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2AC Afropessimism Extra Cards

Their anti-political expressions of afropessimism prevent transformative

political strategies and increases chances for violent race relations
Singh 2012
~Nikhil, Associate Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University and
author of the Award Winning Black is a Country: Race and the Unfinished Struggle for
Democracy, "Racial Formation in an Age of Permanent War" in Racial Formation In the
Twenty-First Century p. 298-301~
If Racial Formation correctly diagnosed the ways in which racial investments and
referents were increasingly
not only in distant theaters but across the broad front of civil society.
Anti-pessimistic black progressivism may have problems but it is vital to
check against the violence of white privilege their nihilism becomes a selffulfilling prophecy
Miah quoting West in 94
(Malik Miah, Cornel West's Race Matters, May-June,
In the chapter, "Nihilism in Black America," West observes "The liberal
that without meaning there can be no struggle." (14-15)
To say that the black body is ontologically dead is to take part in the project
of whiteness- instead we should recognizes the ontological excess of black
Yancy 2008
~George, Teaches in the department of Philosophy at Duquesne University, "Black
Bodies White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race" p. 111-112~
The significant point here is that the needed slippage did occur; indeed, the
a significant site of discursive (and material) self-possession. 16
Optimistic orientation towards the future are possible- inability to articulate a
shared future recreates the walls that allow for anti-black violence
Asante 03
~Molefi Kete, Professor, Department of African American Studies at Temple University
and leading figure in the fields of African American studies, African Studies and
Communication Studies. "Survival of the American Nation: Erasing Racism" pg. 274275~
Ignorance is the great cavity that ruins an otherwise healthy nation. If young people
to become the nation the Dreamer dreamed and, hence, erase racism.

The prison system is the founding principle of social death in America: ANY
effort that denies prisons as the site of social death maintains the current
system: ONLY the aff best prevents social death
Heiner 2k3 (Brad, Ph.D. in philosophy from Stony Brook University, "Commentary:
Social Death and the Relationship between Abolition and Reform," Social Justice vol. 30
no. 2)
As Dylan Rodriguez put it, "death is the social truth of imprisonment....
that predicates the freedom of the minority upon the unfreedom of the majority.

2AC Wilderson is Wrong

Wilderson is overly reductive-he has no way to explain historical resistance
to anti-blackness because his theory pigeon holes all oppression into the nonfalsifiable register of psychoanalysis
Sar Maty B 11, prof of film at Portsmouth University, The US
As we shall see below, blacks in the US cannot and do not have
The coffle approaches with its answers in tow.' (340)'
Anti-blackness is not an ontological antagonism-conflict is inevitable in
politics, but does not have to be demarcated around whiteness and blackness
-social death theory's ontological fatalism recreates colonial violence
Peter Hudson 13, Political Studies Department, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg , South Africa, has been on the editorial board of the Africa Perspective:
The South African Journal of Sociology and Theoria: A Journal of Political and Social
Theory and Transformation, and is a member of the Johannesburg Workshop in Theory
and Criticism, The state and the colonial unconscious, Social Dynamics: A journal of
African studies, 2013
Thus the self-same/other distinction is necessary for the possibility of identity
, as distinct from "subject" position based on a determinate identity.

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