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A Low HSPUA Throughput Caused by Improper RTWP

May 20, 2011 by TheBeeliever Leave a comment


Phenomenon Description : In project V in country B, when a single site is

tested, the HSUPA throughput in many cells cannot reach the required value
(more than 500 kbps).
Alarm Information : The alarm RRU Rx Branch RTWP Difference Too
High is raised in some cells.
Cause Analysis : We suspected the RTWP was improper. The analysis is as
follows: HSUPA scheduling is based on the RTWP. The baseline value is 105.9
dBm, and no interference exists by default. If any interference or other cause
leads to the improper RTWP, the HSUPA throughput is affected.
Handling Process :
1. We checked the RTWP in the cell with an improper HSUPA throughput on the
RNC LMT or NodeB LMT. The main branch and diversity branch are displayed on
the NodeB LMT, and the combination of the main branch and diversity branch is
displayed on the RNC LMT.
2. If the RTWP is greater than 100 dBm, we can basically determine the RWTP
causes the improper HSUPA throughput. If the RTWP is proper, we can, according
to the related guide, find other causes such as parameter configuration, cell
state, and transmission configuration.
3. When the RTWP is greater than 100 dBm, the HSUPA throughput is improper.
The cause is analyzed as follows: According to the current baseline
configuration, the maximum uplink target load is 75%, that is, a rise of 6 dB
is allowed for the background noise. The current baseline of the background
noise is 61, the corresponding RTWP is 105.9 dBm (112 + 61/10).

Considering a rise of 6 dB, the RTWP is 99.9 dBm. That is, the RTWP reaches
the maximum threshold when no UE is accessed. The LST CELLCAC command
can be used to view the BackgroundNoise value.
4. After confirming the improper RTWP causes a low HUSPA throughput, we
enabled the automatic update switch for background noise with the command:
MOD CELLCAC: CellId=11111, BGNSwitch=ON; This function can automatically
update the background noise in a period every day, for example, 1:00 a.m. to
6:00 a.m. (default value). If the RTWP is proper before, the automatic update
switch for background noise can be enabled to solve the problem.
5. If the problem is not solved after the automatic update switch for background
noise is enabled, to avoid affecting the project progress or acceptance, the
following temporary solution can be used to ensure that the acceptance of a
single site is passed. The fundamental cause for the problem is that the actual
background noise differs from the configured one. Therefore, it is necessary to
manually set them to the same value.
The procedure is as follows:
1) Track the RTWP in the current cell at the RNC to obtain the current RTWP, for
example, CurrentRTWP.
Modify the background noise in the current cell with the following command:
MOD CELLCAC: CellId=11111, BackgroundNoise=(CurrentRTWP+112)*10;
Disable the automatic update switch for background noise.
2) After modification, test the HUSPA throughput at the place near to the cell.
Generally, the problem can be solved.
3) After testing, modify the background noise to the baseline value and enable
the automatic update switch for background noise.
The purpose of the temporary solution is to ensure that the acceptance of a
single site can be passed. The solution for an improper RTWP is the most
fundamental, but it usually takes a very long time.
Suggestions and Summary : After the preceding solution is applied to project
V, the HSUPA throughput is proper.
In practice, some causes may lead to an improper RTWP that affects the HSUPA
throughput. The preceding solution is applicable to such problem.

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