Design Document Control: Instruction Q3.1

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Instruction Q3.

Design Document Control


This instruction describes the system by which project design documents and their changes
are controlled during the construction phase of the project execution to ensure that the latest
revisions of applicable drawings, design specifications, and instructions are used for
construction, installation, inspection, and testing.


This instruction applies to project design documents used to construct permanent project
facilities. It does not apply to field sketches used to construct construction site temporary


Project Design Documents
Project design documents include drawings, specifications, and instructions approved by the
Project Engineer or the Project Field Engineer (for field commodity responsibility) for use
during construction of the project. This also includes (sub)contractor documents approved for
use during the construction phase of the project.




Field Engineering Manual

a. Instruction F2.5, Project Document Control


Project Engineer
The Project Engineer or cognizant design organization is responsible to periodically issue a
master control register or index list that identifies the current revisions of drawings,
specifications, and other project design documents transmitted to the field for use.


Project Field Engineer

The Project Field Engineer is responsible to:
a. Issue written procedures and/or instructions that establish a system for the receipt, control,
and distribution of design documents, including the master control register index lists.
b. Issue written procedures and/or instructions to control interim changes to design documents
between revisions.
c. Receive, control, and distribute design documents at the construction site.


Design Document Users

Superintendents, Field Engineers, and other design document users are responsible to ensure
that the most current design document revision is used to perform and inspect the work.

1997 Bechtel Corp.

Construction Quality Manual

Design Document Control


Instruction Q3.1

Control of Design Documents
Procedures and/or instructions for the control of design documents shall provide the following:
a. Verification of actual documents received by the field against the project engineering,
vendor, or subcontractor transmittal listing
b. Maintenance of document control logs or registers for drawings, specifications, and vendor
prints, listing current revision of each document
c. Identification of controlled documents by appropriate "stamp" indication
d. Preparation and maintenance of document distribution lists showing the field recipients of
controlled documents


Control of Changes to Design Documents

Procedures and/or instructions for the control of changes to design documents shall provide
the following:
a. Logging and transmittal of Field Change Requests (FCRs) and Field Change Notices
(FCNs) to the Project Engineer for approval
b. Receipt, control, and distribution of Project Engineering-approved FCRs and FCNs, and
Project Engineering initiated Design Change Notices (DCNs).

1997:Rev. 2

Construction Quality Manual


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