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Lists in Python language can be compared to arrays in Java but they are different in many other

aspects. Lists are used in almost every program written in Python. In this tutorial we will
understand Python lists through practical examples.
We will cover the following in this article :

How to define a list

How to add elements to a list

How access sub lists

How to search within lists

How to delete elements from a list

Operators and lists

1. Create a Python List

Defining a List in Python is easy. You just need to provide name of the list and initialize it with
values. Following is an example of a List in Python :
>>> myList = ["The", "earth", "revolves", "around", "sun"]
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun']

So you can see that a list named myList was created with some elements.
Lists in python are zero indexed. This means, you can access individual elements in a list just as
you would do in an array. Here is an example :
>>> myList[0]
>>> myList[4]

Lists cannot be accessed beyond the rightmost index boundary. Here is an example :
>>> myList[5]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range

So we see that when we tried to access myList index 5, an error was thrown saying that this
index is out of range.
But, on the other hand, if you try to access value at a negative index then values from the
rightmost index can be accessed backwards. Here is an example:
>>> myList[-1]

So we see that index -1 was translated into index 4 and corresponding value was produced in
If you are new to Python, you should start by writing a Python hello world program, and
understanding Python variables and strings.
2. Add Elements to a List

One can use the method insert, append and extend to add elements to a List.
The insert method expects an index and the value to be inserted. Here is an example of insert :
>>> myList.insert(0,"Yes")
>>> myList
['Yes', 'The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun']

So we see the value yes was inserted at the index 0 in the list and all the other elements were
shifted accordingly.
The append method can take one or more elements as input and appends them into the list. Here
is an example :
>>> myList.append(["a", "true"])
>>> myList
['Yes', 'The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', ['a', 'true']]

So, the two values were appended towards the end of the list. Note that whether we add one
element or multiple elements to the list, if we have used append then they will be added as a
single element only. This can be proven if we try to check the length of myList now :
>>> len(myList)

So we see that though we added two elements but they are counted as a single element (or a sublist) in myList.
The other method that can be used to add elements to list is extend. Like append, it also expects
one or more values as input. But, unlike append, all the elements are added as individual
elements. Here is an example :
>>> myList.extend(["statement", "for", "sure"])
>>> myList
['Yes', 'The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', ['a', 'true'],
'statement', 'for', 'sure']
>>> len(myList)

So we see that each element got added as a separate element towards the end of the list.
3. Slice Elements from a List

Python also allows slicing of the lists. You can access a part of complete list by using index
range. There are various ways through which this can be done. Here are some examples :
If it is required to access a sub-list from index 1 to index 3 then it can be done in following way:

>>> myList[1:4]
['The', 'earth', 'revolves']

Note that the index 4 was passed instead of 3 because if we pass index range x:y then values up
to index y-1 are printed.
Now, if it is required to access first n elements of the list, then there is no need to provide index
0, only the value of n is required. Here is an example :
>>> myList[:4]
['Yes', 'The', 'earth', 'revolves']

So we see that first three elements were accessed.

Similarly, if last n elements are required to be accessed then only starting index is required.
Here is an example :
>>> myList[4:]
['around', 'sun', ['a', 'true'], 'statement', 'for', 'sure']

So we see that all the elements beginning from index 4 till end of the list were displayed.
If neither starting index, nor the ending index is provided then complete list is displayed. Here is
an example :
>>> myList[:]
['Yes', 'The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', ['a', 'true'],
'statement', 'for', 'sure']

4. Search the Lists and find Elements

Lists can easily be searched for values using the index method that expects a value that is to be
searched. The output is the index at which the value is kept.
Here is an example :
Here we try to search the list for value revolves.
>>> myList.index("revolves")

So we see that the corresponding index was displayed in the output.

If some value is not found then an error is displayed. Here is an example :
>>> myList.index("a")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: 'a' is not in list

Here is how you can search a sub list :

>>> myList.index(["a", "true"])

If it is desired to just whether an element is present in a list, it can be done in following way :
>>> "sun" in myList

So we see that True was returned as sun was present in the list.
5. Delete Elements from the List

Python provides the remove method through which we can delete elements from a list. It expects
the value which is required to be deleted.
Here are some examples :
>>> myList
['Yes', 'The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', ['a', 'true'],
'statement', 'for', 'sure']
>>> myList.remove("Yes")
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', ['a', 'true'], 'statement',
'for', 'sure']
>>> myList.remove("statement")
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', ['a', 'true'], 'for', 'sure']

Here we see that remove can be used to easily delete elements in list.
Here is how a sub list can be deleted :
>>> myList.remove(["a", "true"])
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for', 'sure']

So we see that the sub list was deleted from the original list.
If it is required to access the last element and then to delete it, this can be done through pop
>>> myList.pop()
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for']

So we see that the value was displayed and deleted simultaneously.

6. Python List Operators

Python allows to use mathematical operators like +, * etc to be used with lists.
Here are some examples :
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for']
>>> myList = myList + ["sure"]
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for',
>>> myList += ["."]
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for',
>>> myList *= 2
>>> myList
['The', 'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for',
'earth', 'revolves', 'around', 'sun', 'for', 'sure',

'sure', '.']
'sure', '.', 'The',

So we see that through + operator elements could be added to the list and through * operator we
can add the complete list repeatedly towards the end.

List (abstract data type)

In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type that represents a
sequence of values, where the same value may occur more than once. An instance
of a list is a computer representation of the mathematical concept of a finite
sequence; the (potentially) infinite analog of a list is a stream. Lists are a basic
example of containers, as they contain other values. If the same value occurs
multiple times, each occurrence is considered a distinct item.
The name list is also used for several concrete data structures that can be used to
implement abstract lists, especially linked lists.
Many programming languages provide support for list data types, and have special
syntax and semantics for lists and list operations. A list can often be constructed by
writing the items in sequence, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces, within
a pair of delimiters such as parentheses '()', brackets '[]', braces '{}', or angle
brackets '<>'. Some languages may allow list types to be indexed or sliced like
array types, in which case the data type is more accurately described as an array.

Python recognises six sequence types: strings, Unicode strings, lists, tuples, buffers, and
xrange objects.
String literals are written in single or double quotes.
Unicode strings are much like strings, but are specified in the syntax using a preceding "u"
character (e.g., u'cat', u"dog").
Lists are constructed with square brackets, separating items with commas.
Tuples are constructed by the comma operator (without square brackets), with or without
enclosing parentheses, but an empty tuple must have the enclosing parentheses, such as a, b, c or
(). A single item tuple must have a trailing comma (e.g., '(d,)').
Buffer objects are not directly supported by Python syntax, but can be created by calling the
builtin function buffer(). Concatenation and repetition are not supported, however.
Xrange objects are created using the xrange() function. They do not support slicing,
concatenation or repetition. Using in, not in, min() or max() on them is inefficient.

An Introduction to Python Lists

Overview #
The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects, in a given order. The list type
implements the sequence protocol, and also allows you to add and remove objects from the

Creating Lists #
To create a list, put a number of expressions in square brackets:
L = []
L = [expression, ...]

This construct is known as a list display. Python also supports computed lists, called list
comprehensions. In its simplest form, a list comprehension has the following syntax:
L = [expression for variable in sequence]

where the expression is evaluated once, for every item in the sequence.
The expressions can be anything; you can put all kinds of objects in lists, including other lists,
and multiple references to a single object.
You can also use the built-in list type object to create lists:
L = list() # empty list
L = list(sequence)
L = list(expression for variable in sequence)

The sequence can be any kind of sequence object or iterable, including tuples and generators. If
you pass in another list, the list function makes a copy.
Note that Python creates a single new list every time you execute the [] expression. No more, no
less. And Python never creates a new list if you assign a list to a variable.
A = B = [] # both names will point to the same list
A = []
B = A # both names will point to the same list
A = []; B = [] # independent lists

For information on how to add items to a list once youve created it, see Modifying Lists below.

Accessing Lists #
Lists implement the standard sequence interface; len(L) returns the number of items in the list,
L[i] returns the item at index i (the first item has index 0), and L[i:j] returns a new list,
containing the objects between i and j.
n = len(L)
item = L[index]
seq = L[start:stop]

If you pass in a negative index, Python adds the length of the list to the index. L[-1] can be used
to access the last item in a list.
For normal indexing, if the resulting index is outside the list, Python raises an IndexError
exception. Slices are treated as boundaries instead, and the result will simply contain all items
between the boundaries.
Lists also support slice steps:

seq = L[start:stop:step]
seq = L[::2] # get every other item, starting with the first
seq = L[1::2] # get every other item, starting with the second

Looping Over Lists #

The for-in statement makes it easy to loop over the items in a list:
for item in L:
print item

If you need both the index and the item, use the enumerate function:
for index, item in enumerate(L):
print index, item

If you need only the index, use range and len:

for index in range(len(L)):
print index

The list object supports the iterator protocol. To explicitly create an iterator, use the built-in iter
i = iter(L)

item = # fetch first value

item = # fetch second value

Python provides various shortcuts for common list operations. For example, if a list contains
numbers, the built-in sum function gives you the sum:
v = sum(L)
total = sum(L, subtotal)
average = float(sum(L)) / len(L)

If a list contains strings, you can combine the string into a single long string using the join string
s = ''.join(L)

Python also provides built-in operations to search for items, and to sort the list. These operations
are described below.

Modifying Lists #
The list type also allows you to assign to individual items or slices, and to delete them.
L[i] = obj
L[i:j] = sequence

Note that operations that modify the list will modify it in place. This means that if you have
multiple variables that point to the same list, all variables will be updated at the same time.
L = []
M = L
# modify both lists

To create a separate list, you can use slicing or the list function to quickly create a copy:
L = []
M = L[:] # create a copy
# modify L only

You can also add items to an existing sequence. The append method adds a single item to the
end of the list, the extend method adds items from another list (or any sequence) to the end, and
insert inserts an item at a given index, and move the remaining items to the right.

L.insert(index, item)

To insert items from another list or sequence at some other location, use slicing syntax:
L[index:index] = sequence

You can also remove items. The del statement can be used to remove an individual item, or to
remove all items identified by a slice. The pop method removes an individual item and returns it,
while remove searches for an item, and removes the first matching item from the list.
del L[i]
del L[i:j]
item = L.pop() # last item
item = L.pop(0) # first item
item = L.pop(index)

The del statement and the pop method does pretty much the same thing, except that pop returns
the removed item.
Finally, the list type allows you to quickly reverse the order of the list.

Reversing is fast, so temporarily reversing the list can often speed things up if you need to
remove and insert a bunch of items at the beginning of the list:
# append/insert/pop/delete at far end

Note that the for-in statement maintains an internal index, which is incremented for each loop
iteration. This means that if you modify the list youre looping over, the indexes will get out of
sync, and you may end up skipping over items, or process the same item multiple times. To work
around this, you can loop over a copy of the list:
for object in L[:]:
if not condition:
del L[index]

Alternatively, you can use create a new list, and append to it:
out = []
for object in L:
if condition:


A common pattern is to apply a function to every item in a list, and replace the item with the
return value from the function:
for index, object in enumerate(L):
L[index] = function(object)
out = []
for object in L:

The above can be better written using either the built-in map function, or as a list
out = map(function, L)
out = [function(object) for object in L]

For straightforward function calls, the map solution is more efficient, since the function object
only needs to be fetched once. For other constructs (e.g. expressions or calls to object methods),
you have to use a callback or a lambda to wrap the operation; in such cases, the list
comprehension is more efficient, and usually also easier to read.

Again, if you need both the item and the index, use enumerate:
out = [function(index, object) for index, object in enumerate(L)]

You can use the list type to implement simple data structures, such as stacks and queues.
stack = []
stack.append(object) # push
object = stack.pop() # pop from end
queue = []
queue.append(object) # push
object = queue.pop(0) # pop from beginning

The list type isnt optimized for this, so this works best when the structures are small (typically a
few hundred items or smaller). For larger structures, you may need a specialized data structure,
such as collections.deque.
Another data structure for which a list works well in practice, as long as the structure is
reasonably small, is an LRU (least-recently-used) container. The following statements moves an
object to the end of the list:


If you do the above every time you access an item in the LRU list, the least recently used items
will move towards the beginning of the list. (for a simple cache implementation using this
approach, see Caching.)

Searching Lists #
The in operator can be used to check if an item is present in the list:
if value in L:
print "list contains", value

To get the index of the first matching item, use index:

i = L.index(value)

The index method does a linear search, and stops at the first matching item. If no matching item
is found, it raises a ValueError exception.
i = L.index(value)
except ValueError:
i = -1 # no match

To get the index for all matching items, you can use a loop, and pass in a start index:
i = -1
while 1:
i = L.index(value, i+1)
print "match at", i
except ValueError:

Moving the loop into a helper function makes it easier to use:

def findall(L, value, start=0):
# generator version
i = start - 1
i = L.index(value, i+1)
yield i
except ValueError:

for index in findall(L, value):

print "match at", i

To count matching items, use the count method:

n = L.count(value)

Note that count loops over the entire list, so if you just want to check if a value is present in the
list, you should use in or, where applicable, index.
To get the smallest or largest item in a list, use the built-in min and max functions:
lo = min(L)
hi = max(L)

As with sort (see below), you can pass in a key function that is used to map the list items before
they are compared:
lo = min(L, key=int)
hi = max(L, key=int)

Sorting Lists #
The sort method sorts a list in place.

To get a sorted copy, use the built-in sorted function:

out = sorted(L)

An in-place sort is slightly more efficient, since Python does not have to allocate a new list to
hold the result.
By default, Pythons sort algorithm determines the order by comparing the objects in the list
against each other. You can override this by passing in a callable object that takes two items, and
returns -1 for less than, 0 for equal, and 1 for greater than. The built-in cmp function is
often useful for this:
def compare(a, b):
return cmp(int(a), int(b)) # compare as integers
def compare_columns(a, b):
# sort on ascending index 0, descending index 2
return cmp(a[0], b[0]) or cmp(b[2], a[2])

out = sorted(L, compare_columns)

Alternatively, you can specify a mapping between list items and search keys. If you do this, the
sort algorithm will make one pass over the data to build a key array, and then sort both the key
array and the list based on the keys.
out = sorted(L, key=int)

If the transform is complex, or the list is large, this can be a lot faster than using a compare
function, since the items only have to be transformed once.
Pythons sort is stable; the order of items that compare equal will be preserved.

Printing Lists #
By default, the list type does a repr on all items, and adds brackets and commas as necessary. In
other words, for built-in types, the printed list looks like the corresponding list display:
print [1, 2, 3] # prints [1, 2, 3]

To control formatting, use the string join method, combined with either map or a list
comprehension or generator expression.
print "".join(L) # if all items are strings
print ", ".join(map(str, L))
print "|".join(str(v) for v in L if v > 0)

To print a list of string fragments to a file, you can use writelines instead of write:
sys.stdout.writelines(L) # if all items are strings

Performance Notes #
The list object consists of two internal parts; one object header, and one separately allocated
array of object references. The latter is reallocated as necessary.
The list has the following performance characteristics:

The list object stores pointers to objects, not the actual objects themselves.
The size of a list in memory depends on the number of objects in the list, not
the size of the objects.

The time needed to get or set an individual item is constant, no matter what
the size of the list is (also known as O(1) behaviour).

The time needed to append an item to the list is amortized constant;

whenever the list needs to allocate more memory, it allocates room for a few
items more than it actually needs, to avoid having to reallocate on each call
(this assumes that the memory allocator is fast; for huge lists, the allocation
overhead may push the behaviour towards O(n*n)).

The time needed to insert an item depends on the size of the list, or more
exactly, how many items that are to the right of the inserted item (O(n)). In
other words, inserting items at the end is fast, but inserting items at the
beginning can be relatively slow, if the list is large.

The time needed to remove an item is about the same as the time needed to
insert an item at the same location; removing items at the end is fast,
removing items at the beginning is slow.

The time needed to reverse a list is proportional to the list size (O(n)).

The time needed to sort a list varies; the worst case is O(n log n), but typical
cases are often a lot better than that.

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