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Decision Destroyer Process

1. How is the decision/belief a problem for you now?

2. Is it all right with your unconscious mind to release this decision today and for you to
have conscious awareness of it?
a. Yes
3. Close your eyes and go ahead and get in touch with that limiting decision and light it
up in your neurology. Hasnt it been present long enough? Resolve yourself today that
this is the final day that this will ever be a problem in your life. And now ask your
unconscious to take you on a journey of consciousness. Trace it back, allow your
unconscious to be the guide as you go back to the very first event, the first time it was ever
an issue for you.
4. You may not know consciously the content of that event, but that doesnt matter, does
it? No, what does matter is that you trust your unconscious to take you right back to that
very first event of that limiting decision, which when you disconnect it there, will cause it
to disappear for you forever as an issue in your life.
5. And then go right down into the event, see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel
the feelings of being there. Notice that as youre back there, become aware of any
emotions that are present, but notice that you can keep your spirit HIGH. And you may
need to fast forward or rewind the movie to get to the point where the decision was made,
but become aware of the decision that was made. Are you aware of that decision now?
a. YES
6. And now, rise above it, keeping your spirit high. Rise all the way up into the air
towards the heavens and even higher than that. Rise right up above the stream of time,
keeping your spirit high and find yourself in the learning position directly above that
event. Notice that the event looks so tiny and insignificant down below.
a. Just nod your head as you see how very tiny the event is below you.
7. Now, as youre in the learning position now, its time to preserve the learnings. What
are the positive learnings for yourself and for the future which when you preserve those

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learnings NOW will allow you to release the emotion and the decision easily and
effortlessly. Allow those learnings to come to you now. Those learnings which will allow
this whole set of circumstances to serve a far grander purpose in your life the purpose it
was meant to serve.
8. And as you get those positive learnings, can you share them with me now?
a. Share learnings
b. If dont get any learnings: thats right, you dont know the learnings
9. Good. Now I want you to take those positive learnings for yourself and the future and I
want you to catalogue them at the unconscious level in that special place that you reserve
for all such learnings in such a way that they can change the future for you in a powerful
and positive way. And now, if those learnings had a color, what color would they be?
a. Get Color
10. Yes, now imagine that color filling up your body, saturating every cell of your body.
Imagine if they made a sound, what sound would they make? And then imagine that
sound emanating from the core of your body, encapsulating you in the color and sound of
the learnings.
11. Now, I want you to move right back into the release position in relation to this event
so that you are at least one hour before this event ever occurred or any of the events that
lead to this event and youre way up in the air looking down on it so its down below you
and in front of you and as youre looking down on the event, now in the release position,
the question is, now, where did the emotion go? Did it disappear?
a. YES
b. If no:
I want to ask your unconscious to take you zooming rapidly and
unconsciously back to an earlier point the choice point, the point where
you chose to create this entire set of circumstances in your life. And go right
down inside the choice point and become aware of the choice that was
made there too, the choice to create this entire set of circumstances in your
c. Great, now float back into the release position in relationship to this event and
preserve any additional learnings. And now get higher up and farther back. Get as
high up and as far back as you need to get to let it go And now, where has the
emotion gone? Has it disappeared?
i. YES

Thats right it did, very good. And the decision, did it disappear too?
a. YES.
13. Thats right! Hear the voices deep within congratulating you on having the heart and
mind of a champion.

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14. So now lets test. I want you to float right down inside the event so that you are inside
the event, looking through your own eyes, hearing the sounds around you, feeling the
feelings of being right there inside the event and just notice is the emotion there or has
it disappeared now?
a. YES
15. And the decision, has it gone too?
a. YES
16. Thats right, it did. Now rise back up into the air into the release position and take the
color and sound of the learnings and splash them forward along the whole stream of time,
saturating it in the color and sound of the learnings.
17. Then come all the way back until now, but only as quickly as you can notice three
opportunities that you missed in the past in light of that old decision and see them now for
the opportunities that they were and are for the future. And with each one of those
opportunities feel the excitement rising from within about the prospect of more of those
opportunities that will surely be present as you move powerfully into the future.
a. Time to process, Break state
18. Now, how do you feel about your decisions now?
Step out to some indefinite time in the future where in the past that old decision might
have limited you or held you back and notice what happens for you now.

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