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ECE503 Digital Signal Processing

Problem Set 01

1. An analog electrocardiogram (ECG) signal contains useful frequencies up to 100 Hz

(a) What is the Nyquist rate for this signal?
(b) Suppose we sample this signal at a rate of 250 samples/second, what is the highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at this sampling rate?

2. Determine if the following functions are periodic and, if yes, please find their fundamental period?
(a) x(n) = cos(0.01n)
(b) x(n) = cos( 30n
(c) x(n) = sin(3n)
(d) x(n) = sin( 62n
(e) x(n) = 3 cos(5n + 8 )
(f) x(n) = cos( n8 ) cos( n8 )

3. An analog signal contains frequencies up to 10 kHz.

(a) What range of sampling frequency allows exact reconstruction of this signal from its samples?
(b) Suppose that we sample this signal with a sampling frequency Fs = 8 kHz, examine what
happens to the frequency F = 5 kHz.
(c) Repeat when the frequency F = 9 kHz.

4. A digital communication link carries binary coded words representing samples of an input signal
xa (t) = 3 cos(600t) + 2 cos(1800t)

(a) What are the sampling rate and the folding frequency?
(b) What is the Nyquist rate for the signal?
(c) What is the resolution?

5. The discrete time signal x(n) = 6.35 cos((/10)n) is quantized with a resolution = 0.1 or
= 0.02. How many bits are required in the A/D converter in each case?

6. Determine the bit rate and resolution in the sampling of a seismic signal with dynamic range
of 1 V if the sampling rate is 20 samples/second and we use 8 bits A/D converter. What is the
maximum frequency that can be present in the resulting digital seismic signal?

7. A discrete time signal is defined as:

1 + n/3 3 <= n <= 1

x(n) = 1
0 <= n <= 3


(a) Sketch the signal using MATLAB stem() function.

(b) Sketch the signal after the following transform:
Fold x(n) and then delay the result by 4 samples.
Delay x(n) by 4 samples and then fold the result.

(c) Express the signal by the impulse (n) and unit step function u(n).

-2 -1 0

Figure 1: A discrete time signal.

8. A discrete time signal is shown in Figure 1. Sketch and label the value of the following signals:
(a) x(n 2)
(b) x(4 n)
(c) x(n)u(2 n)
(d) x(n2 )

9. A discrete time system can be classified using a range of properties: (1) static or dynamic; (2)
linear or non-linear ; (3) time invariant or time variant; (4) casual or non-casual ; (5) stable or
Please classify the following systems:
(a) y(n) = cos(x(n))
(b) y(n) = x(n) cos(n)
(c) y(n) = x(n + 2)
(d) y(n) = x(2n)
(e) y(n) = x(n)u(n)

10. Openended MATLAB Question

Suppose you have recently been hired by the Acme DSP Company to design a quantizer that
can operate on any given sample data file. Note that the quantization levels do not need to be
uniformly spaced across the dynamic range of the input signal. A few days later, your manager
gave you three signal data files, namely data1.mat, data2.mat and data3.mat.

Initially, you were instructed to design a 4-level quantizer. Determine the quantization
levels for each of the three sets of signals such that the quantization error is minimized
given that there are no restrictions on dynamic range.
Then, your manager instructed you that you can use any number of quantization levels
with the maximum number of levels being 12. Repeat part (a) using the fewest number of
quantization levels.
Finally, repeat part (b) but with a dynamic range restriction of 50%, i.e., the quantization
levels cannot exceed 75% of the absolute value of the maximum amplitude level of the
entire signal being quantized.

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