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Page 1 of2 ‘Subject: RE: Contact Info Foe hy De cere ere i gaa | .C__) _imentioned thst you are out of the office for the next few days, ~ WH YOU Get ie THENCE, PIeGSE erat Te WATETEVEr TID YOU ave So far We should be abl to get G! subpoenas issued is wook tvoush tho US. Atomey’s Qlce nC. ¢ > wil sond me the IP addresses for which we need'to get. ! ook forward to working with you on this case. bys t=: Criminal Division U.S. Department of Justoe suor200s Page 1 of 2 ‘Subject: PACER Case : - | L — i Give me a call at your convenience to discuss the PACER investigation. be C J CT ae c “Frial Attorney <= SERIE Dima Criminal Division == US. Dapariment of Justice = . : 11/3/2008 Page | of2 Cc ; de pute om = Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 11:14 AM ' 77 SE TEE ‘Subject: PACER Case CUE Vone gh - eae Soe Give me a call at your convenience to discuss the PACER investigation. fe bs The Gu'subpoena has nol.gone.outyet._I'Iry to get DC fa take care of iLoday. rim DIvtsror —— — US. Department of Justice = remy Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 2:36 FM be Te Cee Toe df be de . sexs=~ Subjects-ID.Contact nae ki » Novae Hiere Is my contact info. 11/3/2008 Page 1 of 1 CII IEE) bdleg : aaa ; From & crs Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 4:31 PM a es = c é yb Go te fait ‘Subject! GJS Request for PACER investigation Attachments: GS04.for Case.241 in Gino 07-04. pdt. SEES ood i ie a ere i Hore isthe GJ subpoena form fof ortte PACER case, 11/3/2008 Subject: Re: Us Courts Megiing te ‘Who exactly is the meeting with? ~~ It may be easiest if you just call me at the number below to give me the info. ( Jibk te Satan a t eee — ea to FAL i yore To: C ) be te Sent: Fri Oct 10 63:09:27 2008 | From Subject: RE: US oe Meeting ¢ be Te Tora TEST Bn eng TUrET Te COMIN & MEEING Today = So Tih assuming Ho Mesing was Scheduled, wv) | Please give me a call at your convenience today o discuss the status ofthe Investigation, ' } bee 1 raat atorney Compuiter Crime & Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division U.S, Department of Justice IE = c 4 i 1 ieee —Sentic Friday, October31, 200% + tere Praca Subject: RE: US Courts meeting ry d be te T’ve got_it on my calendar and will plan on being ther He Seventeen aera What is street address for the meeting place, as well as the namé and contact info for our POC there? Thanks, \be Te ,) Trial Attorney ‘onputer Grime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal. Division U.S. Department of Justice Caan ) bere de i Sent? Tess November 04, 2008 3:21 PM : To: 7 Subj “gis Repsonse be te ‘See what leads you can run down this week and early next & le’s plan on-chatting next Wednesday or Thursday.. SS ee \ Wiel Attorney Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division U.S. Department of Justice ‘4 see pte Te 7 = From:( 7D eeIe Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 2:00 PM" 1 Tot lusapc) bee co ) Sight nef” Js Reon Rigerud Yo tous n est 2 Sent: i Nov, Subject: Re( 1s Rensonsenct 3 How about Friday ti q= a ¢ BARS 54 2008 From: "To: Ce: ‘ r be Te 'il-be-out of town next Monday through Wednesday~ but I'm available on ‘Thursday the 19";~As an FY|'~I-believe- the U.S. Attorney's Office in.DC has already closed their. case...On Thursday — we can either meet by. phone or in person (here at CCIPS). Let us know your druthers. ¢ > byte ‘ Yriel Attorney Computer Grime & Intellectual Property Section a Ee From ) Tox .. Yer, 2c Sil! : 4 ‘Sent: FeiNow 07 15:57:56.2008 = ‘Subject: REY _[S)S_Repsonse,par ¢ ey bu Te bs 2 ce ) bute G EE Tial Attorney’ ae aan ‘Computer Grime & intellectual Property Section Crna Diststor U.S, Department of Justice ) bre From: Tor ce: Subject: Okay ~ the following week is Thanksgiving. How about Monday the 24"? That's the only day I'l be in town that week. (ae - ied ‘Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division ~~ U.S. Department of Justice Frofr: To: Y 4 b6 te ce: 1 (cRM) ‘Sent: Fri Nov 14 16:21:00 2008 un Mect; RE: PACER, bbe Bese eae € Tek ike ont be avaiable to meet on Thursday. ‘Are you available on Friday? G > pete ( Computer Clime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division USS. Department of Justice pore & From: rom: bot we) | Subject: a sPoe AN a teteeeeeee al: | think this is getting too convoluted and we should talk sooner rather than later. Let's just stick with next Thursday i ~~ at SCIPS at-1400,-Welll meetwithoure be te eset i oe ee We : er ( }, Trial Attomey \- Computer Crime & intellectual Property Section | Griminal Division U.S. Department of Justice i ‘The only day I willbe in that week is Wednesday. If you want me there, we will have to mave to the following week. { d pete Computer Gino & ntsc Property Section US Department of Justice ) bee be le alee = ‘Subject: RE: PACER Okay ~ the following week is Thanksgiving. How about Monday the 24" That's the only day I'll be in town that week. ¢ Yrialattomey Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division =ULS_Deparmentoriist Subject: i _ a {met with the FBI agents this sftemoon and explained that DC is going to close thelr PACER case. l ps —Weilupdate the Exeultive Offs of US. Cour re te Sats. ee aeeeceaee ace ; Het you-know-hew things go— = —— 7 7 7 1 Ceennnay scares yuna Reranya! Subject PACER Update C 7 ® TC How are things going with the PACER investigation? Any updates to report? ie rial Attorney _ Computer Clime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division U.S, Department of Justice it \_be ne ao pete ee - ee ¢ ) bate Have any investigative steps been taken since we met in November — leads sent to Sacramento or Chicago, for instance? ~ ~ a a — a. ute. rial Attorney ~ Computer lime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division. U.S. Department of Justice X ee Spr, Fb 05, 200152, ie ae ue wis ¢ y bl Te : How are things going with the PACER investigation? Any updates to report? C ) bute ( 2 Trial Atomey “computer Crime & intelectual Property Section minal Dvision| fe C Curd I LFS] = ¥ i Get (ee yp be Fe tbject> RE: PAGER Update- Expires: "Thursday, August 21, 2036 12:00 AM. | é J bu te The U.S, Attorney's Office in DC has already closed the matter they had opened for the PACER compromise. b5 | = HiilalAtomey pale Criminal Division cesar a 7 U.S, Depariment of Justice - : : eee ea ae = 7 Ee et Fro Eee) tater ea ‘Sent! Monday, April 05, 2009 2:19 PM. ew He eeESyD ioe be te ‘Subject: RE: PACER Update L dy bb te _....Doyou have any updates re your PACER investigation?. CF bh te Trial Attorney Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Criminal Di

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