
John Pauls, Moderator

Save the Date!

First Baptist Church
1330 Kasold Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
785/843-0021 (fax)

Habitat for Humanity

Music Fest
February 15, 2015
6-8 p.m.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
(6001 Bob Billings Pkwy)

Life of the Church

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Sunday, Jan. 25
8:30 a.m.Worship Service
9:30 a.m.Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Worship Service
12:15 p.m.Business Mtg. Luncheon & Farewell Reception for Pastor Joe
1:15 p.m.Annual Business Mtg.
5:00 p.m.ABY/Chupper
Tuesday, Jan. 27
6:00 p.m.7:30 p.m. Dialogue Institute
Wednesday, Jan. 28
6:00 p.m.Wednesday meal, RWR, followed
by presentation by Pastor Joe/Baptist Joint
6:30 p.m.Sacred Music Academy


Nursery 9:30 a.m.Amy Munsterman

11:00 a.m.Amy Munsterman
Extended Care 11:00 a.m.Melissa

Wed. dinner
Jan. 28
6:00 p.m.

The Senior Adult Retreat Committee has announced that

Rev. Dr. Jerry Cain will be the keynote speaker at the April 15-16
event, at Cross Wind Center in Hesston. He has worked at William Jewel College, and served as President of Judson College.
There will be more details in future newsletters, but be sure to
save this date for a great time with other ABCCR people.

Looking Ahead:
Feb. 8C-Squared Lunch
Feb. 18Ash Wednesday Service
February 8 after worship is our next C-squared (College
and Career) luncheon. If you would like to provide a
soup, salad/relishes, or dessert, let Cheryl Harader know
by January 28. (Cheryl@firstbaptistlawrence.com)

Welcome our
Newest Member!
Cecilia Adam, who reinstated her membership at
First Baptist Lawrence,
after a time at First Baptist Topeka. Welcome

By the Numbers...as of Jan. 4

Weekly Receipts:
YTD Receipts:
Weekly Receipts:
Cumulative Giving:
If you would like more detailed financial information, please
contact our bookkeeper at grassyclan@att.net.
Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to
make our many ministries possible.

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