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By: Jaroslaw Kawa


Primary Sources
Books and compilations

Ebry Buckley, Patricia. Chinese civilization. New York. The free press, 1981 Print.
Penal Servitude in Qin Law.
The main idea is about the strict Laws that Qin Shi Huangdi had during the time of him
being an emperor. The laws he had during the building of the great wall. This is what he
was known for.
This helps me with my project by showing what he did as an emperor and what people
saw him as when he was emperor. I can also compare what he did to other dynasties to
see how he influenced them.
Man, John. The Great Wall. Cambridge Center: Da Capo Press, 2008 print.
This book gives me more knowledge on the topic of the building of the great wall to use
the info in my pages and have reliable sources.

Secondary Sources

Ebry Buckley, Patricia. Chinese civilization. New York. The free press, 1981 Print.
The Qin and Han dynasties
The main idea of this secondary source is about the fall of the Qin dynasty and how it
fell and the rise of the Han and what the Han did. It showed how it governed the people
and changed things from how the Qin governed and had its rules. It goes on to talk
about what the Han did.
This is important because I can compare what the Han are doing oppose to what the
Qin did. This can help me answer my question on what Huangdi (legacy) left behind
after he was cut from being emperor.

Legacy and Impact (The Immortal Emperor) N.D. 25, november 2014

"Tujia." Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life. Ed. Timothy L. Gall and Jeneen Hobby. 2nd ed. Vol. 4:
Asia & Oceania. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 995-998. Student Resources in Context. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
Document URL

The main idea of this article is the tribe that was like the founder of the Qin dynasty and goes on
to explain more about the Qin dynasty

"Qin Shi Huang-di." UXL Biographies. Detroit: U*X*L, 2003. Student Resources in Context. N.D Web. 17 Nov. 2014.
Document URL

The main idea of this article is about how Huangdi got into power as emperor and what
were the circumstances surrounding the text like wars, economic exc.
"Quin Shi Huang-Di." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. 24 Nov.
More background info on how the Qin started and how the Zhou dynasty fell.


Hu, Kristin. Personal Interview By History Teacher who has visited The Great Wall Of China, 11
November 2014, Chicago, Illinois.
Mrs. Hu is my world studies teacher that is married to a Chinese man and has also taught
schools in China for a few years. She has visited the great and is a history teacher so I thought
it would be a good idea to see what a teacher knows on the topic and what her opinion is on
some of my questions.

Charlie. Discovering Mandarin. Saturday ,1 August 2009

Example to show how he dressed and looked to see his royalty and be able to get a visual image of how
time looked back then.

China Various cities, photographs, webshots, 2013.

This image will help people visualize what they great wall looks like and some of the surrounding plain
around the great wall.
Clan mother, wordpress, web photography, web image, 2012.

an example of Qin shi huangdi

Famous wonders, topgold, Creative commons 2012.

More views of the great wall.

Flicker, hivemind, today magazine. Published 2013.

Example of the ruling land of the different kingdoms.

History and maps, Chinese dynasty guide, 2010

All of the area conquered by the qin.

Illustrations art gallery, The great wall of china, Neville Dear, 1963.

An example of people building the great wall.

Jarvis, Dennis. Ancient history encyclopedia. Published on 18 December 2012

a statue he made people build of him.

Map by artofanderson, webshot, photograph, 2014

A map of china and how he united all of it.

National Geographic, Katherine Louge, Mutianyu China, 1996-2015.

another view from the great wall

Nature pictures, Laliana, 2014

a nice picture of a lake nobles would own.

Terracotta army, tourist 360, historic places, photographs, webshots. 2012.

An example of one of his many great accomplishments.

The Great wall of china at Jinshanling. Stalder, Serverin, web photograph, June 8, 2013

More views of the great wall.

Wordpress, photograph, web image,

Chart of all dynasties and dates of when they were in power.

D B. The First emperor of China. Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 17 February 2013
Gives me examples of how time looked backed then and also a good source of information.

Gardnerdfilms, Chinese dynasty song, music, audio, youtube, sep 10 2014, january 7th
A song for media usage.

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