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Youth Ministry Goals and Plans

CIY bagumbong youth ministry exists with the following goals:

1 To guide the youth in their needs of spiritual growth through discipleship.
2 To help the youth become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, knowing
and trusting God and being able to share their faith to others through their
words and actions.
3 To help them explore and nourish their God given talents and spiritual gifts
and guiding them on how to use their gifts for Gods Glory.
4 To train them for evangelism and discipleship
5 To train potential future leaders of the church according to Gods calling.
Plans 2015
1 To establish continuous once a week cell group and once a month youth
2 To train potential cell group leaders/facilitators.
3 To train at least 5 youth Sunday school teachers
4 To have workshops on music ministry ( worship leading, drums and guitar)
5 3 main special events for evangelism. (quarterly)

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