Humans Will Always Have Cruel

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Leo Jung

Influence of the seven deadly sins


Humans will always have cruel, cold and sinful mind filled with ways of achieving
power and respect in society. No one in our world can argue that they will always
want more in any context, and for some their desire might be taken to the extreme.
Emotions and feelings affect our actions and influences towards society and the
most curial emotion is the seven deadly sins. We all have the strong desire for
respect and power and the seven deadly sins will affect your action towards
earning. Now three of the seven sins will be put to the stage to discover its
influence towards society and affect on human history.
Our first sin is gluttony. Gluttony is the desire for more even though you already
have enough. A great example of gluttony is Adolf Hitler. As you might know, Adolf
Hitler was responsible for world war two and more than 5 million deaths. Germany
was in a lot of economic trouble. World War one has just ended with Germanys
defeat and the country was starving into submission. Adolf Hitler was a young artist
his twentys and wanted to help the nation. Soon he dropped school and learned
politics. His popularity allowed him to have enormous political power and became
the dictator of Germany. When Adolf Hitler was in power, he wished to aid the nation
with improved economic plans but gluttony took a life on its own. His desire for
more money and resources soon reached its extreme when World War two started.
Originally, Hitler did not seek conquering nations but his gluttony overwhelmed his
actions and started the largest war in human history. Gluttony, it makes you want
more but gluttony itself will dictate you.
Next is the sin we always have, envy. Envy is the desire to have more than your
opponent in quality or quantity; it is another word for jealousy. There are several
scenarios which this sin can apply to. First, imagine you have a $75 phone which is
almost disintegrating and your friend gets an iPhone 3G which costs $800. You
would have an emotion over this difference in quality. This emotion is what causes
you to beg for a new phone to your dad or mom. Also, imagine your friends mom
allowing your friend to play computer games while your mom is making you do your
homework. This feeling of inequality is what ignites your anger to argue for the
same treatment like your friend. Envy is the gateway to crime.
Finally is the most common sin, anger. At some point in our life, we experience
unforgettable situation when you openly express your anger. For example, when
someone spills coffee all over you on a frustrating Monday or you are tripped over
by a school bully and laughed at. Anger is the emotion you experience when we
cannot tolerate an action or comment made by another person. Many moments in
life we have to go through those moments but tolerating anger is like trying to put
out a raging fire with a garden hose. In extreme cases, anger can result to crimes
and murder. Crime, murder, violence and abusive reaction are the consequence we
fail to endure our emotion. However, if you succeed causalities can be avoided and
the encounter can end peacefully. Anger is not something you can eradicate, it is
something you control.

Leo Jung

Influence of the seven deadly sins


The seven sins are the emotions and feeling that cause us harm and uncontrollable
behavior towards society. Human life and society itself will be affected by it in some
way. Our actions and emotions will be influenced by these natural sins in human life.
The seven deadly sins cannot be exterminated, it only can be controlled because
wherever you are it will dictate you every move.

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