School Committee Agenda 1-26-15

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Monday, January 26, 2015 6:00 pm


Oxford High School, Community Room

A. Call to Order
B. Presentations and Awards- none
C. Student Representatives -

Tyler McCarthy OHS

D. Recommended Action

Routine MattersApproval of minutes from January 5 workshop and January 12 regular

meeting, 2015


Unfinished Business


New Business
Discussion of Draft FY2016 OXPS Operating Budget - Discussion/Vote/Other Action
Mentor Update
Camp Character and Camp Touchstone
Superintendents Presentation of Initial Draft Budget for SY 15-16

E. Correspondence
F. Out of State Field Trips NJROTC requests for to Norwich University on Feb 25-March 1,2015
G. Retirements and ResignationsMichael Adams- OHS head football coach
John Libera-Retirement
Mark Manzello-OMS building sub
Matthew Cunsolo-OHS building sub
Deb Feingold OHS English
H. Information and Proposals
1. From Sub Committees (and Study Groups)
Transportation Subcommittee- Updates Sam Bitar
Update on any action for Class Size Subcommittee work- Ms. Ennis
Update on any action for Memorial/Remembrances Subcommittee Chair Coonan

2. From Superintendent of Schools Dr. Garceau

3. From Business Manager

Budget update information
Facilities/Maintenance Report
4. From School Committee Members

I. Future Business
1. Meeting Dates February 9, 2015
Topics for Future Agendas
J. Questions and Comments (from the floor)
The opportunity to address the committee is not a question-and-answer session. It is an opportunity for statements to be
made. The Chair may direct a member or the Superintendent to respond to a question or issue. Topics for discussion must be
limited to those items listed on the School Committee meeting agenda for this evening.

K. Request for Executive Session A request will be made to enter into Executive Session according to
M.G.L. Ch. 30A, Section 21, Subsection 3, for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective
bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating
position of the public body and the chair so declares. A further request will be made to enter into Executive
Session according to M.G.L. Ch. 30A, Section 21, Subsection 2, for the purpose of conducting strategy
sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining
sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel.
L. Adjournment
Items listed on the agenda are those items anticipated by the Chair that may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items on the agenda
may be reached by the Committee, and other items may be added to the agenda at the discretion of the Chair or at the request of the
Committee. In addition, the Committee at any time may go into Executive Session, as authorized by the Open Meeting Law.
The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or homelessness.

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