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Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

Design and parametric investigation of an ejector in an

air-conditioning system
E.D. Rogdakis*, G.K. Alexis
National Technical University of Athens, Mechanical Engineering Department, Thermal Section, 42 Patission Street,
10682, Athens, Greece
Received 27 October 1998; accepted 24 January 1999

This paper discusses the behavior of ammonia (R-717) through an ejector, operating in an airconditioning system with a low temperature thermal source. For the detailed calculation of the proposed
system a method has been developed, which employs analytical functions describing the thermodynamic
properties of the ammonia. The proposed cycle has been compared with the Carnot cycle working at the
same temperature levels. The inuence of three major parameters: generator, condenser and evaporator
temperature, on ejector eciency and coecient of performance is discussed. Also the maximum value
of COP was estimated by correlation of the three temperatures for constant superheated temperature
(1008C). The design conditions were generator temperature (76.1179.578C), condenser temperature (34
428C) and evaporator temperature (4128C). # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ammonia; Ejector; COP; Refrigeration cycle; Shocking phenomena

1. Introduction
Ejectors are used in several dierent engineering applications, and have several advantages
over conventional compression systems. These include no moving parts in the compressor
(except the pump) and hence no requirement for lubrication. The relatively low capital cost,
simplicity of operation, reliability and very low maintenance cost are other advantages.
An improved ejector theory was developed by Munday and Bagster [1]. This theory depends

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +301-772-3966; fax: +301-772-3670.

1359-4311/00/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 4 3 1 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 1 3 - 7


E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226


area of cross section of constant area duct [m2]

constants in Eq. (31)
coecient of performance
pressure [bar]
pressure at sonic ow of secondary vapors [bar]
pressure before the shock [bar]
pressure after the shock [bar]
heat rate [kW]
temperature [8C]
velocity [m/s]
work rate [kW]
enthalpy [kJ/kg]
mass ow [kg/s]
isentropic eciency
entropy [kJ/kg K]
ow entrainment ratio

Greek symbols
constants in Eqs. (36) and (37)
aij, bij
ejector eciency
specic volume [m3/kg]
1, 2, . . . cycle locations
a, b, . . . ejector locations
saturated liquid
generator, saturated vapor

on the assumption of two discrete streams, the motive stream and the secondary stream. The
two streams maintain their identity down the converging duct of the diuser. At some section
the secondary ow reaches sonic velocity. A thermodynamic shock and mixing occur at the
very end of the converging cone resulting in a transient supersonic mixed stream. There is no
supersonic deceleration and a shock takes place immediately on mixing. The mixed stream will
shock to the subsonic velocity, found by the intersection of the Fanno and Rayleigh lines.
After that the stream is brought to near-zero velocity in the subsonic diuser.

E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226


In the present work this theory is used to develop a computer model of an ejector with
particular reference to air-conditioning applications, using ammonia at various operating
conditions as the working refrigerant. The performance of the ejector depends on both the
operating conditions and ejector geometry. The ejector geometry is not related in the present
Fig. 1(a) illustrates the operation of the ejector system. High pressure superheated vapor is
raised in the generator (1). This vapor passes through a (converging/diverging) nozzle, drawing
ammonia vapor into the ejector from the evaporator (2) where ammonia remaining there is
cooled by evaporation. The two streams mix in the ejector and leave it after a recovery of
pressure in the diuser part of the ejector (3). Then, heat is rejected from the uid to the
surroundings, resulting in condensate at the exit of the condenser (4). This is divided into two
streams. One enters the evaporator after a pressure reduction in the expansion valve (5) and
the other enters the generator after a pressure rise in the pump (6).
A computer program, based on Munday and Bagster's theory, was written in order to
calculate the behavior of the ejector and the performance of ejector system for a range of
parameters. For thermodynamic properties of ammonia, the equations proposed by Ziegler and
Trepp [2] have been used.
2. Ejector analysis and performance
An ejector is a device in which a high pressure jet of uid (motive stream) is used to entrain
low pressure uid (secondary stream). The resulting mixture is discharged at a pressure that
lies between the driving pressure and the suction pressure.
Rao and Singh [3] and Kouremenos et al. [4] showed that the model based on the
conservation of uid momentum in the mixing process gives results in close agreement with

Fig. 1. Schematic view of ejectorair conditioning system and ejector.


E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

those obtained from available design charts. To better understand how a typical ejector
functions, a description of its operation is given on a Mollier chart in Fig. 2.
A schematic view of ejector is shown in Fig. 1(b). Superheated motive ammonia enters the
ejector at a high pressure Pg, temperature T1 and zero velocity (i.e. stagnation condition)
corresponding to state (1) and expands to a pressure at state (a1), with eciency n1a1=0.8. The
motive stream emerges from the nozzle and remains as an identiable stream for some distance
The saturated secondary vapor enters the ejector at pressure Pe and zero velocity (i.e.
stagnation condition) corresponding to state (2) and expand adiabatically to a pressure at state
(a2). The pressures at states (a1) and (a2) corresponding to pressure at sonic ow of secondary
vapor Pcr. The specic heat ratio for ammonia can be 1.40 to 1.50.
According to Harris and Fischer [5] and Stoecker [6] mixing is assumed to occur
approximately at constant pressure Pcr. In general the mixing zone may be expected to take
place in some region (ab) of the converging cone. Munday and Bagster [1] estimated that the
resulting velocity of the mixture is always supersonic. Since the supersonic mixed stream is
decelerated in a converging section with corresponding rise in pressure Px , region (bc) and an
assumed eciency of nbc=0.8.
If the stream is still supersonic at the end of the cone (c), a shock will occur in the duct of
constant cross-section, resulting in a subsonic stream (d). The intersection of the Fanno and
Rayleigh lines determines the pressure Py and temperature Td after shock eect. The stream is
then brought to near-zero velocity (i.e. stagnation condition) corresponding to state (3) in the
diuser, with an assumed eciency of nd3=0.8.
In the present work this theory is used with the assumption that the uid momentum is
conserved in the mixing section, i.e.

Fig. 2. Mollier chart of an ammonia ejector.

E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

Va1 wVa2 1 wVb


It is obvious that the velocity Va2 is directly proportional to the quantity (h2ha2). If this
quantity is signicantly less than the quantity (h1ha1), the velocity Va2 will be signicantly less
than the velocity Va1 too. Thus, the contribution of velocity Va2 in the momentum equation
will be negligible. Kouremenos et al. [4] assumed that the velocity Va2 is a negligible quantity,
but in the present work this velocity takes signicant values.
Also the overall energy balance equation can be written as:
h1 wh2 1 wh3

h1 hT1 ,P1

h2 hT2 ,P2

where w=me/mg is the ow entrainment ratio (kg of secondary stream per kg of motive
The governing equations for each section in the ejector are:
Nozzlethe energy balance equation between points (1) and (a1) is:
V 2a1 =2 h1 ha1

The enthalpy ha1 is calculated from the system of equations:

s1 sT1 ,P1 sas x as sgas 1-x as sfas

has x as hgas 1 x as hfas

n1a1 h1 ha1 =h1 has

Intake pipethe energy balance equation between points (2) and (a2) is:
V 2a2 =2 h2 ha2

The enthalpy ha2 is calculated from the system of equations:

s2 sT2 ,P2 sa2 x a2 sga2 1 x a2 sfa2


ha2 x a2 hga2 1 x a2 hfa2


Converging coneassuming a value for w0<w<1, the enthalpy h3 is calculated from Eq. (2).
The energy balance equation between points (3) and (b) is:
V 2b =2 h3 hb


The enthalpy hb is calculated from Eqs. (1) and (12).

Assuming a value for the pressure Px Pb <Px <P3 , the enthalpy hc and the specic volume


E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

nc are calculated from the system of equations:

hb x b hgb 1 x b hfb


sb x b sgb 1 x b sfb


scs sb x cs sgcs 1 x cs sfcs


hcs x cs hgcs 1 x cs hfcs


nbc hb hcs =hb hc


hc x c hgc 1 x c hfc


nc x c ngc 1 x c nfc


Constant cross-sectionassuming a constant value for the ratio m/A = 2500, the pressure Pd
Py and the temperature Td are calculated from the intersection of Fanno and Rayleigh lines:
hd n2d m=A2 =2 c1


Pd nd m=A2 c2


hd hTd ,Pd


nd nTd ,Pd


The constants c1, c2 are calculated from the same equations at state (c).
Diuserthe temperature T3 is calculated from the system of equations:
sd sTd , Pd


s3s sd sT3s ,Pd


h3s hT3s ,Pd


nd3 hd h3s =hd h3


h3 hT3 ,P3


Given the pressures for the states (1)(3) and using iterative calculations, the maximum value
of the ratio w can be found. The superheated temperature T1=1008C is constant.
The performance of an ejector can be represented by the ow entrainment ratio in terms of

E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226


the pressures of primary and secondary vapors (generator and evaporator pressure,
respectively), and the back pressure (condenser pressure). By xing the actuating pressure Pg
and the secondary pressure Pe (or the evaporator temperature Te), or the back pressure (or the
condenser temperature Te), we calculated the ow entrainment ratio at various condenser
temperatures or at various evaporator temperatures, respectively.
Fig. 3 shows the eect of pressure Px on ow entrainment ratio w, under dierent
evaporator temperature Te, when the generator pressure is Pg=40 bar and condenser
temperature is Tc=408C. Also Fig. 4 shows the eect of the pressure Px on ow entrainment
ratio w, under dierent condenser temperatures Tc, when the Pg=40 bar and evaporator
temperature is Te=108C. From Figs. 3 and 4 it can be seen that at any evaporator temperature
and at any condenser temperature there is a maximum ow entrainment ratio.
Fig. 5 shows some calculated results for Pg=38, 39, 40, 41 bar and Te=108C. It can be seen
that maximum ow entrainment ratio increases with increasing generator pressure Pg and
decreases with rising condenser temperature Tc, when the evaporator temperature is constant.
A measure of ejector eciency of compression is proposed by ASHRAE [7]:
Z mg me h3 h2 =mg h1 has 1 wh3 h2 =h1 has


The numerator of this ratio is the actual compression energy recovered and the denominator is
the theoretical energy available in the motive stream. In Fig. 6, it can be seen that this ratio
increases with increasing evaporator temperature Te and decreasing generator pressure Pg. It is
noticed that the ejector eciency Z is independent of pressure Px and condenser pressure Pc.
In Fig. 7, by xing the generator pressure Pg and evaporator temperature Te, the Mach
number before the shock eect is shown to increase with increasing condenser temperature Te
and decreasing pressure Px . In addition the Mach number after the shock eect increases with
increasing condenser temperature Te and decreases with decreasing pressure Px .

Fig. 3. The eect of pressure Px under dierent evaporator temperatures Te on ow entrainment ratio w for
generator pressure Pg=40 bar and condenser temperature Tc=408C.


E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

Fig. 4. The eect of pressure Px under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on ow entrainment ratio w for
generator pressure Pg=40 bar and evaporator temperature Te=108C.

3. Performance of the proposed air-conditioning system

In the present air-conditioning system was studied the inuence of the parameters on the
behavior of ejector and system performance. The following assumptions were made in order to
estimate the coecient of performance:
1. The exit of condenser is at saturated liquid state.
2. The uid at the exit of evaporator is at saturated vapor state.

Fig. 5. The eect of condenser temperature Tc under dierent generator pressures Pg on maximum ow entrainment
ratio wmax for evaporator temperature Te=108C.

E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226


Fig. 6. The eect of evaporator temperature Te under dierent generator pressures Pg on ejector eciency Z.

Fig. 7. The eect of pressure Px under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on Mach number for generator pressure
Pg=40 bar and evaporator temperature Te=108C.

3. The uid at the exit of generator is at superheated vapor state.

4. The expansion through the expansion valve is a throttling process.
The basic equations obtained from the conservation law for energy are:
Qe me h2 h5



E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

Qg mg h1 h6


Wp mg h6 h4


Thus the COP of the system is determined by its operating conditions and may be calculated
from equation:
COP Qe =Qg Wp wh2 h5 =h1 h4


The equivalent coecient of performance for Carnot cycle is calculated from the equation:
COPc Tg Tc Te =Tg Tc Te


The inuence of evaporator temperature Te under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on

maximum coecient of performance is shown in Fig. 8, for a constant generator pressure Pg.
It can be seen that the maximum coecient of performance increases with increasing
evaporator temperature and decreasing condenser temperature. The equivalent chart for the
Carnot cycle is shown in Fig. 9.
The maximum coecient of performance COPmax depends proportionally on generator
pressure Pg (see Fig. 10). Thus, the COPmax increases with increasing generator pressure Pg
and increasing evaporator temperature, when the condenser temperature Tc is constant.
The maximum value of COPmax can be estimated by correlation of generator temperature at

Fig. 8. The eect of evaporator temperature Te under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on maximum coecient
of performance COPmax for generator pressure Pg=40 bar.

E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226


Fig. 9. The eect of evaporator temperature Te under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on coecient of
performance COPc (Carnot) for generator pressure Pg=40 bar.

saturated vapor state Tg (76.1179.578C), condenser and evaporator temperature Tc (34428C)

and Te (4128C), respectively, and constant superheated temperature (1008C).
COP max

Bi  T ig



Fig. 10. The eect of generator pressure Pg under dierent evaporator temperatures Te on maximum coecient of
performance COPmax for condenser temperature Tc=408C.


E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

Table 1
Values of constants aij


2.0276094  102
4.9802132  104

3.2918457  102
4.3401073  104

7.0376334  102
3.8395295  103
5.179187  105

3.0223042  103
1.6396927  104
2.1992149  106





T ic

T ic 


aij  T je


bij  T je


Values of the constants aij and bij are given in Tables 1 and 2. The maximum error is less
The inuence of pressure ratio Pe/Pc under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on maximum
ow entrainment ratio wmax is shown in Fig. 11, for constant generator pressure Pg=40 bar. It
can be seen that the maximum ow entrainment ratio increases with increasing pressure ratio
and decreasing condenser temperature.
The performance of the system can be estimated as the evaporation per unit of motive
stream as a function of evaporator temperature. Fig. 12 shows the performance as a function
of evaporator temperature Te under dierent condenser temperature Tc for constant generator
pressure Pg.
4. Conclusions
Studies on the performance characteristics of an ejector were carried out. For the detailed
calculation of the proposed cycle, a method and a corresponding computer mode have been
Table 2
Values of constants bij


2.0996843  102
8.4952586  104
1.1338905  105

5.4333481  103
3.188928  104
4.4693205  106

7.4325452  104
4.1646156  105
5.7854213  107

2.6151059  105
1.5297906  106
2.1793358  108

E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226


Fig. 11. The eect of pressure ratio Pe/Pc under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on maximum ow entrainment
ratio wmax for generator pressure Pg=40 bar.

developed, which employ analytical functions describing the thermodynamic properties of the
The shock phenomena on the entrained vapor play important role in ejector performance
and the COP of the system. The pressure before the shock in the ejector, which is calculated
from the assumed model, was shown not to be a constant but to vary with operation
conditions and entrainment ratio. The region of Mach number and vapor velocity, before

Fig. 12. The eect of evaporator temperature Te under dierent condenser temperatures Tc on performance of the
system for generator pressure Pg=40 bar.


E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis / Applied Thermal Engineering 20 (2000) 213226

shock eect, for Pg=40 bar, Tc=408C and Te=108C was 1.1221.497 and 501652 m/s,
respectively. Also the region of ejector eciency Z for the present work was 0.2910.345.
It was found that there are three independent system design variables for the ejector system,
namely, the pressure (or temperature) of the generator, condenser and evaporator. It was
found that at xed evaporator temperature, the COPmax, as well as the cooling capacity,
increases with increasing generator pressure, but the condenser temperature decreases. In other
words, this work yielded the fact that the highest operating eciency can be achieved if the
generator pressure increases with decreasing condenser temperature when the evaporator
temperature is xed. The region of COPmax and COPc for this study area was 0.0420.446 and
0.7121.675, respectively.
Also this study showed that the maximum coecient of performance is a linear function of
generator temperature, a quadratic function of condenser temperature and a cubic function of
evaporator temperature.
[1] J.T. Munday, D.F. Bagster, A new ejector theory applied to steam jet refrigeration, Ind. Engng. Chem., Proc.
Des. Dev. 16 (4) (1977) 442449.
[2] B. Ziegler, Ch Trepp, Equation of state for ammonia water mixture, Rev. Int. Froid 7 (2) (1984) 101106.
[3] S.P.R. Rao, R.P. Singh, Performance characteristics of single-stage jet ejectors using two simple models, Chem.
Engng. Commun. 66 (1988) 207219.
[4] D.A. Kouremenos, E.D. Rogdakis, G.K. Alexis, Optimization of enhance steam-ejector applied to steam jet refrigeration, Proc. ASME, Anaheim, CA, 38 (1998) 1926.
[5] L.S. Harris, A.S. Fischer, Characteristics of the steam-jet vacuum pump, J. Engng. Ind. 86 (1954) 358364.
[6] W.F. Stoecker, Refrigeration and air-conditioning, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958.
[7] ASHRAE, Steam-jet refrigeration equipment, equipment handbook, Chap. 13, 13.113.6, 1979.

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